1. 经过一年的建设,我陷入了 "是否值得 "的困惑之中 ↑ 2 HN Points 15:34 After a Year of Building, I''m Stuck Wondering If It''s Worth It (www.zullion.io)
2. 反对学校--公共教育如何削弱我们的孩子,以及为什么 [pdf] ↑ 2 HN Points 15:34 Against School – How public education cripples our kids, and why [pdf] (ia800502.us.archive.org)
3. 链接印记--可检验的链接概念提案 ↑ 2 HN Points 15:32 Link seals – a testable links concept proposal (mistystep.org)
4. 亨丽埃塔-拉克斯看起来是个好人,但不是科学英雄 ↑ 3 HN Points 15:41 Henrietta Lacks Seems Like a Nice Person, but Not a Scientific Hero (www.astralcodexten.com)
5. 马克-扎克伯格解雇 Facebook 的流氓事实核查员是正确的 ↑ 4 HN Points 15:26 Mark Zuckerberg Was Right to Fire Facebook''s Rogue Fact-Checkers (reason.com)
6. OpenFlexture 显微镜开源 3D 打印显微镜(Pi 4 SBC、Cam Mod v2) ↑ 2 HN Points 15:25 OpenFlexture Microscope open source 3D-printed microscope (Pi 4 SBC, Cam Mod v2) (www.cnx-software.com)
8. 用 Go 为 MongoDB 构建开源实时数据复制 - Iceberg ↑ 4 HN Points 15:14 Building an Open Source Real Time Data Replication in Go for MongoDB – Iceberg (datazip.io)
10. 家庭教育与大学入学率之间的关系 ↑ 2 HN Points 14:48 The relationship between homeschooling and college attendance (ies.ed.gov)
11. MiniMax-01:利用 "闪电关注 "扩展基础模型 ↑ 2 HN Points 14:45 MiniMax-01: Scaling Foundation Models with Lightning Attention (arxiv.org)
13. 矢量数据库基础设施类别的兴衰 ↑ 2 HN Points 14:50 The rise and fall of the vector database infrastructure category (twitter.com)
14. 构建 Docker 化 RAG 人工智能代理的人工智能框架 ↑ 2 HN Points 14:06 AI Framework for Building Dockerized RAG AI Agents (kdeps.com)
16. Mozilla 就拒聘苹果激进分子一案达成和解 ↑ 2 HN Points 14:19 Mozilla Settles Case over Its Refusal to Hire Apple Activist (www.bloomberg.com)
17. 您会读草书吗?国家公园管理局想听听您的意见 ↑ 3 HN Points 13:42 Can You Read Cursive? The National Park Service Wants to Hear from You (www.nationalparkstraveler.org)
18. 韩国调查人员在叛乱调查中逮捕被弹劾总统尹炳世 ↑ 2 HN Points 13:38 Korean investigators arrest impeached President Yoon in insurrection probe (www.reuters.com)
19. 在黑暗中被困 35 小时的红海潜水船幸存者讲述可怕的逃生经历 ↑ 2 HN Points 13:35 Trapped in dark for 35 hours Red Sea dive-boat survivors tell terrifying escapes (www.bbc.com)
21. 将 Google 日历移到 Proton 上失败了 ↑ 3 HN Points 13:22 I failed moving my Google calendar to Proton (shilin.ca)
22. 美国将推动台积电和三星收紧对华芯片供应 ↑ 2 HN Points 13:08 US to Push TSMC and Samsung to Tighten Flow of Chips to China (www.bloomberg.com)
23. 用户界面:恢复我们的街区 ↑ 2 HN Points 12:53 The User Interface: Recovering Our Neighborhoods (www.afterbabel.com)
28. RedNote:使用 TikTokers 蜂拥而至的中国应用程序的感受 ↑ 2 HN Points 12:22 RedNote: What it''s like using the Chinese app TikTokers are flocking to (www.theverge.com)
29. 临床肥胖症的定义和诊断标准 ↑ 2 HN Points 12:20 Definition and diagnostic criteria of clinical obesity (www.thelancet.com)
34. 为什么命名我的 Vulkan 应用程序会使内存使用量增加 10 倍? ↑ 2 HN Points 13:12 Why does naming my Vulkan app increase memory usage by 10x? (old.reddit.com)
35. Venator:用于 Rust 跟踪和 OpenTelemetry 的日志和跟踪查看器 ↑ 2 HN Points 13:06 Venator: A log and trace viewer for Rust tracing and OpenTelemetry (github.com)
36. 因担心特朗普打击签证,移民科技工作者取消旅行计划 ↑ 2 HN Points 13:32 Fearing Trump visa crackdown, immigrant tech workers cancel travel plans (www.msn.com)
37. 气候破坏与即将到来的黑暗时代 ↑ 2 HN Points 13:26 Climate Disruptions and the Coming Dark Age (link.springer.com)
38. 内华达州法院制止警方利用联邦漏洞进行民事没收 ↑ 2 HN Points 13:15 Nevada Court Shuts Down Police Use of Federal Loophole for Civil Forfeiture (ij.org)
40. 一张照片银河、黄道十二宫、星链、恒星、OH、太阳和城市 ↑ 2 HN Points 12:55 One photo with: Milky Way, Zodiacal light, Starlink, stars, OH, sun, and cities (twitter.com)
41. Meta 将裁员 5% 的 "表现最差者",并计划为受影响的职位招聘人员 ↑ 3 HN Points 12:46 Meta to lay off 5% of ''lowest performers'', plans to hire for impacted roles (www.reuters.com)
44. 大疆禁用美国地理围栏,允许在美国禁飞区上空飞行 ↑ 2 HN Points 12:36 DJI has disabled US geofencing, enabling flights over US no-flight zones (twitter.com)
48. ChatGPT 计划任务 - 工具说明 ↑ 2 HN Points 11:46 ChatGPT scheduled tasks – tool instructions (simonwillison.net)
49. 加州在特朗普就职典礼前撤回清洁卡车环保局豁免申请 ↑ 2 HN Points 10:39 California withdraws clean truck EPA waiver request ahead of Trump inauguration (www.reuters.com)
50. 以达斯-维德命名的巨型等脚类动物新物种 ↑ 2 HN Points 09:34 New species of giant isopod named after Darth Vader (blog.pensoft.net)
51. 微软修改代码后,英特尔和 AMD 工程师急忙拯救 Linux 6.13 ↑ 2 HN Points 12:10 Intel, AMD engineers rush to save Linux 6.13 after dodgy Microsoft code change (www.theregister.com)
53. 南极基地从木屋到科幻时尚(2017) ↑ 2 HN Points 11:40 Antarctic bases went from wooden huts to sci-fi chic(2017) (www.bbc.com)
54. 专注于拉丁裔的金融科技初创公司 Alza 突然关闭 ↑ 2 HN Points 11:27 Alza Latino focused fintech startup abruptly shutters (fortune.com)
55. 道源永平禅师的《天藏要诀》:天藏指南 ↑ 2 HN Points 11:06 Tenzo Kyokun: Instructions for the Tenzo by Eihei Dogen Zenji (wwzc.org)
58. Wytiwx 配备 Core I9 14900KF (8P) 的 CPU 频率得分 9121.61 MHz ↑ 2 HN Points 09:02 Wytiwxs CPU Frequency Score 9121.61 MHz with Core I9 14900KF (8P) (hwbot.org)
59. 美国 TikTokers 涌入小红书,令中国用户困惑并与之结缘 ↑ 2 HN Points 11:26 U.S. TikTokers flock to Xiaohongshu, baffling and bonding with Chinese users (restofworld.org)
61. PPTAgent:向最佳人选学习的代理驱动型演示文稿制作 ↑ 2 HN Points 11:02 PPTAgent: Agent-Driven Presentation Creation That Learns from the Best (github.com)
63. 人工智能需要更新阿西莫夫的机器人定律 ↑ 2 HN Points 09:33 Asimov''s Laws of Robotics Need an Update for AI (spectrum.ieee.org)
64. Meta 裁员 5%,裁掉 "表现最差 "的员工 ↑ 2 HN Points 10:50 Meta cuts 5% of jobs to lose ''lowest performers'' (www.bbc.com)
65. J.开发微观机器的弗雷泽-斯托达特逝世,享年 82 岁 ↑ 2 HN Points 10:47 J. Fraser Stoddart, Who Developed Microscopic Machines, Dies at 82 (www.nytimes.com)
66. 埃隆-马斯克获赠白宫建筑群办公室 ↑ 4 HN Points 10:42 Elon Musk given office in White House complex (www.telegraph.co.uk)
68. 特朗普称将成立新机构征收国外税收 ↑ 2 HN Points 09:20 Trump says he will create new agency to collect revenue from foreign sources (neuters.de)
69. MiniMax 全新开源 LLM,具有业界领先的 4M 令牌背景 ↑ 2 HN Points 08:12 MiniMax new open source LLM with industry-leading 4M token context (venturebeat.com)
70. Meta 将 "死网理论 "付诸实践 ↑ 4 HN Points 10:33 Meta puts the ''Dead Internet Theory'' into practice (www.computerworld.com)
71. CFPB 起诉 Capital One "欺骗 "客户超过 20 亿美元的利息 ↑ 2 HN Points 10:26 CFPB sues Capital One for ''cheating'' customers out over 2B in interest (www.cnbc.com)
74. 我在食品技术配送公司学到的东西 ↑ 2 HN Points 10:12 What I Learned Working with a Food Tech Distribution Company (write.as)
75. 大多数蛋白粉可能含有铅和镉 ↑ 2 HN Points 10:05 Majority of protein powders may contain amounts of lead and cadmium (www.salon.com)
76. CFPB 起诉 Capital One "欺骗客户",骗取 20 亿美元利息 ↑ 2 HN Points 09:45 CFPB sues Capital One for "cheating customers" out of 2B in interest (www.axios.com)
77. 美国最终确定有效禁止中国汽车的规定 ↑ 2 HN Points 09:21 US finalizes rule to effectively ban Chinese vehicles (www.theverge.com)
78. 联邦调查局共享损坏超级铲运机的无人机碎片照片 ↑ 3 HN Points 10:03 FBI shares photos of pieces of drone that damaged super scooper aircraft (abc7ny.com)
79. 据当地媒体报道,韩国被弹劾总统尹锡烈被捕 ↑ 2 HN Points 09:58 South Korea''s impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol arrested, local media reports (www.cnbc.com)
80. 美国证券交易委员会起诉埃隆-马斯克,指控其未能适当披露 Twitter 的所有权 ↑ 2 HN Points 09:57 SEC sues Elon Musk, alleging failure to properly disclose Twitter ownership (www.cnbc.com)
82. 北约启动 "波罗的海哨兵",加强关键基础设施安全 ↑ 3 HN Points 09:43 NATO launches ''Baltic Sentry'' to increase critical infrastructure security (www.nato.int)
83. 元律师马克-莱姆利以扎克伯格的 "血统 "为由退出人工智能案 ↑ 2 HN Points 09:41 Meta lawyer Mark Lemley quits AI case citing Zuckerberg ''descent'' (news.bloomberglaw.com)
84. Openstreetmap.org 代码库,约 2024 年 ↑ 2 HN Points 09:40 The Openstreetmap.org Codebase, Circa 2024 (secarateratur.medium.com)
85. Parallels 正在 Apple Silicon Mac 上测试 x86 仿真功能 ↑ 2 HN Points 09:33 Parallels is testing x86 emulation on Apple Silicon Macs (www.theverge.com)
88. 粗心的艇员泄露了法国核潜艇巡逻的日期 ↑ 2 HN Points 09:05 Dates of French nuclear submarine patrols revealed by careless crew members (www.lemonde.fr)
90. 湾区科技巨头 Meta 先解雇工人,再招聘替代者 ↑ 2 HN Points 08:58 Bay Area tech giant Meta to dump workers, then hire replacements (www.sfgate.com)
91. "美国数据中心的 GPT 培训可蒸发 70 万升淡水 ↑ 2 HN Points 08:52 "GPT training in U.S. data centers can evaporate 700k L of freshwater" (arxiv.org)
92. YJIT 3.4:更快、更省内存 ↑ 2 HN Points 08:28 YJIT 3.4: Even Faster and More Memory-Efficient (railsatscale.com)
93. Meta 刚刚打开了防止错误信息传播的开关 ↑ 2 HN Points 08:59 Meta just flipped the switch that prevents misinformation from spreading (www.platformer.news)
94. 巴西称梅塔仇恨言论政策变化与当地法律不符 ↑ 2 HN Points 08:53 Brazil says Meta hate speech policy changes do not fit with local law (www.reuters.com)
96. 如何创建专业的 LinkedIn 账户,实现职业成功:循序渐进 ↑ 2 HN Points 08:36 How to Create a Professional LinkedIn Account for Career Success: A Step-by-Step (fluxzap.com)
97. 唐纳德-特朗普就塞斯-梅耶斯的深夜节目咆哮威胁康卡斯特公司 ↑ 6 HN Points 08:34 Donald Trump Threatens Comcast in Rant over Seth Meyers'' Late Night Show (deadline.com)
98. 人工智能现实主义者对未来的预测 ↑ 2 HN Points 08:28 AI Realist Predictions for the Future (david-ferris.medium.com)
100. 三岛:四章人生--保罗-施拉德罕见的杰作 ↑ 2 HN Points 08:24 Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters – Paul Schrader''s Generally Unseen Masterpiece (theconflictedfilmsnob.com)
101. 柏林著名的俱乐部场景是否就此终结? ↑ 2 HN Points 08:10 Is this the end of Berlin''s famous club scene? (www.bbc.com)
102. 人工智能将在 "核革命 "开始前数年喷出毒气 ↑ 2 HN Points 08:09 AI Will Spew Gas Fumes for Years Before the Nuclear Revolution Takes Off (gizmodo.com)
107. 愿意支付任何金额":洛杉矶需要私人消防员 ↑ 2 HN Points 07:39 ''Will Pay Any Amount'': Private Firefighters Are in Demand in L.A (www.nytimes.com)
108. 博尔达计数法是最好的投票方法 ↑ 3 HN Points 07:01 The Borda Count Is the Best Method of Voting (marginalrevolution.com)
109. AutoGen Studio:构建多代理系统的无代码开发工具 ↑ 2 HN Points 07:00 AutoGen Studio: A No-Code Developer Tool for Building Multi-Agent Systems (arxiv.org)
110. 洛杉矶大型水库本不该被抽干 ↑ 2 HN Points 07:57 Massive L.A. Water Reservoir Should Never Have Been Drained (www.public.news)
111. Meta 将裁减 5% 的 "业绩最差者 ↑ 2 HN Points 07:47 Meta is cutting 5% of its ''lowest performers'' (www.cnn.com)
112. 全州保险公司被控向应用程序制造商支付驾驶员数据费用 ↑ 3 HN Points 07:36 Allstate accused of paying app makers for driver data (www.theregister.com)
113. 512(C) 帮助 Vimeo 打败唱片公司。只用了 15 年 ↑ 2 HN Points 07:33 512(C) Helps Vimeo Defeat the Record Labels. It Only Took 15 Years (blog.ericgoldman.org)
114. 欧盟抗议美国新的人工智能芯片限制--部分国家面临 GPU 上限 ↑ 2 HN Points 06:28 EU protests new US AI chip restrictions – some countries face GPU caps (www.tomshardware.com)
115. 超越自动化--人工智能增强的理由 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:44 Beyond Automation – The Case for AI Augmentation (jytan.net)
116. Ask HN: DePIN 供电正常运行时间监控工具的功能? ↑ 3 HN Points 07:30 DePIN powered uptime monitoring tool features? (checkmate.so)
117. 美国证券交易委员会起诉埃隆-马斯克违反证券法 ↑ 2 HN Points 07:28 SEC Sues Elon Musk over Securities Violations (www.nytimes.com)
118. 树莓派 RP2350 黑客挑战赛结果公布 ↑ 3 HN Points 07:25 Raspberry Pi''s RP2350 Hacking Challenge Results Announced (www.tomshardware.com)
119. SumoAudio - 基于网络的免费音频编辑工具 ↑ 2 HN Points 07:20 SumoAudio - Free, Web-Based, Audio Editing Tool (puter.com)
120. 登山者使用体育运动中禁用的氙气攀登珠峰 ↑ 3 HN Points 07:08 Climbers Using Xenon Gas, Which Is Banned in Sports, to Climb Everest (gripped.com)
122. 预计十年内美国死亡人数将超过出生人数 ↑ 2 HN Points 07:06 U.S. Deaths Expected to Outpace Births Within the Decade (www.wsj.com)
123. 微软2025 年快乐。这里有 161 个安全更新 ↑ 2 HN Points 06:58 Microsoft: Happy 2025. Here''s 161 Security Updates (krebsonsecurity.com)
125. 司法部、联邦调查局和国际合作伙伴删除中国支持的恶意软件 ↑ 3 HN Points 06:53 Justice Dept., FBI and International Partners Delete China-Backed Malware (www.justice.gov)
126. 开源 Sky-T1,一个用不到 450 美元训练出来的 "推理 "人工智能模型 ↑ 4 HN Points 06:50 Open source Sky-T1, a ''reasoning'' AI model trained for less than 450 (techcrunch.com)
127. H.R.25 - 废除所得税并撤销国内税收署 ↑ 15 HN Points 06:42 H.R.25 – Repeal income tax and abolish the Internal Revenue Service (www.congress.gov)
128. 开放源码硬件工具、生成器和可重复使用的设计清单 ↑ 2 HN Points 06:37 A list of open source hardware tools, generators, and reusable designs (github.com)
131. 阅读 10 本营养学书籍的收获(和启示 ↑ 4 HN Points 06:28 What I Learned (and Unlearned) Reading 10 Books on Nutrition (www.scotthyoung.com)
133. 带有计划任务(jawbone)的 GPT-4o 已推出测试版 ↑ 5 HN Points 06:25 GPT-4o with scheduled tasks (jawbone) is available in beta (chatgpt.com)
135. 维生素 C 或猕猴桃干预对低维生素 C 成人的情绪影响 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:28 Mood outcomes in Vitamin C or kiwi intervention in adults with low Vitamin C (www.cambridge.org)
137. 如果你看到这个速度标志,你可能会死掉 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:59 If You Ever See This Speed Sign, You''re Probably Going to Die (www.theautopian.com)
138. 特朗普称将成立 "对外税务局 "征收关税收入 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:53 Trump says he will create ''External Revenue Service'' to collect tariff income (www.theguardian.com)
139. 美国国家航空航天局的金属球:每个人都忽略的惊人简报 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:52 NASA''s Metallic Orbs: The Surprising Briefing Everyone Missed (medium.com)
140. 苹果将 AirPods 用户推入 "透明 "模式,取消了 "噪音控制 "模式 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:45 Apple pushes AirPods owners into Transparency mode, nixes a Noise Control mode (keydiscussions.com)
141. 保罗-格雷厄姆的 RSS Feed 已滞后 15 个月,因此我创建了一个新的 RSS Feed ↑ 2 HN Points 05:44 Paul Graham''s RSS Feed was 15 months behind, so I built a new one (brianvia.blog)
142. TikTok 用户在美国禁令前涌向中国应用 RedNote ↑ 3 HN Points 05:41 TikTok users flock to Chinese app RedNote before US ban (www.bbc.com)
143. 人工智能编码软件制造商 Anysphere 融资 1.05 亿美元 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:38 Anysphere, a Maker of A.I. Coding Software, Raises 105M (www.nytimes.com)
144. Puget Systems 2024 年最可靠的硬件 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:37 Puget Systems Most Reliable Hardware of 2024 (www.pugetsystems.com)
145. Linux 基金会会收购 Chrome 浏览器吗?视频 ↑ 3 HN Points 05:32 Will the Linux Foundation Purchase Chrome? [video] (www.youtube.com)
146. 美国环保局称,农场使用的污水污泥肥料中的化学物质有致癌风险 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:27 Chemicals in sewage sludge fertilizer used on farms pose cancer risk, EPA says (www.theguardian.com)
147. 湍流越来越频繁,也越来越严重 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:26 Turbulence is getting more frequent and more severe (www.businessinsider.com)
148. OpenAI 的人工智能推理模型有时会用中文 "思考",但没人知道为什么 ↑ 5 HN Points 05:25 OpenAI''s AI reasoning model ''thinks'' in Chinese sometimes and no one knows why (techcrunch.com)
153. 38% 的新创企业创始人为个人(比 2017 年增长 2 倍) ↑ 2 HN Points 05:16 38% of new startups have solo founders (2x from 2017) (twitter.com)
154. 在一片炒作声中,微软围绕人工智能重组了整个开发团队 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:16 Amid a flurry of hype, Microsoft reorganizes entire dev team around AI (arstechnica.com)
155. 为什么人的直觉在机器学习中至关重要? ↑ 2 HN Points 05:00 Why Human Intuition Is Essential in Machine Learning (www.twosigma.com)
156. 苹果与英特尔和 AMD 加入 UALink 联盟,对抗英伟达的人工智能主导地位 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:23 Apple joins UALink consortium with Intel and AMD to take on Nvidia AI dominance (9to5mac.com)
158. 带闪存的中文 RJ45-USB .exe 被认定为恶意软件 ↑ 8 HN Points 05:12 Chinese RJ45-USB with Flash Memory .exe Recognized as Malware (epcyber.com)
159. 通过学习排名实现高效的 LLM 调度 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:11 Efficient LLM Scheduling by Learning to Rank (hao-ai-lab.github.io)
160. 谷歌不得不教其 NotebookLM 播客主持人不要对人类表现出恼怒的样子 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:11 Google had to teach its NotebookLM podcast hosts not to act annoyed at humans (techcrunch.com)
162. 我的人工智能教练您口袋里的法学硕士培训师/营养师 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:03 My AI Trainer: LLM powered trainer/nutritionist in your pocket (www.myaitrainer.app)
164. 我的人工智能培训师您口袋中的法律硕士培训师/营养师 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:54 My AI Trainer: Your LLM trainer/nutritionist in your pocket (apps.apple.com)
165. 纽约地铁由 20 世纪 30 年代的技术、纸质地图和希望引导 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:41 NYC subways steered by 1930s tech, paper maps and hope (gothamist.com)
166. 拜登政府敲定美国对中国汽车的打压措施 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:06 Biden administration finalizes US crackdown on Chinese vehicles (www.reuters.com)
168. 只有经常出现这种情况的语言的用户才会说 "无法避免"。 ↑ 3 HN Points 04:56 "No way to prevent this" say users of only language where this regularly happens (xeiaso.net)
169. 联想可卷曲笔记本电脑不再是概念--今年上市,售价 3500 美元 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:51 Lenovo''s rollable laptop is a concept no more – launching this year for 3,500 (www.theverge.com)
171. 黄仁勋在 2025 年消费电子展访谈中谈 RTX 5090 价格 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:48 Jensen Huang Talks RTX 5090 Price at CES 2025 Interview (www.szyunze.com)
173. 泰伦斯-马利克神秘的艺术魅力 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:44 The Enigmatic Artistry of Terrence Malick (www.newyorker.com)
174. 两套自动制动系统看不清穿反光衣的人 ↑ 4 HN Points 04:35 Two Auto-Braking Systems Can''t See People in Reflective Garb (usa.streetsblog.org)
178. 如何测试基于 SQLite 的轻量级分布式数据库 rqlite ↑ 4 HN Points 04:21 How rqlite – the lightweight distributed database built on SQLite – is tested (philipotoole.com)
179. 来自美国的有毒废物如何流入墨西哥的一个社区 ↑ 3 HN Points 04:21 How toxic waste from the US ends up in a neighborhood in Mexico (www.theguardian.com)
180. 洛杉矶的大火让加州的缺水问题一目了然。情况会变得更糟 ↑ 3 HN Points 04:19 The LA fires cast CA''s water scarcity into stark view. It''s going to get worse (www.vox.com)
181. 洛杉矶大火和气候风险将加州保险市场推向极限 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:18 LA Fires, Climate Risks Push California Insurance Market to Limit (www.bloomberg.com)
183. 我每天都会发表未经审查的原始开发日记 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:02 I publish an uncensored, raw, dev diary every day (www.rokokovac.com)
186. GamersNexus 对 PayPal 和 Honey 提起新诉讼 [视频] ↑ 3 HN Points 03:52 GamersNexus Files New Lawsuit Against PayPal and Honey [video] (www.youtube.com)
188. 作为削减成本计划的一部分,微软暂停美国咨询部门的招聘工作 ↑ 3 HN Points 04:19 Microsoft pauses hiring in U.S. consulting unit as part of cost-cutting plan (www.cnbc.com)
189. Snyk 安全实验室测试更新:Cursor.com AI 代码编辑器 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:18 Snyk Security Labs Testing Update: Cursor.com AI Code Editor (snyk.io)
190. 野火为何变得更快、更猛? ↑ 2 HN Points 04:17 Why wildfires are becoming faster and more furious (www.bbc.com)
191. HDM-1 在 LLM 幻觉检测任务中击败 GPT-4o-mini ↑ 4 HN Points 04:11 HDM-1 beats GPT-4o-mini in LLM hallucination detection tasks (www.aimon.ai)
192. Meta 表示,裁员 5%对于进一步发展人工智能和社交媒体至关重要 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:10 Meta says 5% staff cut is critical to further AI, social media (arstechnica.com)
193. Mirantis Rockoon:Kubernetes 上的 OpenStack 管理 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:01 Mirantis Rockoon: OpenStack Management on Kubernetes (thenewstack.io)
194. 使用 Codemods 进行重构,自动更改 API ↑ 2 HN Points 03:59 Refactoring with Codemods to Automate API Changes (martinfowler.com)
195. 搭载 8GB 内存和 Hailo-8 人工智能模块的树莓派 5 边缘人工智能计算机问世 ↑ 5 HN Points 03:59 Raspberry Pi 5 edge AI computer ships with 8GB RAM, Hailo-8 AI module (www.cnx-software.com)
196. 友好创始人的局限:工作台发生的事 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:47 The Limits of Founder Friendly: What Happened at Bench (www.newcomer.co)
197. 大疆创新 Flip 正式发布:独特的自行车轮辐折叠无人机,起价 439 美元 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:43 DJI Flip official: the unique bicycle spoke folding drone starts at 439 (www.theverge.com)
198. 使用 BPFtrace 在 Rust 中跟踪大内存分配 ↑ 3 HN Points 03:09 Tracing Large Memory Allocations in Rust with BPFtrace (readyset.io)
199. 乌克兰无人机大规模袭击俄罗斯西部目标 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:05 Mass Ukrainian Drone Onslaught Strikes Targets Across Western Russia (www.twz.com)
202. 诺贝尔奖获得者呼吁紧急开展 "登月行动 "以避免全球饥饿 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:49 Nobel Prize winners call for urgent ''moonshot'' effort to avert global hunger (www.theguardian.com)
203. React Native 在 Shopify 的五年历程 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:44 Five Years of React Native at Shopify (shopify.engineering)
205. 红帽收购 Neural Magic,豪赌人工智能 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:36 Red Hat bets big on AI with its Neural Magic acquisition (www.zdnet.com)
207. 以色列和哈马斯正在敲定加沙停火协议 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:33 Israel, Hamas Are Finalizing a Gaza Cease-Fire Agreement (www.wsj.com)
208. 最长上下文可达 4M,MiniMax-01 混合型 456B 开放源码型号 ↑ 3 HN Points 03:32 Longest context up to 4M, MiniMax-01 hybrid 456B Open source model (github.com)
210. 我们为它构建了家庭服务器和 Linux 发行版 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:18 We''ve Built a Home Server and Linux Distro for It (old.reddit.com)
211. 艺术收藏家称他在洛杉矶火灾中失去了沃霍尔和哈林作品 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:18 Art Collector Says He Lost Warhols and Harings to L.A. Fire (www.nytimes.com)
212. 你不需要智能手机:设备降级指南 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:13 You don''t need a smartphone: a guide to downgrading your device (www.theguardian.com)
213. 就职典礼期间美国国会大厦旗帜将全副武装 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:57 U.S. Capitol Flags Will Be at Full-Staff During Inauguration (www.wsj.com)
214. Psh,一个小而简约的外壳。) ↑ 2 HN Points 02:54 Psh, A small and minimal shell. public domain:) (github.com)
215. 波特兰禁止私营实体使用人脸识别技术 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:22 Portland: Prohibit the Use of Face Recognition Technologies by Private Entities (www.portland.gov)
216. 深入的市场、竞争和销售账户分析工具 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:12 Deep Market, Competitive and Sales account analysis tool (krafter.work)
217. 军情五处的文件显示,女王在 9 年时间里都没有向她通报间谍布朗特在王室中的情况 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:12 MI5 files suggest queen not briefed on spy Blunt in royal household for 9 years (www.theguardian.com)
219. 最重要的开发人员生产力指标:构建时间 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:02 The Most Important Developer Productivity Metric: Build Times (www.honeycomb.io)
220. ChatGPT 现在可以处理提醒事项和待办事项 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:00 ChatGPT can now handle reminders and to-dos (www.theverge.com)
221. 扎克伯格称 Meta 将裁掉更多 "低效员工 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:56 Zuckerberg says Meta will lay off more ''low-performers'' (www.theverge.com)
222. 想象一下能自己发现事物的人工智能 ↑ 3 HN Points 02:34 Imagine a AI That Discovers Things on Its Own (novice.media)
223. 规模信任:加密货币和区块链的经济局限性 ↑ 4 HN Points 02:24 Trust at Scale: The Economic Limits of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains (doi.org)
224. 海洛背后的团队发布了与克劳德和 GPT 4o 竞争的 1M 上下文 LLM ↑ 2 HN Points 02:22 Team behind Hailuo release 1M context LLM competitive with Claude and GPT 4o (www.minimaxi.com)
226. 有理数并不那么 "有理" [视频] ↑ 2 HN Points 01:55 The Rational Numbers Are Not So "Rational" [video] (www.youtube.com)
227. Mecha Comet Linux 手持设备(2025 年美国消费电子展) ↑ 2 HN Points 02:53 Mecha Comet Linux Handheld (CES 2025) (www.youtube.com)
229. 去中心化 Instagram 替代品 Pixelfed 推出移动应用程序 ↑ 3 HN Points 02:50 Decentralized Instagram alternative Pixelfed launches mobile apps (techcrunch.com)
230. 双词测试作为大型语言模型的语义基准 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:45 The Two Word Test as a semantic benchmark for large language models (www.nature.com)
233. 技术招聘已被打破:让公司尊重你的时间 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:37 Tech Recruitment Is Broken: Make Companies Respect Your Time (medium.com)
234. 为宇航员唐-佩蒂特设计在国际空间站上使用的星际追踪器 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:31 Designing a Star Tracker for Astronaut Don Pettit to Use on the ISS (petapixel.com)
236. 通过目标工程,而非抗体工程,获得更好的抗体 ↑ 3 HN Points 02:27 Better antibodies by engineering targets, not engineering antibodies (www.owlposting.com)
237. 弗拉基米尔-普京 "考虑冻结俄罗斯银行账户 "和 "食品卡 ↑ 5 HN Points 02:22 Vladimir Putin ''considering freezing Russian bank accounts'' and ''food cards'' (www.msn.com)
238. 平台系统性地删除一名用户,因为他制作了 "通缉 CEO "卡片 ↑ 7 HN Points 02:20 Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Cards (www.eff.org)
239. 大科技正在瓦解欧洲民主 ↑ 3 HN Points 02:19 Big tech is picking apart European democracy (www.theguardian.com)
240. 如何成功制作魔兽先生(泄露) ↑ 2 HN Points 02:18 How to Succeed in Mrbeast Production (Leak) (drive.google.com)
243. 在开放源码软件和私有分叉之间自动选择 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:58 Automating cherry-picks between OSS and private forks (planetscale.com)
245. Tote:浏览器 uxn 仿真器 - 使用符号的原始计算 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:25 Tote: A browser uxn emulator – primordial computation with symbols (hundredrabbits.itch.io)
246. 隐藏在 HTML 中解析网页布局2.9B 网页分析 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:16 Hidden In HTML: Parsing Page Layouts. 2.9B Web Page Analysis (webparsing.io)
249. 2024 年版蒙特利尔地铁人流量数据 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:02 Montreal Subway Foot Traffic Data, 2024 Edition (veronneau.org)
253. 被遗产困扰:发现和利用脆弱的隧道主机 [pdf] ↑ 3 HN Points 01:52 Haunted by Legacy: Discovering and Exploiting Vulnerable Tunnelling Hosts [pdf] (papers.mathyvanhoef.com)
254. 空气污染与脑损伤:科学说明 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:24 Air pollution and brain damage: what the science says (www.nature.com)
255. 怎样才能使登月任务 "成功"? ↑ 2 HN Points 01:41 What makes a lunar landing mission "successful"? (jatan.space)
256. 关于推进美国在人工智能基础设施领域的领导地位的行政令 ↑ 3 HN Points 01:40 Executive Order on Advancing United States Leadership in AI Infrastructure (www.whitehouse.gov)
257. FluentAssertions 8 已将许可证改为商业模式 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:38 FluentAssertions 8 has changed its license to a commercial model (github.com)
258. 司法部证实联邦调查局从美国电脑中大量删除中国恶意软件的行动 ↑ 6 HN Points 01:37 DOJ confirms FBI operation that mass-deleted Chinese malware from US computers (techcrunch.com)
259. 穆伦维格称诉讼可能会终结 WordPress ↑ 4 HN Points 01:32 Mullenweg Says Lawsuits Could End WordPress (www.searchenginejournal.com)
261. 马斯克、扎克伯格和特朗普都在虚假信息战中瞄准了巴西 ↑ 4 HN Points 01:22 Musk, Zuckerberg and Trump all target Brazil in disinformation war (www.opendemocracy.net)
262. 台湾批准台积电在海外生产 2 纳米芯片--台湾降低 "硅盾 ↑ 3 HN Points 01:22 Taiwan clears TSMC to make 2nm chips abroad – country lowers ''Silicon Shield'' (www.tomshardware.com)
264. Miegakure [隐藏与揭示]:4D 解谜平台游戏 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:17 Miegakure [Hide and Reveal]: A 4D puzzle-platforming game (miegakure.com)
265. MathReader:数学文档的文本到语音 [pdf] ↑ 2 HN Points 01:08 MathReader: Text-to-Speech for Mathematical Documents [pdf] (arxiv.org)
266. 消除钠离子电池的另一个缺陷 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:06 Eliminating another flaw in sodium-ion batteries (www.electronicsweekly.com)
267. Meta 宣布削减 5%,为 "紧张的一年 "做准备 ↑ 27 HN Points 01:06 Meta announces 5% cuts in preparation for ''intense year'' (www.cnbc.com)
268. 2025 年,艺术世界会走向 "后觉醒 "吗? ↑ 2 HN Points 01:04 Will the Art World Go Post-Woke in 2025? (news.artnet.com)
269. 甲骨文开源霸主宣布退出,携巨额股份离去 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:02 Oracle open source overlord calls it quits, leaves with big ol'' pile of shares (www.theregister.com)
270. 苹果公司即将从台积电亚利桑那晶圆厂获得 "美国制造 "芯片 ↑ 3 HN Points 00:56 Apple will soon receive ''made in America'' chips from TSMC''s Arizona fab (www.tomshardware.com)
271. 澳大利亚网球公开赛显然取消了 NFT 项目 ↑ 3 HN Points 00:53 Australian Open apparently scraps its NFT project (www.web3isgoinggreat.com)
273. 乔恩-阿斯科纳斯谈特朗普时代的人工智能政策 ↑ 2 HN Points 00:44 Jon Askonas on AI policy in the Trump era (www.understandingai.org)
278. 2024 年全球升温超过 1.5C。我们辜负了《巴黎协定》吗? ↑ 2 HN Points 00:25 In 2024 global warming topped 1.5C. Have we failed the Paris Agreement? (www.abc.net.au)
279. 我制作了这个机器人,并给它装上了 llama3.2 大脑 ↑ 2 HN Points 01-14 I built this robot and gave it a llama3.2 brain (twitter.com)
280. 使用 Golang 扩展 LLM:我们如何为 LLM 请求提供服务 ↑ 2 HN Points 00:52 Scaling LLMs with Golang: How we serve LLM requests (www.assembled.com)
281. 工程师 - Ac28R 可在数秒内构建软件 ↑ 3 HN Points 00:51 The Engineer – Ac28R builds software in seconds (www.theengineer.co.uk)
282. 全州保险公司使用 GasBuddy 和其他应用程序跟踪驾驶行为 ↑ 3 HN Points 00:45 Allstate used GasBuddy and other apps to track driving behavior (arstechnica.com)
283. Haiku OS 启动并运行 Iceweasel 网络浏览器 ↑ 2 HN Points 00:42 Haiku OS Gets the Iceweasel Web Browser Up and Running (www.phoronix.com)
286. 使用 Monero 以匿名方式支付 Mullvad VPN 费用 ↑ 3 HN Points 00:32 Paying for Mullvad VPN Anonymously with Monero (theprivacydad.com)
287. 自杀式 Linux:语法错误时会清除硬盘的软件包 ↑ 3 HN Points 00:31 Suicide Linux: Package that wipes your drive if you commit a syntax error (qntm.org)
288. 梅赛德斯加入特斯拉超级充电站网络 ↑ 2 HN Points 00:31 Mercedes joins Tesla''s Supercharger network (www.autoblog.com)
289. JUring:针对 Java 的实验性 IO_uring,大幅提升性能 ↑ 3 HN Points 00:29 JUring: Experimental IO_uring for Java with Big Performance Gains (www.phoronix.com)
290. 英伟达首席执行官詹森:"人工智能代理很可能是一个价值数千亿美元的机会" ↑ 2 HN Points 00:27 Nvidia CEO Jensen, "AI Agents Likely to Be a Multitrillion-Dollar Opportunity" (www.fool.com)
291. 短小精悍,人工智能引导--人群驱动的洞察力,零广告 ↑ 2 HN Points 00:24 Short, sweet, and AI-guided–crowd-driven insights, zero ads (apps.apple.com)
293. 扎克伯格推出 "真实马克",向特朗普示好 ↑ 4 HN Points 00:14 Zuckerberg Debuts ''Real Mark'' in Push to Woo Trump (www.wsj.com)
295. 美国联邦贸易委员会准备就隐性收费起诉美国最大的公寓房东 Greystar ↑ 2 HN Points 00:00 FTC Prepares to Sue Greystar, Largest U.S. Apartment Landlord, over Hidden Fees (www.wsj.com)
296. 痴迷长寿的科技富翁停用抗衰老药物 ↑ 2 HN Points 01-14 Longevity-Obsessed Tech Millionaire Discontinues De-Aging Drug (gizmodo.com)
297. 由于谷歌的 OAuth 漏洞,账户存在漏洞 ↑ 3 HN Points 00:14 Accounts Vulnerable Due to Google''s OAuth Flaw (trufflesecurity.com)
300. 特别顾问杰克-史密斯的报告,第1卷,2025年1月 [pdf] ↑ 2 HN Points 00:05 Report of Special Counsel Jack Smith, Volume 1, January 2025 [pdf] (www.justice.gov)