1. 德国哈贝克抨击 "科技寡头 "马斯克,呼吁欧洲 X Germany''s Habeck slams ''tech oligarch'' Musk, calls for a European X (www.politico.eu)
2. 索尼宣布不再生产可刻录蓝光光盘--了解详情 Sony announces it''s no longer making recordable Blu-Rays – here''s what to know (www.tomsguide.com)
4. OpenAI 权衡特殊投票权以防范恶意收购 OpenAI Weighs Special Voting Rights to Guard Against Hostile Takeovers (money.usnews.com)
6. 关系深度学习可让您在关系数据上训练人工智能模型 Relational Deep Learning lets you train AI models on relational data (kumo.ai)
8. Deepseek 新论文:本机可训练稀疏注意力机制 New deepseek paper: Natively Trainable Sparse Attention mechanism (twitter.com)
9. 玻利维亚人走私 "星链",以逃避中国支持的互联网 Bolivians smuggle Starlink to escape China-backed internet (restofworld.org)
10. Linux 唯一的无线/WiFi 驱动程序维护者即将卸任 Linux''s Sole Wireless/WiFi Driver Maintainer Is Stepping Down (www.phoronix.com)
11. 当你从我冰冷的手中撬走 Neovim 时,我就会放弃它 I''ll give up Neovim when you pry it from my cold, dead hands (www.jonashietala.se)
16. 大语文模式辅助写作在全社会的广泛采用 The Widespread Adoption of Large Language Model-Assisted Writing Across Society (arxiv.org)
19. 围棋注意力:纯围棋中的全神贯注机制和转换器 Go-attention: A full attention mechanism and transformer in pure Go (github.com)
20. 您的 Shopify 集成可能会在 2025 年 4 月 1 日停止工作。原因如下 Your Shopify Integration may stop working on April 1, 2025. Here is why (medium.com)
21. 微软将删除 Windows 中的位置历史记录功能 Microsoft to remove the Location History feature in Windows (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
22. 墨西哥威胁就美国地图上墨西哥湾更名一事起诉谷歌 Mexico threatens to sue Google over name change of Gulf of Mexico on US maps (www.cnn.com)
24. 这里住着怪物的大脑",揭露瑞士肮脏秘密的人 ''Here lives the monster''s brain'' The man who exposed Switzerland''s dirty secrets (www.theguardian.com)
25. 如何使用 Ollama LLM 在云服务器上安装 DeepSeek How to Install DeepSeek on Your Cloud Server with Ollama LLM (www.deployhq.com)
32. 现代 CSV:多平台 CSV 文件编辑器和查看器 Modern CSV: Multi-Platform CSV File Editor and Viewer (www.moderncsv.com)
35. 工程主管 13 - 16万和早期阶段选择。健康科技 Head of Eng. 130 – 160K and early stage options. Healthtech (www.tryvital.com)
38. 面向产品负责人的分布式软件架构基础知识 Distributed Software Architecture Fundamentals for Product Owners (litdev.bearblog.dev)
42. 利用新一代海底基础设施释放全球人工智能潜力 Unlocking global AI potential with next-generation subsea infrastructure (engineering.fb.com)
44. 美达准备让特朗普参与对抗欧盟规则的斗争 Meta Is Ready to Bring Trump into Play in Fight Against EU Rules (www.bloomberg.com)
45. 韩国调查发现,DeepSeek 向 ByteDance 发送了用户数据 DeepSeek sent user data to ByteDance, Korean probe finds (koreajoongangdaily.joins.com)
47. 使我的调试构建程序运行速度提高 100 倍,使其最终可用 Making my debug build run 100x faster so that it is finally usable (gaultier.github.io)
51. 这一新的书籍或文件排序算法接近完美 This New Algorithm for Sorting Books or Files Is Close to Perfection (www.wired.com)
58. X 屏蔽了 DM 中的信号域链接,将其标记为潜在有害链接 X is blocking Signal domain links in DMs, labeling them as potentially harmful (alternativeto.net)
59. 勉强在 NRF9151 上安装完整的 Wi-Fi 协议栈 Just Barely Fitting a Full Wi-Fi Stack on the NRF9151 (danielmangum.com)
61. 马哈希效应:1% 的人练习 TM,所有人都能产生效果 Maharishi Effect: 1% of population practicing TM produces results for all (research.miu.edu)
62. 告诉我你的思考过程,而不仅仅是结果 Tell me about your thought-process, not just your results (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)
63. Nvidia GeForce RTX 5090 Linux GPU 计算基准测试 Nvidia GeForce RTX 5090 Linux GPU Compute Benchmarks (www.phoronix.com)
65. 2k 位作家和读者分享他们最喜爱的 2024 年科幻图书 2k authors and readers share their fav sci-fi books of 2024 (shepherd.com)
67. 2025 年 2 月 ISO C 标准会议之旅(奥地利哈根贝格) Trip February 2025 ISO C standards meeting (Hagenberg, Austria) (herbsutter.com)
69. Meta 员工为人工智能培训下载了近 82TB 的盗版书籍 Meta staff torrented nearly 82TB of pirated books for AI training (www.tomshardware.com)
70. 詹姆斯-里森教授(瑞士奶酪模型名人)逝世 Prof. James Reason (Of Swiss-Cheese-Model Fame) Passed Away (aviationweek.com)
71. 本机稀疏注意力:硬件对齐、可本地训练的稀疏注意力 Native Sparse Attention: Hardware-Aligned, Natively Trainable Sparse Attention (arxiv.org)
72. (La,PR)3Ni2O7薄膜在 40 K 以上开始产生常压超导电性 Ambient-pressure superconductivity onset above 40 K in (La,PR)3Ni2O7 films (www.nature.com)
74. 习近平表示支持马云,支持中国私营企业负责人 Xi Voices Support for Jack Ma, China Private Sector Chiefs (www.bloomberg.com)
75. Grok3 是首款在 Chat Arena 基准测试中超过 1400 分的机型 Grok3 is first model to surpass 1400 on the Chat Arena benchmark (twitter.com)
77. 比亚迪与沙特电力公司达成 12.5 千兆瓦时协议 BYD Lands 12.5GWh Deal with Saudi Electricity Company (www.energy-storage.news)
82. 首席技术官的坟墓:总是失败的 7 种原型 [视频] The CTO Graveyard: 7 Archetypes That Always Fail [video] (www.youtube.com)
85. SWE-Lancer:法学硕士能通过自由软件工程赚到 100 万美元吗? SWE-Lancer: Can LLMs Earn 1M from Freelance Software Engineering? (arxiv.org)
86. 美国的黄金储备可为美国国库增加 7500 亿美元的收入 America''s gold reserves could add 750B to the U.S. Treasury (fortune.com)
87. 搭乘火车穿越美国--您也可以跟在后面 Train hoppers ride the rails across America – and you can tag along (www.npr.org)
88. 埃隆-马斯克的人工智能公司 xAI 发布最新旗舰机型 Grok 3 Elon Musk''s AI company, xAI, releases its latest flagship model, Grok 3 (techcrunch.com)
89. 埃隆-马斯克的 SpaceX 团队将对空中交通管制系统进行审查 Team from Elon Musk''s SpaceX to review air traffic control system (www.washingtonpost.com)
91. Sam Altman 谈 X:"尝试 GPT-4.5 更像是一个 "感受 AGI "的时刻......" Sam Altman on X: "trying GPT-4.5 has been much more of a "feel the AGI" moment…" (twitter.com)
92. 口袋里的 Org-Mode 是 GNU 形状的魔鬼(2010 年) Org-Mode in Your Pocket Is a GNU-Shaped Devil (2010) (web.archive.org)
94. Orbit:开源 Nuclei 安全扫描和自动化平台 Orbit: Open-source Nuclei security scanning and automation platform (github.com)
103. 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)负责审查马斯克神经链路公司(Neuralink)的工作人员也被列入被解雇的政府专家组(DOGE)雇员中 FDA staff reviewing Musk''s Neuralink were included in DOGE employee firings (www.reuters.com)
104. PlanGrid 为初创企业破解大型成熟行业难题提供的指南 PlanGrid''s Playbook for Startups to Crack Big, Established Industries (review.firstround.com)
105. MemSed:受 "作弊引擎 "启发而开发的全新 Linux 内存搜索和编辑工具 MemSed: A New MEMory Search and EDit Tool for Linux, Inspired by Cheat Engine (github.com)
106. 有一次,office365 将我们的电子邮件标记为垃圾邮件 That one time when office365 was marking our emails as spam (minhajuddin.com)
107. 据报道,X 屏蔽了指向安全 Signal 联系页面的链接 X is reportedly blocking links to secure Signal contact pages (arstechnica.com)
108. 创纪录的一月高温拉尼娜现象可能正在失去遏制全球变暖的能力 Record January heat: La Niña may be losing its ability to check global warming (theconversation.com)
109. 半月湾缆车系统 - 现场模拟 Half Moon Bay Gondola System – Live Simulation (halfmoon-gondola-map.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com)
113. 索尼 FX-300 Jackal70 年代末的技术奇迹 Sony FX-300 Jackal: A technological marvel of the late 70s (swling.com)
116. 西南航空将裁员 15%,包括高级领导层 Southwest to lay off 15% of its corporate staff, including senior leadership (www.cnn.com)
119. 关于线程本地存储的全部内容(2021,更新日期 02-2025) All about thread-local storage (2021, updated 02-2025) (maskray.me)
120. 巴西要求联合国放弃对全球航运征税的提议 Brazil asks UN to ditch proposed levy on global shipping (www.theguardian.com)
123. 通过确定性探究提高思维链推理效率 More Efficient Chain-of-Thought Reasoning Through Certainty Probing (huggingface.co)
124. 将 YouTube 用作鼓编曲器的网络平台 A web platform for using YouTube as a drum sequencer (youtubesequencer.com)
125. 马斯克团队寻求数据访问权后,社保高官离职 Top Social Security Official Leaves After Musk Team Seeks Data Access (www.nytimes.com)
127. 美国东部时间周一晚 8 点发布《Grok 3》,并进行现场演示 Grok 3 release with live demo on Monday night at 8pm PT (twitter.com)
128. ChatGPT 操作员:GitHub 问题如何劫持您的人工智能并窃取您的数据 ChatGPT Operator: How a GitHub Issue Can Hijack Your AI and Steal Your Data (www.youtube.com)
129. 一切未完成:亨利-柏格森的当代哲学 All Is Unfinished: Henri Bergson''s philosophy for our times (www.thenation.com)
130. 基于 wpaclient 和 LuaJIT 的高度脚本化 WiFi 客户端 Highly scriptable WiFi client based on wpaclient and LuaJIT (github.com)
132. 我的 "红 "是你的 "红 "吗?利用无监督排列进行颜色相似性判断 Is my "red" your "red"? Color similarity judgments using unsupervised alignment (www.cell.com)
135. 植物肉替代品的替代模式和价格反应 Substitution patterns and price response for plant-based meat alternatives (www.pnas.org)
136. 墨西哥将等待谷歌就墨西哥湾问题做出回应后再提起诉讼 Mexico will wait for Google response on Gulf of Mexico before filing lawsuit (www.pbs.org)
137. 我将所有 1600 万种颜色(十六进制代码)集中在一个地方 I put together all 16M colors (hex codes) in one place (www.everyhex.codes)
138. [讽刺]泰尔支持的 "GigSlave "以 840 亿美元估值上市[视频] [Satire] Thiel Backed ''GigSlave'' Goes Public with 84B Valuation [video] (www.youtube.com)
140. Vipro Studio:通过无缝视频创建增强开发人员的能力 Vipro Studio: Empowering Developers with Seamless Video Creation (vipro.studio)
145. 新闻报道往往不加批判,却有助于炒作人工智能 (2024) News coverage, often uncritical, helps build up the AI hype (2024) (reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk)
146. 蛋糕适用于移动台式机或服务器的分布式 LLM 和 StableDiffusion 推论 Cake: Distributed LLM and StableDiffusion inference for mobile desktop or server (github.com)
152. 互联网 Raytracing 竞赛(1996 - 2006 年) The Internet Raytracing Competition (1996 – 2006) (www.irtc.org)
155. 随着 GB200 晶圆的重新利用,RTX 5090 的供应量将在下月大幅增加 RTX 5090 supplies to be high next month as GB200 wafers get repurposed (www.tomshardware.com)
156. 伊比利亚奇迹震惊欧洲:西班牙和葡萄牙成为欧元区的引擎 Iberian miracle amazes Europe: Spain and Portugal become engine of eurozone (www.portugalresident.com)
157. 前员工称印度最大的 IT 公司在玩弄美国签证系统 Former Staffers Say India''s Biggest IT Firm Was Gaming the US Visa System (www.bloomberg.com)
159. 小肯尼迪对抗抑郁药的攻击是危险的 RFK Jr.''S Attacks on Anti-Depressants Are Dangerous (www.progressiveamerican.net)
160. Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 至 GeForce RTX 5080/5090 GPU 的计算性能 Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Through GeForce RTX 5080/5090 GPU Compute Performance (www.phoronix.com)
161. Ilya Sutskever 的 SSI 公司以 300 亿美元的估值融资 10 亿多美元 Ilya Sutskever''s SSI is raising 1B on 30B valuation (siliconangle.com)
164. 国际数学奥林匹克(IMO)奖章获得者的职业发展之路 Career Paths of the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) Medalists (link.springer.com)
166. 为什么我们无法回忆起婴幼儿时期的生活? Why can''t we remember our lives as babies or toddlers? (www.theguardian.com)
168. 禅那冥想的脑电图研究显示出睡眠、昏迷和癫痫样活动 EEG Study of Jhāna Meditation shows sleep-, coma-, and seizure-like activity (www.frontiersin.org)
173. 微软切断与美国国际开发署资助的 "事实核查 "机构 NewsGuard 的联系 Microsoft cuts ties with USAID-funded "fact-checking" outfit NewsGuard (centrist.nz)
179. 达美航空公司飞机在多伦多皮尔逊机场迫降并翻转,8 人受伤 Delta plane crash lands, flips over at Toronto Pearson Airport; 8 injured (nationalpost.com)
180. 为什么从未吸烟的女性患肺癌的人数会增加? Why is there an increase in lung cancer among women who have never smoked? (theconversation.com)
182. Asecret.io - 一个简单而强大的秘密共享网站 Asecret.io – A Simple yet Powerful Secure Secret Sharing Site (asecret.io)
185. 毫不犹豫地推理:通过确定性探究实现高效计算 Reasoning Without Hesitating: Efficient Cot Through Certainty Probing (hao-ai-lab.github.io)
186. 当医生与人工智能一起工作时,人工智能的表现会比单独工作时更出色 When Doctors with A.I. Are Outperformed by A.I. Alone (erictopol.substack.com)
188. 2025 年在 OpenBSD 上部署 Sinatra 应用程序 Deploying Sinatra Applications on OpenBSD in 2025 (users.glitchwrks.com)
190. 雷朋 Meta 眼镜售出 200 万副,产量将大幅增加 2M Ray-Ban Meta Glasses Sold, Production to Be Vastly Increased (www.uploadvr.com)
193. 一杯咖啡 3.50 美元:阿根廷是拉丁美洲最昂贵的国家 A coffee for 3.50: Argentina is the most expensive country in Latin America (english.elpais.com)
195. 作为非技术创意人员的 LLM 结对编程:这很复杂 LLM Pair Programming as a Non-Technical Idea Guy: It''s Complicated (benawise.com)
196. 警方逮捕与杀人案有关的邪教组织 "齐齐安 "的明显领导人 Police arrest apparent leader of cultlike ''Zizian'' group linked to killings (www.pressdemocrat.com)
197. 犹太男子在迈阿密因射杀他认为是巴勒斯坦人的以色列人而被捕 Jewish Man Arrested in Miami for Shooting Israelis He Thought Were Palestinians (www.haaretz.com)
198. 缅怀 Poly-1:新西兰被遗忘的国产学校电脑 Remembering the Poly-1: NZ''s forgotten home-grown school computer (www.rnz.co.nz)
202. 父权制汉娜戏剧解释和改过自新的色情明星到 Trad Larp The "Patriarchy Hannah" Drama Explained and the Reformed Porn Star to Trad Larp (www.eviemagazine.com)
203. 在 Linux 中设置受信任的自签名 SSL/TLS 证书授权机构 Setting up a trusted, self-signed SSL/TLS certificate authority in Linux (previnder.com)
204. 用于与 OpenSearch 集群交互的 Django 应用程序 A Django app for interacting with OpenSearch clusters (github.com)
206. 为什么 OpenAI、Anthropic 和 DeepSeek 无法实现 AGI? Why OpenAI, Anthropic and DeepSeek Won''t Reach AGI (defragzone.substack.com)
207. F8--专为提高 C 语言和内存效率而设计的 8 位架构 [视频] F8 – an 8 bit architecture designed for C and memory efficiency [video] (fosdem.org)
208. 使用具有视觉能力的 LLM 抄写手写信件 Using vision capable LLMs to transcribe a handwritten letter (www.expectedparrot.com)
214. 人工智能的未来是模拟?1 亿美元推动用更少的能量实现类似 GPU 的大脑 The future of AI is analog? 100M to push GPU-like brains on less juice (www.theregister.com)
216. Meta 计划通过世界上最长的海底电缆项目连接美国和印度 Meta plans to link US and India with world''s longest undersea cable project (www.theguardian.com)
218. 达美航空公司飞机在多伦多机场着陆时侧翻,造成 8 人受伤 Delta plane flips on landing at Toronto airport, injuring 8 (www.reuters.com)
219. 美国推进乌克兰计划,欧洲领导人在巴黎举行会议 European Leaders Meet in Paris as U.S. Pushes Ahead with Ukraine Plan (www.nytimes.com)
221. 日本完善了 7-Eleven。为什么美国就做不好呢? Japan Perfected 7-Eleven. Why can''t the US get it right? (www.bloomberg.com)
222. 如果你没有创意,那就打造 Memeware(2024 年) If you''re out of ideas, build Memeware (2024) (jesseduffield.com)
223. CodeWeavers 招聘更多开发人员开发 Wine 和 Valve 的 Proton CodeWeavers Hiring More Developers to Work on Wine and Valve''s Proton (www.phoronix.com)
227. 美国劳资关系委员会代理总顾问撤销非竞争性劳动政策 NLRB Acting General Counsel Rescinds Non-Compete Labor Policy (natlawreview.com)
230. 英国皇家学会将在撤销埃隆-马斯克研究金的运动中召开会议 Royal Society will meet amid campaign to revoke Elon Musk''s fellowship (www.nature.com)
232. 谷歌新的自安装 Android 应用程序提醒您注意 "信息 "中的裸体图片 Google''s new self-installed Android app warns you about nude images in Messages (www.androidauthority.com)
235. 隐私未死:警惕 "全有或全无 "的心态 Privacy Is Not Dead: Beware the All-or-Nothing Mindset (www.privacyguides.org)
237. 埃隆-马斯克(Elon Musk)是否准备从美国联邦航空局(FAA)的新裁员中获利? Is Elon Musk Poised to Profit from New Layoffs at the FAA? (www.rollingstone.com)
239. 18 年前接受开创性癌症治疗的妇女仍在缓解病情 Woman who had pioneering cancer treatment 18 years ago still in remission (www.theguardian.com)
242. 我为什么要在 2025 年编写 Scheme 实现(答案就是 Async Rust) Why I''m Writing a Scheme Implementation in 2025 (The Answer Is Async Rust) (maplant.com)
244. 多伦多皮尔逊机场应对飞机着陆紧急情况 Toronto''s Pearson airport responding to emergency involving plane landing (www.cbc.ca)
246. 据报道,美国国税局准备允许国家税务总局访问纳税人数据 IRS reportedly preparing to give DOGE access to taxpayer data (www.theguardian.com)
247. 改变饮酒量可能会影响患痴呆症的风险 Changing alcohol consumption may affect risk of dementia (www.nationalelfservice.net)
250. Rapid7标记出与BeyondTrust漏洞有关的新PostgreSQL零日漏洞 Rapid7 Flags New PostgreSQL Zero-Day Connected to BeyondTrust Exploitation (www.securityweek.com)
252. Meta 糟糕的 "地平线世界 "广告有助于解释 700 亿美元的 Metaverse 损失 Meta''s Awful ''Horizon Worlds'' Ad Helps Explain 70B Metaverse Loss (www.forbes.com)
256. 利用叽里呱啦可重构元表面进行异常光束转向 Abnormal beam steering with kirigami reconfigurable metasurfaces (www.nature.com)
258. 人口普查显示加拿大不同性别人群的残疾率较高 Census reveals high disability rates among gender-diverse Canadians (medicalxpress.com)
259. R1:当你试图用自己饥饿的木头雕刻上帝时,我就是这样的人 R1: I am what happens when you try to carve God from the wood of your own hunger (twitter.com)
261. 年轻人的听力问题是降噪耳机造成的吗? Are noise-cancelling headphones to blame for young people''s hearing problems? (www.bbc.com)
262. ChatGPT 操作员:提示注入漏洞和防御 ChatGPT Operator: Prompt Injection Exploits and Defenses (embracethered.com)
263. 全球最高的 10 座废弃摩天大楼 10 of the tallest abandoned skyscrapers around the world (www.businessinsider.com)
264. 美国和欧盟的水氯化水平可能会增加患癌风险 Water chlorination levels in US and EU likely increase cancer risk (www.theguardian.com)
265. 使用 DNS64 和 NAT64 配置仅 IPv6 子网和实例 Configure IPv6-only subnets and instances with DNS64 and NAT64 (cloud.google.com)
266. 有人烧掉 500 个以太坊(约合 138 万美元)传播 "大脑计算机 "武器信息 Someone burnt 500 ETH (1.38M) to spread a "Brain Computer" Weapon Msg (console.pluid.com)
267. 俄美官员将就在没有基辅的情况下结束战争举行会谈 Russian and American officials will hold talks on ending war without Kyiv (apnews.com)
269. 没有人愿意花 25 美元吃早餐通货膨胀下的美国餐馆 ''No one wants to pay 25 for breakfast'': US restaurants cracking under inflation (www.theguardian.com)
270. 使用 AWS Nitro Enclaves 构建安全的多方计算 (MPC) 钱包 Build secure multi-party computation (MPC) wallets using AWS Nitro Enclaves (aws.amazon.com)
277. 谁雕凿了南美洲神秘的古代隧道?[pdf] Who carved South America''s mysterious ancient tunnels? [pdf] (www.clp.unesp.br)
281. 削减科学基金将影响经济和美国科技竞争力 Cutting science funds has consequences for the economy, US tech competitiveness (theconversation.com)
283. 英国研究称,学校禁用手机并不能提高成绩或健康水平 School phone bans do not improve grades or wellbeing, says UK study (www.theguardian.com)
287. 工作记忆是强化学习的表征模板 Working memory as a representational template for reinforcement learning (www.nature.com)
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295. 高中乐队比赛将行进变成一项运动和艺术 High-School Band Contests Turn Marching into a Sport–and an Art (www.newyorker.com)
299. 美国罕见(非法)丰田陆地巡洋舰在怀俄明州的 I-80 州际公路上引人注目 Rare (and Illegal) in the U.S. Toyota Land Cruisers Turn Heads on Wyoming''s I-80 (cowboystatedaily.com)