3. 退休人员,富足的生活不需要花更多的钱 Retirees, a Rich Life Does Not Require Spending More Money (thefinancebuff.com)
5. 4chan 交友应用程序现已成为使用最广泛的 FOSS 交友应用程序 The 4chan dating app is now the most widely used FOSS dating app (duolicious.app)
6. 利用白腐菌 Desarmillaria Tabescens 实现木材生物发光 Bioluminescent Wood Using the White Rot Fungus Desarmillaria Tabescens (onlinelibrary.wiley.com)
7. HPE Slingshot 400 带来液冷 51.2T 交换机和 400Gbps 网络连接 HPE Slingshot 400 Brings a Liquid Cooled 51.2T Switch and 400Gbps Networking (www.servethehome.com)
8. 苹果公司在新诉讼中被控窥探工人的 iPhone Apple accused of snooping on workers'' iPhones in new lawsuit (www.theverge.com)
10. 用医用级蜂蜜治疗儿科伤口:病例系列 Treating wounds in pediatrics with medical grade honey: A case series (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
11. BootKitty UEFI 恶意软件利用 LogoFAIL 感染 Linux 系统 BootKitty UEFI malware exploits LogoFAIL to infect Linux systems (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
12. ASML 为其价值 3.8 亿美元的半导体工具制作了价值 230 美元的乐高套件版本 ASML made a 230 Lego kit version of its 380M semiconductor tool (www.tomshardware.com)
13. 为什么计时精度即将实现巨大飞跃? Why timekeeping is now on the verge of a giant leap forward in accuracy (theconversation.com)
16. 发布 OpenBao v2.1.0 - 哈希金库的 OSI 授权分叉版 Announcing OpenBao v2.1.0 - OSI-licensed fork of HashiCorp Vault (openbao.org)
17. 演示:解耦动量优化--并行训练神经网络 Demo: Decoupled Momentum Optimization – training neural networks in parallel (arxiv.org)
20. 安然卷土重来,推出专注于解决能源危机的加密代币 Enron is back to launch crypto token focused on solving the energy crisis (cryptoslate.com)
22. PicoCAD - 蒸汽版本回顾 - 愿望列表和销售数据 PicoCAD – Steam release retrospect – wishlist and sales data (www.patreon.com)
23. 鱼类有大脑微生物群。人类也会有吗? Fish Have a Brain Microbiome. Could Humans Have One Too? (www.quantamagazine.org)
26. 脑部植入电极后,瘫痪病人能够行走 Paralysed patients able to walk after electrodes implanted in their brains (news.sky.com)
29. 耐用的全无机过氧化物串联光伏技术 - 自然 Durable all inorganic perovskite tandem photovoltaics – Nature (www.nature.com)
30. 猎鹰 9 号的飞行速度是航天飞机的 30 倍,而成本仅为航天飞机的 1/100 Falcon 9 reaches a flight rate 30 times higher than shuttle at 1/100th the cost (arstechnica.com)
31. 意识可能隐藏在我们大脑的电场中 Consciousness Might Hide in Our Brain''s Electric Fields (www.scientificamerican.com)
33. 网络空间虚假信息的阴暗面 - 科学 - 美国科学院 (AAAS) The dark side of online space disinformation – Science – AAAS (www.science.org)
36. Windows 11 市场份额下降,用户似乎转回 Windows 10 Windows 11 market share declines as users seemingly shift back to Windows 10 (www.tomshardware.com)
39. 在首次购买者和新版本的推动下,《圣经》销售火爆 Sales of Bibles Are Booming, Fueled by First-Time Buyers and New Versions (www.wsj.com)
40. 从错误中学习并不等于从经验中学习 Learning from Error Is Not the Same as Learning from Experience (saigaddam.medium.com)
43. 打造苹果产品是中国最大电动汽车制造商比亚迪的副业 Building Apple Products Is a Side Hustle for BYD, China''s Biggest EV Maker (www.wsj.com)
48. 欧洲记者联合会停止在 X(推特)上发布内容 European Federation of Journalists to stop posting content on X (Twitter) (www.thelondoneconomic.com)
49. 使用无服务器少做事:弹性云无服务器 - 现已发布 Do Less with Serverless: Elastic Cloud Serverless – Now GA (www.elastic.co)
50. Vulkan 1.4 简化了 GPU 加速应用的开发/部署过程 Vulkan 1.4 Streamlines Development/Deployment of GPU-Accelerated Applications (www.khronos.org)
51. 树莓派通过调整 SDRAM 提升 Pi 5 性能 Raspberry Pi boosts Pi 5 performance with SDRAM tuning (www.jeffgeerling.com)
52. 甲骨文Java涨价促使首席信息官酝酿新的许可策略 Oracle''s Java price hikes push CIOs to brew new licensing strategies (www.theregister.com)
56. 软件自由保护协会发布专为开源固件设计的路由器 Software Freedom Conservancy release a router expressly for open-source firmware (www.theverge.com)
57. 剑、长枪、长矛和独特的链甲:铁器时代的武器牺牲 Swords, Lances, Spears, and Unique Chainmail: Iron Age Weapon Sacrifice (presscloud.com)
60. 通过互联网预训练 15B 参数语言模型 Pre-training a 15B parameter language model over the internet (distro.nousresearch.com)
63. Stellantis 首席执行官卡洛斯-塔瓦雷斯(Carlos Tavares)突然辞职,原因是美国吉普车和 RAM 销量不佳 Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares abruptly quits as US Jeep, RAM sales falter (www.reuters.com)
64. 马斯克申请禁令阻止 OpenAI 转型为营利性公司 Musk seeks injunction to stop OpenAI morphing into for-profit company (www.theregister.com)
66. 苹果 IIe 和 IIc 设计经理彼得-奎恩接受《字节》杂志采访 Apple IIe and IIc Design Manager Peter Quinn Interviewed by Byte Magazine (computeradsfromthepast.substack.com)
68. 太空交通挤占地球轨道,全球推动合作 Global push for cooperation as space traffic crowds Earth orbit (www.reuters.com)
70. 尽管微软大打广告牌,Windows 11 的市场份额仍在下降 Windows 11 market share falls despite Microsoft ad blitz (www.theregister.com)
71. DPReview 25 年:我在二十五年的评论工作中学到的五件事 25 Years of DPReview: Five things I learned in twenty-five years of reviewing (www.dpreview.com)
74. 她认为自己是联邦调查局的 "资产"。骗局耗尽了她一生的积蓄 She believed she was an FBI ''asset.'' The scam drained her life''s savings (www.washingtonpost.com)
76. Palantir 与法拉利:与查尔斯-勒克莱尔一起打造终极性能 [视频] Palantir and Ferrari: Building Ultimate Performance with Charles Leclerc [video] (www.youtube.com)
78. 刚造出巨型新一代行星捕猎望远镜?下面是它的指向 Just Built a Giant, Next-Gen Planet Hunting Telescope? Here''s Where to Point It (www.universetoday.com)
79. DuckDB 计算 CSV 文件行数的速度比 wc 快 DuckDB is faster at counting the lines of a CSV file than wc (twitter.com)
82. 在记事本和网站中输入密码时,Windows 11 现在会发出警告 Windows 11 now warns when typing your password in Notepad, websites (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
84. 静态优先网站的崛起:为什么各大品牌都在转型 The rise of static-first websites: why major brands are making the switch (cloudcannon.com)
90. 漏洞查找有助于快速关联漏洞 Vulnerability-Lookup facilitates quick correlation of vulnerabilities (www.vulnerability-lookup.org)
94. AGI 需要更好的检索,而不仅仅是更好的 LLM。原因如下 AGI requires better retrieval, not just better LLMs. Here''s why (medium.com)
95. 安然公司宣布重新启动,愿景是解决全球能源危机 Enron Corporation Announces Relaunch with a Vision to Solve Global Energy Crisis (enron.com)
96. 晚上使用电子阅读器会对睡眠和第二天早上的警觉性产生负面影响 Evening use of eReaders negatively affects sleep, and next-morning alertness (pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
97. 异形》系列中异形的动物学和生物化学 The zoology and biochemistry of xenomorphs from the Alien franchise (jgeekstudies.org)
102. Arc 背后的公司正在开发一款新的人工智能网络浏览器,名为 Dia The company behind Arc is building a new AI web browser called Dia (www.theverge.com)
103. Llamafile 0.8.17 为这一易于发布的人工智能 LLM 框架带来了新的网络用户界面 Llamafile 0.8.17 Brings New Web UI for This Easy-to-Distribute AI LLM Framework (www.phoronix.com)
104. 急性运动前吸入富氢气体可缓解运动疲劳 Inhaling Hydrogen-Rich Gas Before Acute Exercise Alleviates Exercise Fatigue (www.thieme-connect.de)
108. 二手车定价已经崩溃--我们正在解决这个问题! Pre-Owned Pricing Is Broken – Here’s How We’re Fixing It! (www.resellprice.com)
110. Qt Creator 15 发布,支持 Windows on ARM64 Qt Creator 15 released with Windows on ARM64 support (www.qt.io)
115. 隐私灾难FaceHuggers 正在吃掉你的天花板 Privacy Disasters: FaceHuggers Are Eating Your Skeets (insights.priva.cat)
120. 霍尼韦尔厨房电脑20 世纪 60 年代无人买得起的膳食计划器 The Honeywell Kitchen Computer: The 1960s Meal Planner That Nobody Could Afford (rarehistoricalphotos.com)
123. 获取非移民签证持有者(H1B、F-1 及其他)的薪资数据 Access salary data for non-immigrant visa holders (H1B, F-1, and others) (www.casewise.ai)
125. 如果金砖国家试图取代美元,特朗普威胁对其征收 100% 的关税 Trump threatens 100% tariff on BRICS nations if they try to replace dollar (www.bbc.com)
126. 更好、更快的 Python 项目:深入了解 Uv Better, Faster Python Projects: A Deep Dive into Uv (www.saaspegasus.com)
129. 贝莱德将其在 Automattic 的投资额下调 10 BlackRock marks down its investment in Automattic by 10% (techcrunch.com)
130. 利用共价有机框架从露天空气中捕获二氧化碳 Carbon dioxide capture from open air using covalent organic frameworks (www.nature.com)
133. Rails 基金会欢迎 1Password 成为核心成员 The Rails Foundation Welcomes 1Password as Core Member (rubyonrails.org)
136. 五角大楼的秘密战争游戏为我们的时代敲响了警钟 The Secret Pentagon War Game That Offers a Stark Warning for Our Times (www.nytimes.com)
137. 使用 Construct 的新 Linux 输出程序发布到 Steam 桌面 Publish to the Steam Deck with Construct''s New Linux Exporter (www.construct.net)
139. 中国紧张局势促使美国海军竞相在海上重新装载导弹 China Tensions Prompt U.S. Navy Race to Reload Missiles at Sea (www.wsj.com)
142. 开源 OpenWrt One 路由器发布,售价 89 美元--"黑客友好型设备 Open-source OpenWrt One router released at 89 – ''hacker-friendly device'' (www.tomshardware.com)
143. ContainerScript:用于以编程方式为容器分配 URL 的 Firefox 附加组件 ContainerScript: Firefox Addon for programmatically assigning URLs to containers (github.com)
145. 中国瞄准能源替代,计划依靠可再生能源,减少燃煤 China takes aim at energy replacement with plan to rely on renewable,reduce coal (www.scmp.com)
146. 复古调试器:用于复古计算机的多平台调试器 API 主机 Retro Debugger: multiplatform debugger APIs host for retro computers (github.com)
149. 在 Mac OS X 10.0 中修补 AppKit,重新启用 NeXTSTEP 界面风格 (2022) Patched AppKit in Mac OS X 10.0 to re-enable the NeXTSTEP interface style (2022) (mastodon.social)
151. 美国证券交易委员会公共警报:未注册的招揽实体 (PAUSE) SEC Public Alert: Unregistered Soliciting Entities (PAUSE) (www.sec.gov)
153. FCC 加强对第三方来电显示验证解决方案的要求 FCC Strengthens Requirements for Third-Party Caller ID Authentication Solutions (www.fcc.gov)
156. 斯佩里-兰德公司 - 作者:布拉德福德-摩根-怀特 The Sperry Rand Corporation – By Bradford Morgan White (www.abortretry.fail)
157. Linux 上的 Radeon VCN2/VCN3 硬件已默认启用 Vulkan 视频 Vulkan Video Now Enabled by Default for Radeon VCN2/VCN3 Hardware on Linux (www.phoronix.com)
161. 土耳其攻击无人机首次在航母上起降 Turkish strike drone completes first carrier landing, takeoff (www.defensenews.com)
165. 撒谎太容易了五分之一的儿童在社交媒体上使用假年龄 ''It''s so easy to lie'': A fifth of children use fake age on social media (www.bbc.com)
168. PydanticAI 代理:将 Pydantic 与 LLMs 结合使用的框架 PydanticAI Agent: Framework to Use Pydantic with LLMs (ai.pydantic.dev)
173. 带径向非平面切片机的轴向 3D 打印机 - 约书亚-伯德 [视频] Axis 3D Printer with Radial Non-Planar Slicer – Joshua Bird [video] (www.youtube.com)
175. 英国:计算机可靠性法律推定拟议修正案 UK: Proposed amendment to legal presumption about the reliability of computers (www.postofficescandal.uk)
177. 用自己的脑癌测试革命性药物的科学家 The scientist who tested his revolutionary medicine on his own brain cancer (www.theguardian.com)
183. 第 2 天 - 圣诞节礼物:WAT LLM 编码工具? Day 2 – WAT LLM coding tool do you want for Christmas? (raku-advent.blog)
184. 湾区购房最低合格收入现为 32 万美元 Minimum qualifying income for a home in the Bay Area is now 320k (www.sfgate.com)
185. 自上次坠机以来,美国航空公司运送乘客的时间超过了两光年 US airlines transported passengers over two light-years since the last crash (ourworldindata.org)
186. 在 HeadShot.cv 为每个职业阶段拍摄专业头像 Professional headshots for every career stage at HeadShot.cv (headshot.cv)
189. 拜登赦免了自己的儿子亨特,尽管此前他曾承诺不会这样做 Biden pardons his son Hunter despite previous pledges not to (apnews.com)
191. 1970 年 1 月 22 日、1956 年 4 月 26 日和 1908 年 10 月 1 日发生了什么? What happened on 22nd January 1970, 26th April 1956, and first October 1908? (www.worksinprogress.news)
193. 维基媒体上的 RSA 证书和 TLS 1.2 的未来 The future of RSA certificates and TLS 1.2 at Wikimedia (lists.wikimedia.org)
196. 新的 AWS 物理数据传输终端可让您更快地上传到云端 New physical AWS Data Transfer Terminals let you upload to the cloud faster (aws.amazon.com)
199. 等时声调如何发挥作用?益处与研究 How Do Isochronic Tones Work? The Benefits and the Research (www.mindamend.com)
201. 95 起特斯拉死亡事故涉及火灾或自动驾驶系统故障 95 Tesla deaths have involved fires or Autopilot failures (www.businessinsider.com)
206. DeepSeek-R1,OpenAI O1 的透明挑战者 DeepSeek-R1, a transparent challenger to OpenAI O1 (www.deeplearning.ai)
213. 经过多年 FxbulkSMS 的建设和发展,现在是传递火炬的时候了 After years of building and growing FxbulkSMS, it''s now time to pass the torch (www.indiehackers.com)
217. 全球音乐版权价值飙升至 455 亿美元,现已超过电影价值 Global Value of Music Copyright soars to 45.5B, now worth more than cinema (pivotaleconomics.com)
218. 多年以后:如何在 iOS Safari 中成功聚焦文本框 Years later: how to successfully focus textboxes in iOS Safari (stackoverflow.com)
222. 我曾在旧金山、芝加哥和硅谷工作过。我只在一个地方养家糊口 I''ve worked in SF, Chicago, and Silicon Valley. I''d only raise my family in one (www.businessinsider.com)
223. 无条件赦免亨特-拜登在 2014 年 1 月 1 日至 2024 年 1 月 12 日期间犯下的所有罪行 Unconditional Pardon for Hunter Biden for all crimes between 1/1/2014-12/1/2024 (www.whitehouse.gov)
225. 废弃的街角小店变身价百万美元的住宅 The Abandoned Corner Shops Getting Transformed into Million-Dollar Homes (www.wsj.com)
227. 总统拜登赦免其子亨特-拜登,在任期即将结束之际扭转乾坤 President Biden pardons his son Hunter Biden, reversing course as term nears end (www.msnbc.com)
229. 音乐制作人阿蒙-托宾介绍他使用 3D 软件 Houdini 制作的最新作品 [视频] Music Producer Amon Tobin explains his latest work using 3D software Houdini [video] (www.youtube.com)
230. 现代汽车是车轮上的监控设备,存在重大隐私风险 Modern cars are surveillance devices on wheels with major privacy risks (theconversation.com)
233. 特斯拉在为其他电动汽车提供充电器方面进展缓慢 Tesla has been slow to make its chargers accessible to other EVs (financialpost.com)
235. 未定义的行为问题 "事件第一手资料 [pdf] First-Hand Account of "The Undefined Behavior Question" Incident [pdf] (tomazos.com)
242. 多巴胺禁食:误解科学催生不良时尚 Dopamine fasting: Misunderstanding science spawns a maladaptive fad (www.health.harvard.edu)
243. 工程师发布可持续绿松石氢催化剂创新成果 Engineers unveil catalyst innovations for sustainable turquoise hydrogen (techxplore.com)
245. 如何不孤独?同居 "是一些人的答案 How to be not lonely? ''Cohousing'' is an answer for some people (text.npr.org)
246. 联邦调查局的 WofMD 计划有了新目标:动物权利活动家 The FBI''s WofMD Program Has a New Target: Animal Rights Activists (theintercept.com)
248. 急于 "升值 "可能是亚洲股市抵御特朗普的最佳策略 Rush to ''value up'' may be Asia stocks best defense against Trump (www.japantimes.co.jp)
250. C.R. Patterson父子--美国唯一一家黑人拥有的汽车制造商 C.R. Patterson and sons – America''s only black owned auto manufacturer (en.wikipedia.org)
252. 微策略公司畸高的估值溢价确实存在数学问题 There''s a real math problem with MicroStrategy''s obscene valuation premium (sherwood.news)
256. 亚马逊工人从 "黑色星期五 "到 "网络星期一 "罢工 Amazon Workers on Strike from Black Friday to Cyber Monday (www.wfxrtv.com)
257. Turbostat 实用程序在 Linux 6.13 中加入新功能 Turbostat Utility Lands New Features with Linux 6.13 (www.phoronix.com)
261. 联邦调查局:Tether 已成为墨西哥毒贩的洗钱工具 Feds: Tether Has Become a Money Laundering Tool for Mexican Drug Trafficker (www.404media.co)
263. Vivid 可释放 MacBook Pro 和 Pro Display XDR 的全部亮度 Vivid unlocks the full brightness of your MacBook Pro and Pro Display XDR (www.getvivid.app)
265. 利用 Strava 的应用程序接口和装有 M&Ms 的物联网喂狗器,训练自己跑得更远 Training myself to run farther with Strava''s API and an IoT dog feeder of M&Ms (www.mayer.cool)
266. 调试超级块 Percpu_rw_semaphore 死锁 Debugging a Superblock Percpu_rw_semaphore Deadlock (rustylife.github.io)
268. 什么是不干涉,我们如何执行?(2015) What is noninterference, and how do we enforce it? (2015) (www.pl-enthusiast.net)
269. 地球极点漂移证实了地下水枯竭对海平面上升的影响 Drift of Earth''s Pole Confirms Groundwater Depletion Impact on Sea Level Rise (agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com)
271. 著名的 "sudo 警告 "是何时引入的?在什么背景下?由谁提出? When was the famous "sudo warning" introduced? Under what background? By whom? (retrocomputing.stackexchange.com)
273. 动物园实验发现每 5 只动物中就有 1 只对 Covid 呈阳性反应 Zoo experiment finds 1 in 5 animals test positive for Covid (www.sciencealert.com)
274. 警方破获每月盈利 2.5 亿欧元的盗版流媒体服务 Police bust pirate streaming service making 250M per month (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
282. 16 世纪伦敦塔囚犯的涂鸦首次解码 16th-century graffiti of Tower of London prisoners decoded for first time (www.theguardian.com)
283. 谷歌地球上的奇怪形状被发现是一场未被发现的龙卷风的痕迹 A Strange Shape on Google Earth Found to Be the Mark of an Undetected Tornado (www.smithsonianmag.com)
284. 感谢大数据消除了感恩节备餐中最糟糕的部分 Thank Big Data for Killing Off the Worst Part of Thanksgiving Meal Prep (www.wsj.com)
285. 有人试图更新广告订阅,但广告公司要 250 美元才能取消当前订阅。 Guy tries to update adobe subscription, adobe wants 250 to cancel current subsc (twitter.com)
287. Stellantis 首席执行官塔瓦雷斯因战略争议提前辞职 Stellantis CEO Tavares Quits Early After Strategy Dispute (www.bloomberg.com)
290. 使命召唤:现代战争》将 "死亡公路 "改写为俄罗斯人的袭击 ''Call of Duty: Modern Warfare'' Rewrites the Highway of Death as a Russian Attack (www.newsweek.com)
295. Endless OS 大幅简化 Linux 桌面,让任何人都能尽享其乐 Endless OS vastly simplifies the Linux desktop so anyone can enjoy it (www.zdnet.com)
297. 山羊还是汽车?用 Python 和 NumPy 解决蒙蒂-霍尔问题 Goat or Car? Solving the Monty Hall Problem with Python and NumPy (www.thepythoncodingstack.com)
299. 科学家发现一种防止肌肉衰竭的关键蛋白质 Scientists Discover a Protein Key to Preventing Muscle Breakdown (scitechdaily.com)
300. NaNoGenMo 2024 小说来自人工智能电影《A.I》的标题剧照 NaNoGenMo 2024 novel from AI captioned stills from the movie A.I (github.com)