1. 配備超過 100k Nvidia H100 GPU 的 Colossus AI 超級集群 Colossus AI Supercluster with over 100k Nvidia H100 GPUs (twitter.com)
2. Starlink 衛星電話將覆蓋其他電話無法覆蓋的地方 Starlink satellite phone will have coverage where no other will go (unionrayo.com)
3. 鹿文本格式--為本網站提供動力的系統,以及它如何為您服務 Deer Text Format – the system powering this site, and how it can work for you (deerz.one)
5. 有人付錢讓我把 SMRT 公交車畫成動漫女性:R/Singapore I was paid to draw SMRT buses as anime women: R/Singapore (old.reddit.com)
6. 馬斯克在駁回前推特首席執行官離職索賠案中敗訴 Musk Loses Bid to Dismiss Ex-Twitter CEO''s Severance Claim (www.bloomberg.com)
11. 當今被低估的最大安全威脅是什麼?高級持續性青少年 The biggest underestimated security threat of today? Advanced persistent teens (techcrunch.com)
12. 我就是我自己的法律部門:"獨立行事 "的承諾與危險 I am my own legal department: the promise and peril of "just go independent" (www.citationneeded.news)
13. 錯過的快樂全教會數字戒毒的啟示 The Joy of Missing Out: Lessons from a Church-Wide Digital Detox (www.afterbabel.com)
18. 英國戰後的蔗糖熱證實了甜食對幼年的危害 Britain''s postwar sugar craze confirms harms of sweet diets in early life (www.science.org)
19. 利用深度學習單詞預測的環形空中手勢打字系統 Ring-Based Mid-Air Gesture Typing System Using Deep Learning Word Prediction (arxiv.org)
23. 英國國家醫療服務系統試行新的 iPhone 適配器,用於檢查患者是否患有喉癌 NHS pilots new iPhone adapter to check patients for throat cancer (news.sky.com)
24. Dystopika 是一款沒有醜陋細節的精美賽博朋克城市建造工具 Dystopika is a beautiful cyberpunk city builder without the ugly details (arstechnica.com)
26. 聯合國負責人警告說:"加沙北部全體居民 "面臨死亡風險 ''Entire population in north Gaza'' at risk of dying, UN chiefs warn (www.dawn.com)
31. 最新調查:大腸桿菌爆發,麥當勞供應洋蔥 Investigation Update: E. Coli Outbreak, Onions Served at McDonald''s (www.cdc.gov)
33. 史蒂夫-西姆斯(Steve Sims)在《白色軟肋》節目中接受採訪 [視頻] Steve Sims Interview on Soft White Underbelly [video] (www.youtube.com)
34. 雅馬哈宣佈退出北美電動自行車市場 Yamaha throws in the towel, pulls out of e-bike market in North America (electrek.co)
35. 繆斯女神,而非海妖--人工智能女友時代的激勵機制 Muses, Not Sirens – Motivation in the Era of AI-Generated Girlfriends (danfaggella.com)
37. 殺死命令信息:我們應該使用事件還是文檔?(2007) Killing the Command message: should we use Events or Documents? (2007) (learn.microsoft.com)
39. 使用編程知識圖譜生成上下文增強代碼 Context-Augmented Code Generation Using Programming Knowledge Graphs (arxiv.org)
41. 通過多步驟數據庫變更實現 Django 部署零停機時間 - Johnny Metz Zero Downtime Django Deployments with Multistep Database Changes – Johnny Metz (johnnymetz.com)
42. 富人的福利":農業補貼如何破壞歐洲的景觀 ''Welfare for the rich'': how farm subsidies wrecked Europe''s landscapes (www.theguardian.com)
43. 我們見過只有在單向運動時才無質量的粒子 We''ve seen particles that are massless only when moving one direction (www.newscientist.com)
45. 從 Python 到 CPU 指令:第 1 部分 - 作者 Dilovan Celik From Python to CPU Instructions: Part 1 – By Dilovan Celik (dilovan.substack.com)
48. 伯克希爾現金飆升至 3250 億美元,巴菲特出售蘋果和美國銀行 Berkshire''s cash soars to 325B, Buffett sells Apple, Bank of America (www.reuters.com)
49. 偽造人工智能萬聖節遊行名單的幕後黑手說你完全搞錯了 The Guy Behind the Fake AI Halloween Parade Listing Says You''ve Got It All Wrong (www.wired.com)
51. 字符串的前綴在表中嗎?SIMD 字符串處理之旅 Is Prefix of String in Table? A Journey into SIMD String Processing (trent.me)
52. Asahi Linux - 將 Linux 移植到蘋果硅 Mac 上 Asahi Linux – Porting Linux to Apple Silicon Macs (github.com)
57. Instagram上著名的松鼠 "花生 "被紐約州當局扣押 Instagram-famous squirrel named Peanut seized by New York state authorities (www.cnn.com)
60. 本週 KDE Plasma:Spooooky ooooooooom 通知 This Week in KDE Plasma: spoooooky ooooooooom notifications (blogs.kde.org)
62. Cloudflare 為什麼不在其基礎架構中使用容器? Why doesn''t Cloudflare use containers in their infrastructure? (shivangsnewsletter.com)
64. 配備 40 Hz 刷新率的 Dasung Paperlike HD 13.3 英寸電子墨水顯示器上市 Dasung Paperlike HD 13.3-Inch E Ink Monitor with 40 Hz Refresh Rate Launched (goodereader.com)
66. 美國太空部隊警告說,中國的能力建設 "令人匪夷所思 US Space Force warns of "mind-boggling" build-up of Chinese capabilities (arstechnica.com)
67. 關於 2024 年底不同 Unix 之間加密密碼兼容性的說明 Notes on the compatibility of crypted passwords across Unixes in late 2024 (utcc.utoronto.ca)
68. 滴答滴答的共鳴--當現實生活附帶字幕時 Ticker-tape synaesthesia – when real life comes with subtitles (www.theguardian.com)
69. 眾議院議長約翰遜稱共和黨可能會試圖廢除《CHIPS 法案》,但隨後又收回了這一言論 House Speaker Johnson says GOP may try to repeal CHIPS Act, then walks it back (apnews.com)
70. 紐約時報》網站可能在選舉日關閉--老闆難辭其咎 The New York Times Site Could Be Shuttered on Election Day–Blame Bosses (www.thenation.com)
71. 美國人,您的通話和短信可能被中國間諜監控 Americans, your calls and texts can be monitored by Chinese spies (www.washingtonpost.com)
72. 等熵大氣中的非線性擾動和弱衝擊波 Nonlinear perturbations and weak shock waves in isentropic atmospheres (synthical.com)
73. 在墨西哥美洲豹學校,大型貓科動物學習重返野外的技能 At Mexico''s school for jaguars, big cats learn skills to return to the wild (news.mongabay.com)
74. 馬克-古爾曼:"喬布斯會因人工智能時間線而將蘋果''撕成碎片''"[視頻] Mark Gurman: "Steve Jobs Would Be Ripping Apple ''To Shreds'' over AI Timeline" [video] (www.youtube.com)
76. SpaceX 工程師就 F9/Heavy 和星際基地的零級接受採訪 [視頻] Candid interview with SpaceX engineer about stage zero for F9/Heavy and Starbase [video] (www.youtube.com)
77. 我不會再做無聊的藝術"[約翰-巴爾代薩里;1971 年] ''I will not make any more boring art'' [John Baldessari; 1971] (ubuweb.com)
78. 晚讀應用程序 Omnivore 將於 11 月 30 日關閉 Read-Later App, Omnivore is shutting down on Nov 30th (blog.omnivore.app)
79. 梅賽德斯-奔馳建立自己的電動汽車電池回收設施 Mercedes-Benz opens its own recycling facility for EV batteries (arstechnica.com)
80. 基於現代 Java 技術棧的事件驅動架構 Event-driven architecture on the modern stack of Java technologies (romankudryashov.com)
83. 現金適用於現代瀏覽器的超小型 jQuery 替代品 Cash: An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers (github.com)
84. 拯救中本聰:學習比特幣編程的開源遊戲 Saving Satoshi: An open-source game for learning Bitcoin programming (savingsatoshi.com)
85. 微軟員工因加沙守夜被解僱,稱公司 "在壓力下崩潰 Microsoft workers fired over Gaza vigil say company ''crumbled under pressure'' (www.theguardian.com)
89. 我給自己放了個 "決定假",讓人工智能掌管我的生活 I Took a ''Decision Holiday'' and Put A.I. In Charge of My Life (www.nytimes.com)
93. Steam Linux 版 10 月份市場份額達到 2.0%,AMD Linux 版使用率接近 75 Steam on Linux Marketshare Hits 2.0% for October, AMD Use Linux Approaches 75% (www.phoronix.com)
94. 外泌體可能不僅僅是一種 "抗衰老 "時尚 Exosomes could become more than just an "anti-aging" fad (www.technologyreview.com)
97. 宇航員住院後,NASA 要求 SpaceX 重視安全問題 NASA Tells SpaceX to Focus on Safety After Astronaut Hospitalizations (gizmodo.com)
98. 我為 iOS 和安卓開發了無代碼地圖應用程序生成器 I built a no-code map app builder for iOS and Android (blitzwizmap.com)
100. 穆罕默德-本-薩勒曼的 "沙特 2030 願景 "實施 8 年,2.1 萬名工人喪生 21,000 workers dead in 8 years of Mohammed bin Salman''s ''Saudi vision 2030'' (www.hindustantimes.com)
101. 抗衰老愛好者正在服用一種藥丸來延長壽命。它能起作用嗎? Anti-Aging Enthusiasts Are Taking a Pill to Extend Their Lives. Will It Work? (www.nytimes.com)
104. iPod 粉絲避開蘋果 DRM,保留 54 款丟失的單擊滾輪時代遊戲 iPod fans evade Apple''s DRM to preserve 54 lost clickwheel-era games (arstechnica.com)
105. 金融機構被要求在下一次 CrowdStrike 襲擊前清理內務 Financial institutions told to clean house before next CrowdStrike strikes (www.theregister.com)
106. Tears for Fears - Dancing to Their Own Trauma ("Mad World") (Trash Theory) [視頻] Tears for Fears – Dancing to Their Own Trauma ("Mad World") (Trash Theory) [video] (www.youtube.com)
107. Okta 登錄漏洞繞過了對某些長用戶名的密碼檢查 An Okta login bug bypassed checking passwords on some long usernames (www.theverge.com)
109. 固態電池進入試生產階段,成本有望大幅下降 Solid-state batteries enter pilot production, costs expected to drastically drop (www.pv-magazine.com)
111. 為改變整個國家而建造的巨型超級計算機,由 Ozempic 支付費用 The Giant Supercomputer Built to Transform an Entire Country, Paid by Ozempic (www.wsj.com)
115. GNU Emacs 隨附一本長篇介紹計算機編程的書籍 GNU Emacs comes with a book-length introduction to computer programming (www.gnu.org)
116. 加強歐洲的民事和軍事準備和戰備狀態[pdf] Strengthening Europe''s Civilian and Military Preparedness and Readiness [pdf] (commission.europa.eu)
118. 從 Gmail 地址獲取更多信息的 2 個隱藏方法 2 hidden ways to get more from your Gmail address (gmail.googleblog.com)
120. 國際空間站五年來一直在漏水 The International Space Station Has Been Leaking for Five Years (www.scientificamerican.com)
121. 我申請了我夢想的工作,並立即得到了回覆 I applied to my dream job and got an instant response (gkampiotis.notion.site)
122. 世界上最古老的樹?遺傳分析追溯標誌性潘多森林的演變過程 World''s oldest tree? Genetic analysis traces evolution of iconic Pando forest (www.nature.com)
124. 破紀錄的新質數,長達 4100 萬位數 New record-breaking Prime Number, 41M Digits Long (www.scientificamerican.com)
126. 特斯拉努力挑戰自動駕駛技術極限的 "競技神 "項目 Project Rodeo, the Tesla effort pushing the limits of self-driving technology (www.businessinsider.nl)
128. Levellr 獲得種子投資,為 Discord 社區打造更多工具 Levellr raises seed investment to build more tools for Discord communities (venturebeat.com)
129. 旅行者 1 號啟動了自 1981 年以來從未使用過的無線電發射機 Voyager 1 starts up a radio transmitter it hasn''t used since 1981 (www.cnn.com)
132. w3c/png:考慮使用 Zstandard 和/或 LZ4 代替 Deflate w3c/png: Consider using Zstandard and/or LZ4 instead of Deflate (github.com)
139. Broadcom 重新推出 VSphere Enterprise Plus 和 VSphere Standard Broadcom Brings Back VSphere Enterprise Plus and VSphere Standard (news.broadcom.com)
140. GitHub 上的 Python #1,通過 Codon / Cython 加速 Python #1 on GitHub and speedup via Codon / Cython (hwisnu.bearblog.dev)
142. 一家初創公司正在收購巨型鑽石--並利用區塊鏈技術撼動世界 A startup is acquiring enormous diamonds–and using blockchain tech to shake up (fortune.com)
145. 從人工智能的角度看一些哲學問題》(1969 年)[pdf] Some Philosophical Problems from the Standpoint of AI (1969) [pdf] (www-formal.stanford.edu)
150. Tailwind 簡潔的響應式導航欄組件,讓您輕鬆開始您的項目 Tailwind simple responsive Navbar component to get you started on your projects (sharewind.onrender.com)
155. 高引用率工程師保證發表論文以換取合作者身份 Highly cited engineer offers guaranteed publication in return for coauthorship (retractionwatch.com)
157. Apple 拓展與 Globalstar 的合作關係,為不斷增長的衛星服務提供支持 Apple Expands Globalstar Relationship to Support Growing Satellite Services (www.macrumors.com)
158. 打造能自動變身為皇后的真正棋子 [視頻] Building a real pawn that transforms into a queen, automatically [video] (www.youtube.com)
159. 巴西農民正在踐踏古老的亞馬遜文明 Brazil''s Farmers Are Plowing over an Ancient Amazon Civilization (www.bloomberg.com)
160. 蘋果公司研究人員進行的人工智能測試暴露了 "智能 "的根本缺陷 Apple researchers ran an AI test that exposed a fundamental ''intelligence'' flaw (9to5mac.com)
161. 富士山 130 年來首次在十月底無雪 Mount Fuji snowless at end of October for first time in 130 years (www.jpost.com)
162. 由有影響力的數據驅動的科學推理:復甦 dfstat Scientific reasoning driven by influential data: resuscitate dfstat (www.biorxiv.org)
163. 隨機舍入 2.0,面向複雜性分析 Stochastic Rounding 2.0, with a View Towards Complexity Analysis (www.siam.org)
164. 啟蒙運動的偉大女性智慧需要拯救嗎? Does the Enlightenment''s Great Female Intellect Need Rescuing? (www.newyorker.com)
165. 美國 Skydio 無人機遭中國製裁後需為客戶配給電池 US Skydio Drone Need to Ration Batteries for Customers After Sanctions by China (www.forbes.com)
166. 蘋果在 macOS Sequoia 15.1 中強制簽署應用程序 Apple Forces the Signing of Applications in macOS Sequoia 15.1 (hackaday.com)
167. 美國間諜機構就俄羅斯大選造謠活動發出新警告 U.S. Spy Agencies Issue New Warning on Russia''s Election Misinformation Campaign (www.nytimes.com)
168. RFC 9669 - BPF 指令集架構 (ISA) RFC 9669 – BPF Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) (www.rfc-editor.org)
170. 德國男子故意從 8 種配方中注射 217 支 Covid German man deliberately got 217 Covid shots from 8 formulations (www.cnn.com)
171. 歐洲病夫?德國老闆敲響員工疾病警鐘 Sick man of Europe? Germany''s bosses sound alarm on staff illness (www.ft.com)
174. 儘管有許可限制,中國軍方仍採用了 Meta 的人工智能模型 Chinese military adapts Meta''s AI model despite licensing restrictions (the-decoder.com)
175. 如何構建更小的容器映像:Docker 多階段構建 How to Build Smaller Container Images: Docker Multi-Stage Builds (labs.iximiuz.com)
176. 10 月 30 日 - 地球為 H5N1 移動之日的反思 October 30 – Reflections on the Day the Earth Moved for H5N1 (hogvet51.substack.com)
177. 加里-紐曼(GMod/Rust)迫於團結會的壓力,不得不在服務上花費 50 萬歐元 Gary Newman (GMod/Rust) pressured by Unity to spend 500k on services (twitter.com)
179. 對於一些精英運動員來說,神經差異可能是一種超級優勢 For some elite athletes, neurodivergence can be a super strength (www.washingtonpost.com)
183. Mergiraf - Git 的合併驅動程序,可解決各種合併衝突問題 Mergiraf – a merge driver for Git that can solve a wide range of merge conflicts (mergiraf.org)
186. 許多長期服用 Covid 的人都有 SARS-CoV-2 蛋白持續存在的跡象 Many People with Long Covid Have Signs of Persistent SARS-CoV-2 Proteins (directorsblog.nih.gov)
187. 將 OIDC 服務器集成到項目中的完整指南 The complete guide to integrating an OIDC server into your project (blog.logto.io)
189. Perplexity 和 You.com:聊天前的人工智能搜索GPT搜索 Perplexity and You.com: The AI Search Before ChatGPT Search (www.yourdomain.com)
193. 安全自定義字段甚至無法正確竊取更新日誌條目 Secure Custom Fields can''t even steal the changelog entry properly (twitter.com)
194. 確保 2024 年選舉誠信意味著什麼? What Does It Mean to Ensure Election Integrity in 2024? (www.lawfaremedia.org)
196. 關閉養分循環:城市(周邊)農業中的城市固體廢物 Closing the nutrient cycle: Municipal solid waste in (peri-)urban agriculture (www.sciencedirect.com)
197. 科學家用太陽能代替化石燃料產生攝氏 1 千度以上的熱量 Scientists generate heat over 1kC with solar power instead of fossil fuel (techxplore.com)
198. 秘密蔓延如何拖慢你的腳步--以及如何應對 How Secrets Sprawl Is Slowing You Down – and What to Do About It (www.pulumi.com)
199. 訓練和飲食很簡單,因為你的身體很複雜 Training and Diet Are Simple Because Your Body Is Complex (www.strongerbyscience.com)
201. Meta 正在使用超過 10 萬臺 Nvidia H100 人工智能 GPU 訓練 Llama-4 Meta is using more than 100k Nvidia H100 AI GPUs to train Llama-4 (www.tomshardware.com)
204. 構建微小的人工智能工具:我如何整合 Slack、Jira 和人工智能創建 JiraGPT Building Tiny AI Tools: How I Integrated Slack, Jira, and AI to Create JiraGPT (motaha.io)
206. 日產 1.5L 400 馬力 3 缸發動機理應在賽車之外繼續存在 Nissan''s 1.5L, 400-HP 3-Cylinder Engine Deserved to Live on Beyond Racing (www.thedrive.com)
208. 機器學習通過眼動追蹤揭示個性特徵的潛力 Machine learning''s potential to reveal personality traits through eye tracking (www.psypost.org)
216. EA 放棄對《Apex Legends》的 Linux(和 Steam Deck)支持以遏制作弊行為 EA Drops Linux (and Steam Deck) Support for Apex Legends to Curb Cheating (news.itsfoss.com)
219. 被黑客攻擊的 TP-Link 路由器用於長達數年的賬戶接管攻擊 Hacked TP-Link routers used in years-long account takeover attacks (arstechnica.com)
225. 零重力環境下的武術和格鬥場景:研究與影視作品中的描述 Martial Arts and Fight Scenes in Zero-G: Research, and Depictions in Film and TV (clarkesworldmagazine.com)
229. Lunar Lake 的集成內存是昂貴的一次性產品 Lunar Lake''s integrated memory is an expensive one-off (www.tomshardware.com)
231. 可改善早衰症患者心血管健康的蛋白質 Protein That Could Improve Cardiovascular Health of Those with Progeria (today.umd.edu)
232. 美製抗干擾無人機幫助烏克蘭人穿越俄羅斯 EW US-made jam-resistant drones helped Ukrainians cut through Russia EW (www.defenseone.com)
235. 英偉達 (NVDA) 將取代英特爾進入道瓊斯工業平均指數 Nvidia (NVDA) to Replace Intel in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (www.tipranks.com)
236. 裁員不再有回報:是時候凍結首席執行官的薪酬了 No More Layoffs with a Payoff: It''s Time to Freeze CEO Salaries (www.joanwestenberg.com)
238. 美國太空部隊警告說,中國的能力建設 "令人匪夷所思 US Space Force warns of ''mind-boggling'' build-up of Chinese capabilities (www.ft.com)
239. Video-ChatGPT:通過大型視覺和語言模型實現視頻理解 Video-ChatGPT: Towards Video Understanding via Large Vision and Language Models (arxiv.org)
243. 研究報告邊緣團體的破壞性抗議讓溫和團體獲得更多支持 Study: Disruptive protests by fringe groups give moderate groups more support (phys.org)
245. 英偉達將加入道瓊斯工業平均指數,取代競爭對手芯片製造商英特爾 Nvidia to join Dow Jones Industrial Average, replacing rival chipmaker Intel (www.cnbc.com)
247. 睡眠規律比睡眠時間更能預測死亡風險 Sleep regularity is a stronger predictor of mortality risk than sleep duration (academic.oup.com)
248. 將因果關係分解為協同、獨特和冗餘的組成部分 Decomposing causality into its synergistic, unique, and redundant components (www.nature.com)
253. 投票機公司正在打響下一場造謠戰 Voting machine companies are fighting the next disinformation war (www.theverge.com)
255. 英國羅斯威爾事件:外星人造訪倫敦 [視頻] The British Roswell Incident: When Aliens Visited London [video] (www.youtube.com)
257. 使用 X25519Kyber768M-KEM 進行 TLS 1.3 混合密鑰交換 TLS 1.3 Hybrid Key Exchange Using X25519Kyber768M-KEM (www.netmeister.org)
258. 英特爾表示,由於軟件尚未發佈,高迪 3 將無法實現人工智能目標 Intel says it will miss its AI goals with Gaudi 3 due to unbaked software (www.tomshardware.com)
260. 美國和墨西哥加強執法,移民面臨大規模綁架事件 Migrants Face Mass Kidnappings as U.S. and Mexico Ramp Up Enforcement (www.propublica.org)
262. 休-休伊特(Hugh Hewitt)從《華盛頓郵報》的直播節目中衝出來後退出了《華盛頓郵報 Hugh Hewitt quits The Washington Post after storming off newspaper''s live show (www.cnn.com)
263. 柬埔寨公司剝離保護區木材用於出口 Cambodian company strips protected areas of timber for export (news.mongabay.com)
264. 數千人參加人工智能發明的都柏林萬聖節假遊行 - Euronews Thousands go to fake AI-invented Dublin Halloween parade – Euronews (www.euronews.com)
267. 20 多年後,我重新認識了攝影界最偉大的 "如果 "之一 Over 20 years later, I''m Back realizes one of photography''s greatest ''What ifs'' (www.dpreview.com)
269. Booking.com 網絡釣魚者可能會給您留下預訂信息 Booking.com Phishers May Leave You with Reservations (krebsonsecurity.com)
270. 芬蘭向受氣候危機影響的滑雪勝地出口節雪墊 Finland exports snow-saving mats to ski resorts hit by climate crisis (www.theguardian.com)
272. 埃塞爾-羅森伯格的兒子說,信息自由法案文件還她清白 Ethel Rosenberg''s sons say FOIA documents clear her name (www.bloomberg.com)
273. 用於精確零點檢索的假設文檔嵌入 (HyDE) [pdf] Hypothetical Document Embeddings (HyDE) for Precise Zero-Shot Retrieval [pdf] (arxiv.org)
274. 低成本便攜式設備可在一小時內檢測出結直腸癌和前列腺癌 Low-cost, portable device can detect colorectal and prostate cancer in an hour (medicalxpress.com)
275. 英特爾概述擺脫臺積電製造的計劃 Intel outlines plan to break free from TSMC manufacturing (www.tomshardware.com)
277. 皮特-沃頓前蘋果開發人員如何發現重大安全漏洞 Pete Warden: How an Ex-Apple Dev Found a Big Security Flaw (spectrum.ieee.org)
282. 快速準確的深度可重構尖峰推理加速器架構 Fast and Accurate Deep Reconfigurable Spiking Inference Accelerator Architecture (arxiv.org)
284. Windows 10 支持壽命延長一年,僅需 30 美元 Windows 10 given an extra year of supported life, for 30 (www.theregister.com)
288. 蘋果硅上的 Linux 與 Alyssa Rosenzweig Linux on Apple Silicon with Alyssa Rosenzweig (softwareengineeringdaily.com)
289. 便攜式電池初創公司 Moxion 破產了。發生了什麼事? Portable battery startup Moxion is bankrupt. What happened? (www.latitudemedia.com)
290. 將人工智能用於化石燃料勘探,微軟被指 "漂綠 Microsoft accused of ''greenwashing'' as AI used in fossil fuel exploration (www.theregister.com)
291. (加拿大)2025-2026 年國家網絡威脅評估 (Canadian) National Cyber Threat Assessment 2025-2026 (www.cyber.gc.ca)
295. 美國起訴加密貨幣公司 Gotbit 創始人涉嫌電信詐騙 US indicts founder of crypto firm Gotbit for alleged wire fraud (www.reuters.com)
296. 中國黑客入侵加拿大政府系統多年 Chinese hackers had access to Canadian government systems for years (www.techradar.com)
299. 微軟首席財務官稱 OpenAI 投資將削減本季度利潤 Microsoft CFO says OpenAI investment will cut into profit this quarter (www.cnbc.com)
300. Claude 3.5 Sonnet 現已向所有 Copilot 用戶提供 Claude 3.5 Sonnet is now available to all Copilot users (github.blog)