2. HippoRAG:神经生物学启发的大型语言模型长期记忆法 HippoRAG: Neurobiologically Inspired Long-Term Memory for Large Language Models (arxiv.org)
3. 我们未能将升温控制在 1.5 摄氏度以内,现在有一个暂停变暖的权宜之计 We''ve failed to limit 1.5C, here is a stopgap to pause warming (unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com)
5. 经过一年的建设,我陷入了 "是否值得 "的困惑之中 After a Year of Building, I''m Stuck Wondering If It''s Worth It (www.zullion.io)
6. 反对学校--公共教育如何削弱我们的孩子,以及为什么 [pdf] Against School – How public education cripples our kids, and why [pdf] (ia800502.us.archive.org)
8. 亨丽埃塔-拉克斯看起来是个好人,但不是科学英雄 Henrietta Lacks Seems Like a Nice Person, but Not a Scientific Hero (www.astralcodexten.com)
9. 马克-扎克伯格解雇 Facebook 的流氓事实核查员是正确的 Mark Zuckerberg Was Right to Fire Facebook''s Rogue Fact-Checkers (reason.com)
10. OpenFlexture 显微镜开源 3D 打印显微镜(Pi 4 SBC、Cam Mod v2) OpenFlexture Microscope open source 3D-printed microscope (Pi 4 SBC, Cam Mod v2) (www.cnx-software.com)
12. 用 Go 为 MongoDB 构建开源实时数据复制 - Iceberg Building an Open Source Real Time Data Replication in Go for MongoDB – Iceberg (datazip.io)
15. MiniMax-01:利用 "闪电关注 "扩展基础模型 MiniMax-01: Scaling Foundation Models with Lightning Attention (arxiv.org)
20. Mozilla 就拒聘苹果激进分子一案达成和解 Mozilla Settles Case over Its Refusal to Hire Apple Activist (www.bloomberg.com)
21. 您会读草书吗?国家公园管理局想听听您的意见 Can You Read Cursive? The National Park Service Wants to Hear from You (www.nationalparkstraveler.org)
22. 韩国调查人员在叛乱调查中逮捕被弹劾总统尹炳世 Korean investigators arrest impeached President Yoon in insurrection probe (www.reuters.com)
23. 在黑暗中被困 35 小时的红海潜水船幸存者讲述可怕的逃生经历 Trapped in dark for 35 hours Red Sea dive-boat survivors tell terrifying escapes (www.bbc.com)
26. 美国将推动台积电和三星收紧对华芯片供应 US to Push TSMC and Samsung to Tighten Flow of Chips to China (www.bloomberg.com)
32. RedNote:使用 TikTokers 蜂拥而至的中国应用程序的感受 RedNote: What it''s like using the Chinese app TikTokers are flocking to (www.theverge.com)
38. 为什么命名我的 Vulkan 应用程序会使内存使用量增加 10 倍? Why does naming my Vulkan app increase memory usage by 10x? (old.reddit.com)
39. Venator:用于 Rust 跟踪和 OpenTelemetry 的日志和跟踪查看器 Venator: A log and trace viewer for Rust tracing and OpenTelemetry (github.com)
40. 因担心特朗普打击签证,移民科技工作者取消旅行计划 Fearing Trump visa crackdown, immigrant tech workers cancel travel plans (www.msn.com)
42. 内华达州法院制止警方利用联邦漏洞进行民事没收 Nevada Court Shuts Down Police Use of Federal Loophole for Civil Forfeiture (ij.org)
44. 一张照片银河、黄道十二宫、星链、恒星、OH、太阳和城市 One photo with: Milky Way, Zodiacal light, Starlink, stars, OH, sun, and cities (twitter.com)
45. Meta 将裁员 5% 的 "表现最差者",并计划为受影响的职位招聘人员 Meta to lay off 5% of ''lowest performers'', plans to hire for impacted roles (www.reuters.com)
48. 大疆禁用美国地理围栏,允许在美国禁飞区上空飞行 DJI has disabled US geofencing, enabling flights over US no-flight zones (twitter.com)
53. 加州在特朗普就职典礼前撤回清洁卡车环保局豁免申请 California withdraws clean truck EPA waiver request ahead of Trump inauguration (www.reuters.com)
55. 微软修改代码后,英特尔和 AMD 工程师急忙拯救 Linux 6.13 Intel, AMD engineers rush to save Linux 6.13 after dodgy Microsoft code change (www.theregister.com)
62. Wytiwx 配备 Core I9 14900KF (8P) 的 CPU 频率得分 9121.61 MHz Wytiwxs CPU Frequency Score 9121.61 MHz with Core I9 14900KF (8P) (hwbot.org)
63. 美国 TikTokers 涌入小红书,令中国用户困惑并与之结缘 U.S. TikTokers flock to Xiaohongshu, baffling and bonding with Chinese users (restofworld.org)
65. PPTAgent:向最佳人选学习的代理驱动型演示文稿制作 PPTAgent: Agent-Driven Presentation Creation That Learns from the Best (github.com)
69. J.开发微观机器的弗雷泽-斯托达特逝世,享年 82 岁 J. Fraser Stoddart, Who Developed Microscopic Machines, Dies at 82 (www.nytimes.com)
72. 特朗普称将成立新机构征收国外税收 Trump says he will create new agency to collect revenue from foreign sources (neuters.de)
73. MiniMax 全新开源 LLM,具有业界领先的 4M 令牌背景 MiniMax new open source LLM with industry-leading 4M token context (venturebeat.com)
75. CFPB 起诉 Capital One "欺骗 "客户超过 20 亿美元的利息 CFPB sues Capital One for ''cheating'' customers out over 2B in interest (www.cnbc.com)
79. 大多数蛋白粉可能含有铅和镉 Majority of protein powders may contain amounts of lead and cadmium (www.salon.com)
80. CFPB 起诉 Capital One "欺骗客户",骗取 20 亿美元利息 CFPB sues Capital One for "cheating customers" out of 2B in interest (www.axios.com)
82. 联邦调查局共享损坏超级铲运机的无人机碎片照片 FBI shares photos of pieces of drone that damaged super scooper aircraft (abc7ny.com)
83. 据当地媒体报道,韩国被弹劾总统尹锡烈被捕 South Korea''s impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol arrested, local media reports (www.cnbc.com)
84. 美国证券交易委员会起诉埃隆-马斯克,指控其未能适当披露 Twitter 的所有权 SEC sues Elon Musk, alleging failure to properly disclose Twitter ownership (www.cnbc.com)
86. 北约启动 "波罗的海哨兵",加强关键基础设施安全 NATO launches ''Baltic Sentry'' to increase critical infrastructure security (www.nato.int)
87. 元律师马克-莱姆利以扎克伯格的 "血统 "为由退出人工智能案 Meta lawyer Mark Lemley quits AI case citing Zuckerberg ''descent'' (news.bloomberglaw.com)
88. Openstreetmap.org 代码库,约 2024 年 The Openstreetmap.org Codebase, Circa 2024 (secarateratur.medium.com)
89. Parallels 正在 Apple Silicon Mac 上测试 x86 仿真功能 Parallels is testing x86 emulation on Apple Silicon Macs (www.theverge.com)
92. 粗心的艇员泄露了法国核潜艇巡逻的日期 Dates of French nuclear submarine patrols revealed by careless crew members (www.lemonde.fr)
94. 湾区科技巨头 Meta 先解雇工人,再招聘替代者 Bay Area tech giant Meta to dump workers, then hire replacements (www.sfgate.com)
95. "美国数据中心的 GPT 培训可蒸发 70 万升淡水 "GPT training in U.S. data centers can evaporate 700k L of freshwater" (arxiv.org)
97. Meta 刚刚打开了防止错误信息传播的开关 Meta just flipped the switch that prevents misinformation from spreading (www.platformer.news)
98. 巴西称梅塔仇恨言论政策变化与当地法律不符 Brazil says Meta hate speech policy changes do not fit with local law (www.reuters.com)
100. 如何创建专业的 LinkedIn 账户,实现职业成功:循序渐进 How to Create a Professional LinkedIn Account for Career Success: A Step-by-Step (fluxzap.com)
101. 唐纳德-特朗普就塞斯-梅耶斯的深夜节目咆哮威胁康卡斯特公司 Donald Trump Threatens Comcast in Rant over Seth Meyers'' Late Night Show (deadline.com)
104. 三岛:四章人生--保罗-施拉德罕见的杰作 Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters – Paul Schrader''s Generally Unseen Masterpiece (theconflictedfilmsnob.com)
106. 人工智能将在 "核革命 "开始前数年喷出毒气 AI Will Spew Gas Fumes for Years Before the Nuclear Revolution Takes Off (gizmodo.com)
111. 愿意支付任何金额":洛杉矶需要私人消防员 ''Will Pay Any Amount'': Private Firefighters Are in Demand in L.A (www.nytimes.com)
113. AutoGen Studio:构建多代理系统的无代码开发工具 AutoGen Studio: A No-Code Developer Tool for Building Multi-Agent Systems (arxiv.org)
116. 全州保险公司被控向应用程序制造商支付驾驶员数据费用 Allstate accused of paying app makers for driver data (www.theregister.com)
117. 512(C) 帮助 Vimeo 打败唱片公司。只用了 15 年 512(C) Helps Vimeo Defeat the Record Labels. It Only Took 15 Years (blog.ericgoldman.org)
118. 欧盟抗议美国新的人工智能芯片限制--部分国家面临 GPU 上限 EU protests new US AI chip restrictions – some countries face GPU caps (www.tomshardware.com)
122. 树莓派 RP2350 黑客挑战赛结果公布 Raspberry Pi''s RP2350 Hacking Challenge Results Announced (www.tomshardware.com)
124. 登山者使用体育运动中禁用的氙气攀登珠峰 Climbers Using Xenon Gas, Which Is Banned in Sports, to Climb Everest (gripped.com)
127. 微软2025 年快乐。这里有 161 个安全更新 Microsoft: Happy 2025. Here''s 161 Security Updates (krebsonsecurity.com)
129. 司法部、联邦调查局和国际合作伙伴删除中国支持的恶意软件 Justice Dept., FBI and International Partners Delete China-Backed Malware (www.justice.gov)
130. 开源 Sky-T1,一个用不到 450 美元训练出来的 "推理 "人工智能模型 Open source Sky-T1, a ''reasoning'' AI model trained for less than 450 (techcrunch.com)
131. H.R.25 - 废除所得税并撤销国内税收署 H.R.25 – Repeal income tax and abolish the Internal Revenue Service (www.congress.gov)
132. 开放源码硬件工具、生成器和可重复使用的设计清单 A list of open source hardware tools, generators, and reusable designs (github.com)
135. 阅读 10 本营养学书籍的收获(和启示 What I Learned (and Unlearned) Reading 10 Books on Nutrition (www.scotthyoung.com)
137. 带有计划任务(jawbone)的 GPT-4o 已推出测试版 GPT-4o with scheduled tasks (jawbone) is available in beta (chatgpt.com)
139. 维生素 C 或猕猴桃干预对低维生素 C 成人的情绪影响 Mood outcomes in Vitamin C or kiwi intervention in adults with low Vitamin C (www.cambridge.org)
141. 如果你看到这个速度标志,你可能会死掉 If You Ever See This Speed Sign, You''re Probably Going to Die (www.theautopian.com)
142. 特朗普称将成立 "对外税务局 "征收关税收入 Trump says he will create ''External Revenue Service'' to collect tariff income (www.theguardian.com)
143. 美国国家航空航天局的金属球:每个人都忽略的惊人简报 NASA''s Metallic Orbs: The Surprising Briefing Everyone Missed (medium.com)
144. 苹果将 AirPods 用户推入 "透明 "模式,取消了 "噪音控制 "模式 Apple pushes AirPods owners into Transparency mode, nixes a Noise Control mode (keydiscussions.com)
145. 保罗-格雷厄姆的 RSS Feed 已滞后 15 个月,因此我创建了一个新的 RSS Feed Paul Graham''s RSS Feed was 15 months behind, so I built a new one (brianvia.blog)
146. TikTok 用户在美国禁令前涌向中国应用 RedNote TikTok users flock to Chinese app RedNote before US ban (www.bbc.com)
147. 人工智能编码软件制造商 Anysphere 融资 1.05 亿美元 Anysphere, a Maker of A.I. Coding Software, Raises 105M (www.nytimes.com)
149. Linux 基金会会收购 Chrome 浏览器吗?视频 Will the Linux Foundation Purchase Chrome? [video] (www.youtube.com)
150. 美国环保局称,农场使用的污水污泥肥料中的化学物质有致癌风险 Chemicals in sewage sludge fertilizer used on farms pose cancer risk, EPA says (www.theguardian.com)
152. OpenAI 的人工智能推理模型有时会用中文 "思考",但没人知道为什么 OpenAI''s AI reasoning model ''thinks'' in Chinese sometimes and no one knows why (techcrunch.com)
157. 38% 的新创企业创始人为个人(比 2017 年增长 2 倍) 38% of new startups have solo founders (2x from 2017) (twitter.com)
158. 在一片炒作声中,微软围绕人工智能重组了整个开发团队 Amid a flurry of hype, Microsoft reorganizes entire dev team around AI (arstechnica.com)
160. 苹果与英特尔和 AMD 加入 UALink 联盟,对抗英伟达的人工智能主导地位 Apple joins UALink consortium with Intel and AMD to take on Nvidia AI dominance (9to5mac.com)
162. 带闪存的中文 RJ45-USB .exe 被认定为恶意软件 Chinese RJ45-USB with Flash Memory .exe Recognized as Malware (epcyber.com)
164. 谷歌不得不教其 NotebookLM 播客主持人不要对人类表现出恼怒的样子 Google had to teach its NotebookLM podcast hosts not to act annoyed at humans (techcrunch.com)
166. 我的人工智能教练您口袋里的法学硕士培训师/营养师 My AI Trainer: LLM powered trainer/nutritionist in your pocket (www.myaitrainer.app)
168. 我的人工智能培训师您口袋中的法律硕士培训师/营养师 My AI Trainer: Your LLM trainer/nutritionist in your pocket (apps.apple.com)
169. 纽约地铁由 20 世纪 30 年代的技术、纸质地图和希望引导 NYC subways steered by 1930s tech, paper maps and hope (gothamist.com)
170. 拜登政府敲定美国对中国汽车的打压措施 Biden administration finalizes US crackdown on Chinese vehicles (www.reuters.com)
172. 只有经常出现这种情况的语言的用户才会说 "无法避免"。 "No way to prevent this" say users of only language where this regularly happens (xeiaso.net)
173. 联想可卷曲笔记本电脑不再是概念--今年上市,售价 3500 美元 Lenovo''s rollable laptop is a concept no more – launching this year for 3,500 (www.theverge.com)
175. 黄仁勋在 2025 年消费电子展访谈中谈 RTX 5090 价格 Jensen Huang Talks RTX 5090 Price at CES 2025 Interview (www.szyunze.com)
178. 两套自动制动系统看不清穿反光衣的人 Two Auto-Braking Systems Can''t See People in Reflective Garb (usa.streetsblog.org)
182. 如何测试基于 SQLite 的轻量级分布式数据库 rqlite How rqlite – the lightweight distributed database built on SQLite – is tested (philipotoole.com)
183. 来自美国的有毒废物如何流入墨西哥的一个社区 How toxic waste from the US ends up in a neighborhood in Mexico (www.theguardian.com)
184. 洛杉矶的大火让加州的缺水问题一目了然。情况会变得更糟 The LA fires cast CA''s water scarcity into stark view. It''s going to get worse (www.vox.com)
185. 洛杉矶大火和气候风险将加州保险市场推向极限 LA Fires, Climate Risks Push California Insurance Market to Limit (www.bloomberg.com)
190. GamersNexus 对 PayPal 和 Honey 提起新诉讼 [视频] GamersNexus Files New Lawsuit Against PayPal and Honey [video] (www.youtube.com)
192. 作为削减成本计划的一部分,微软暂停美国咨询部门的招聘工作 Microsoft pauses hiring in U.S. consulting unit as part of cost-cutting plan (www.cnbc.com)
193. Snyk 安全实验室测试更新:Cursor.com AI 代码编辑器 Snyk Security Labs Testing Update: Cursor.com AI Code Editor (snyk.io)
195. HDM-1 在 LLM 幻觉检测任务中击败 GPT-4o-mini HDM-1 beats GPT-4o-mini in LLM hallucination detection tasks (www.aimon.ai)
196. Meta 表示,裁员 5%对于进一步发展人工智能和社交媒体至关重要 Meta says 5% staff cut is critical to further AI, social media (arstechnica.com)
197. Mirantis Rockoon:Kubernetes 上的 OpenStack 管理 Mirantis Rockoon: OpenStack Management on Kubernetes (thenewstack.io)
199. 搭载 8GB 内存和 Hailo-8 人工智能模块的树莓派 5 边缘人工智能计算机问世 Raspberry Pi 5 edge AI computer ships with 8GB RAM, Hailo-8 AI module (www.cnx-software.com)
201. 大疆创新 Flip 正式发布:独特的自行车轮辐折叠无人机,起价 439 美元 DJI Flip official: the unique bicycle spoke folding drone starts at 439 (www.theverge.com)
202. 使用 BPFtrace 在 Rust 中跟踪大内存分配 Tracing Large Memory Allocations in Rust with BPFtrace (readyset.io)
203. 乌克兰无人机大规模袭击俄罗斯西部目标 Mass Ukrainian Drone Onslaught Strikes Targets Across Western Russia (www.twz.com)
206. 诺贝尔奖获得者呼吁紧急开展 "登月行动 "以避免全球饥饿 Nobel Prize winners call for urgent ''moonshot'' effort to avert global hunger (www.theguardian.com)
209. 红帽收购 Neural Magic,豪赌人工智能 Red Hat bets big on AI with its Neural Magic acquisition (www.zdnet.com)
212. 最长上下文可达 4M,MiniMax-01 混合型 456B 开放源码型号 Longest context up to 4M, MiniMax-01 hybrid 456B Open source model (github.com)
215. 艺术收藏家称他在洛杉矶火灾中失去了沃霍尔和哈林作品 Art Collector Says He Lost Warhols and Harings to L.A. Fire (www.nytimes.com)
216. 你不需要智能手机:设备降级指南 You don''t need a smartphone: a guide to downgrading your device (www.theguardian.com)
219. 波特兰禁止私营实体使用人脸识别技术 Portland: Prohibit the Use of Face Recognition Technologies by Private Entities (www.portland.gov)
221. 军情五处的文件显示,女王在 9 年时间里都没有向她通报间谍布朗特在王室中的情况 MI5 files suggest queen not briefed on spy Blunt in royal household for 9 years (www.theguardian.com)
223. 最重要的开发人员生产力指标:构建时间 The Most Important Developer Productivity Metric: Build Times (www.honeycomb.io)
225. 扎克伯格称 Meta 将裁掉更多 "低效员工 Zuckerberg says Meta will lay off more ''low-performers'' (www.theverge.com)
227. 规模信任:加密货币和区块链的经济局限性 Trust at Scale: The Economic Limits of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains (doi.org)
228. 海洛背后的团队发布了与克劳德和 GPT 4o 竞争的 1M 上下文 LLM Team behind Hailuo release 1M context LLM competitive with Claude and GPT 4o (www.minimaxi.com)
233. 去中心化 Instagram 替代品 Pixelfed 推出移动应用程序 Decentralized Instagram alternative Pixelfed launches mobile apps (techcrunch.com)
234. 双词测试作为大型语言模型的语义基准 The Two Word Test as a semantic benchmark for large language models (www.nature.com)
238. 为宇航员唐-佩蒂特设计在国际空间站上使用的星际追踪器 Designing a Star Tracker for Astronaut Don Pettit to Use on the ISS (petapixel.com)
240. 通过目标工程,而非抗体工程,获得更好的抗体 Better antibodies by engineering targets, not engineering antibodies (www.owlposting.com)
241. 弗拉基米尔-普京 "考虑冻结俄罗斯银行账户 "和 "食品卡 Vladimir Putin ''considering freezing Russian bank accounts'' and ''food cards'' (www.msn.com)
242. 平台系统性地删除一名用户,因为他制作了 "通缉 CEO "卡片 Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Cards (www.eff.org)
249. Tote:浏览器 uxn 仿真器 - 使用符号的原始计算 Tote: A browser uxn emulator – primordial computation with symbols (hundredrabbits.itch.io)
250. 隐藏在 HTML 中解析网页布局2.9B 网页分析 Hidden In HTML: Parsing Page Layouts. 2.9B Web Page Analysis (webparsing.io)
257. 被遗产困扰:发现和利用脆弱的隧道主机 [pdf] Haunted by Legacy: Discovering and Exploiting Vulnerable Tunnelling Hosts [pdf] (papers.mathyvanhoef.com)
260. 关于推进美国在人工智能基础设施领域的领导地位的行政令 Executive Order on Advancing United States Leadership in AI Infrastructure (www.whitehouse.gov)
261. FluentAssertions 8 已将许可证改为商业模式 FluentAssertions 8 has changed its license to a commercial model (github.com)
262. 司法部证实联邦调查局从美国电脑中大量删除中国恶意软件的行动 DOJ confirms FBI operation that mass-deleted Chinese malware from US computers (techcrunch.com)
263. 穆伦维格称诉讼可能会终结 WordPress Mullenweg Says Lawsuits Could End WordPress (www.searchenginejournal.com)
265. 马斯克、扎克伯格和特朗普都在虚假信息战中瞄准了巴西 Musk, Zuckerberg and Trump all target Brazil in disinformation war (www.opendemocracy.net)
266. 台湾批准台积电在海外生产 2 纳米芯片--台湾降低 "硅盾 Taiwan clears TSMC to make 2nm chips abroad – country lowers ''Silicon Shield'' (www.tomshardware.com)
268. Miegakure [隐藏与揭示]:4D 解谜平台游戏 Miegakure [Hide and Reveal]: A 4D puzzle-platforming game (miegakure.com)
269. MathReader:数学文档的文本到语音 [pdf] MathReader: Text-to-Speech for Mathematical Documents [pdf] (arxiv.org)
271. Meta 宣布削减 5%,为 "紧张的一年 "做准备 Meta announces 5% cuts in preparation for ''intense year'' (www.cnbc.com)
273. 甲骨文开源霸主宣布退出,携巨额股份离去 Oracle open source overlord calls it quits, leaves with big ol'' pile of shares (www.theregister.com)
274. 苹果公司即将从台积电亚利桑那晶圆厂获得 "美国制造 "芯片 Apple will soon receive ''made in America'' chips from TSMC''s Arizona fab (www.tomshardware.com)
275. 澳大利亚网球公开赛显然取消了 NFT 项目 Australian Open apparently scraps its NFT project (www.web3isgoinggreat.com)
282. 2024 年全球升温超过 1.5C。我们辜负了《巴黎协定》吗? In 2024 global warming topped 1.5C. Have we failed the Paris Agreement? (www.abc.net.au)
284. 使用 Golang 扩展 LLM:我们如何为 LLM 请求提供服务 Scaling LLMs with Golang: How we serve LLM requests (www.assembled.com)
286. 全州保险公司使用 GasBuddy 和其他应用程序跟踪驾驶行为 Allstate used GasBuddy and other apps to track driving behavior (arstechnica.com)
287. Haiku OS 启动并运行 Iceweasel 网络浏览器 Haiku OS Gets the Iceweasel Web Browser Up and Running (www.phoronix.com)
290. 使用 Monero 以匿名方式支付 Mullvad VPN 费用 Paying for Mullvad VPN Anonymously with Monero (theprivacydad.com)
291. 自杀式 Linux:语法错误时会清除硬盘的软件包 Suicide Linux: Package that wipes your drive if you commit a syntax error (qntm.org)
293. JUring:针对 Java 的实验性 IO_uring,大幅提升性能 JUring: Experimental IO_uring for Java with Big Performance Gains (www.phoronix.com)
294. 英伟达首席执行官詹森:"人工智能代理很可能是一个价值数千亿美元的机会" Nvidia CEO Jensen, "AI Agents Likely to Be a Multitrillion-Dollar Opportunity" (www.fool.com)
295. 短小精悍,人工智能引导--人群驱动的洞察力,零广告 Short, sweet, and AI-guided–crowd-driven insights, zero ads (apps.apple.com)
299. 美国联邦贸易委员会准备就隐性收费起诉美国最大的公寓房东 Greystar FTC Prepares to Sue Greystar, Largest U.S. Apartment Landlord, over Hidden Fees (www.wsj.com)