3. 欧盟计划投资 13 亿欧元提升欧洲大陆的网络安全和人工智能技能 EU plans 1.3B to boost continent''s cybersecurity, AI skills (www.scworld.com)
4. 与此同时,在日本,火车站在一个下午内就被 3D 打印出来了 Meanwhile, in Japan, train stations are being 3D-printed in an afternoon (www.theregister.com)
6. 移民和海关执法局拘留抗议乌克兰战争的俄罗斯哈佛大学研究人员 ICE detains Harvard researcher from Russia who protested Ukraine war (www.msn.com)
8. 中国阻止向美国投资者出售巴拿马运河航运码头 China blocks sale of Panama Canal shipping terminals to US investor (www.freightwaves.com)
9. 托瓦尔兹对 Linux 6.15 中 "恶心 "的 DRM 代码测试感到沮丧 Torvalds Frustrated over "Disgusting" Testing "Turd" DRM Code in Linux 6.15 (www.phoronix.com)
10. 特斯拉车队在 FSD 上总共行驶了超过 36 亿英里 Collectively, the Tesla fleet has driven more than 3.6B miles on FSD (twitter.com)
11. 自特朗普上台以来,美国科学家失去了 30 亿美元的美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)拨款 US scientists lost 3B in NIH grants since Trump took office (arstechnica.com)
12. 埃隆-马斯克的 xAI 公司以 330 亿美元收购社交媒体平台 X Elon Musk''s xAI firm buys social media platform X for 33B (www.theguardian.com)
15. OpenTelemetry 在实践中的应用:有用,但不是用户的终极目标 OpenTelemetry in Practice: Useful, but Not the Endgame for Users (sysrant.com)
18. 弗吉尼亚州将成为首个让部分司机无法超速行驶的州 Virginia to become first state to make speeding impossible for some drivers (www.msn.com)
20. 小肯尼迪逼走了食品及药物管理局的顶级疫苗科学家彼得-马克斯 RFK Jr. forces out FDA''s top vaccine scientist, Peter Marks (www.washingtonpost.com)
22. WordPress 6.8 将使用 bcrypt 对密码进行散列处理 WordPress 6.8 will use bcrypt for password hashing (make.wordpress.org)
23. 20 世纪与传染病的斗争:疫苗的影响 Battling Infectious Diseases in the 20th Century: The Impact of Vaccines (graphics.wsj.com)
24. 对有些人来说,时区只是一种听起来很重要的花哨说法,第 2 集 To some people, time zones are just a fancy way of sounding important, episode 2 (devblogs.microsoft.com)
28. 利用暴露的 Portainer 代理并使用新的 SSH 持久性 Exploiting exposed Portainer agent and using new SSH persistence (blog.exatrack.com)
31. 美国国家安全局 F9T53 Opsec 特别公告:信号漏洞 NSA F9T53 Opsec Special Bulletin: Signal Vulnerability (www.scribd.com)
32. 人工智能是新的研究科学家吗?人类主导的一项研究表明并非如此 Is AI the new research scientist? Not so, according to a human-led study (news.warrington.ufl.edu)
34. 极右翼影响者正在举办价值 1 万美元的周末配对活动,以重新繁衍地球人口 Far-Right Influencers Are Hosting a 10K Matchmaking Weekend to Repopulate Earth (www.wired.com)
38. 特朗普赦免 BitMEX 加密交易所联合创始人亚瑟-海耶斯 Trump Pardons BitMEX Crypto Exchange Co-Founder Arthur Hayes (www.bloomberg.com)
39. 脚是数十亿细菌的家园。您应该多久洗一次脚? Feet are home to billions of bacteria. How often should you wash them? (www.bbc.com)
41. 为具有人工智能超能力的下一代旅游科技公司寻找技术/联合创始人 Looking for a Tech/Co-Founder for the next-gen traveltech with AI superpowers (www.suitpax.com)
42. 亚马逊在关于寡头之子访问 Twitch 的诉讼中被判败诉 Amazon Gets Default in Suit over Twitch Access by Oligarch''s Son (news.bloomberglaw.com)
43. 麦迪逊广场花园在监控系统确认其为首席执行官批评者后禁止其入场 Madison Square Garden Bans Fan After Surveillance System IDs Him as CEO Critic (gizmodo.com)
45. 尼古拉创始人特雷弗-米尔顿获得特朗普总统的全面赦免 Nikola founder Trevor Milton receives full pardon from President Trump (www.cbsnews.com)
46. 政治局势不明朗,心脏外科医生马克-鲁埃尔选择加拿大而非美国 Heart surgeon Dr. Marc Ruel chooses Canada over U.S. amid political uncertainty (www.ctvnews.ca)
47. 利用拓扑量子结构证明 P NP(PQIS 模型) P NP Proven Using Topological Quantum Structures (PQIS Model) (zenodo.org)
48. 埃隆-马斯克以 330 亿美元的价格将 X 公司出售给自己的 xAI 公司,全股票交易 Elon Musk sells X to his own xAI for 33B in all-stock deal (apnews.com)
51. 孩子抱怨床下有 "怪物"。保姆与男子面对面 Child complains of ''monster'' under bed. Babysitter comes face-to-face with man (www.cnn.com)
52. 育碧 40 亿美元分割出售腾讯部分大型游戏 25% 的股份 Ubisoft''s 4B carveout sells Tencent a 25% stake in some of its biggest games (www.theverge.com)
53. FreeBSD:2025 年 1 月笔记本电脑支持和可用性项目更新 FreeBSD: January 2025 Laptop Support and Usability Project Update (freebsdfoundation.org)
54. Windows 11 将堵住一个漏洞,让你无需创建微软账户 Windows 11 is closing a loophole that let you skip making a Microsoft account (www.theverge.com)
56. 男子揽获意大利彩票大奖 8,800 万欧元,前妻起诉索要一半奖金 Man scoops Italian lottery jackpot of 88M, ex-wife sues for half (www.wantedinrome.com)
60. 预计到 2030 年,援助削减将导致与艾滋病毒相关的死亡人数增加 290 万 Aid cuts predicted to cause 2.9M more HIV-related deaths by 2030 (www.theguardian.com)
63. 美国半数人口下周可能遭遇雷暴天气 Half the US population could be in the path of thunderstorms next week (www.cnn.com)
65. 小肯尼迪将关闭 HHS 传染病和 HIV 政策办公室 RFK Jr. To Shut Down HHS Office of Infectious Diseases and HIV Policy (www.advocate.com)
67. 波音公司的 "星际客机 "可能会再次飞行,一切有待修复 Boeing''s Starliner may fly again, pending fixes to everything (www.theregister.com)
68. 一名乘客在飞行途中丢失了一部手机。飞机掉头 A passenger lost a phone midflight. The plane turned around (www.washingtonpost.com)
69. RTX 5090 移动版:首批 LLM 基准测试结果出炉 RTX 5090 Mobile: First LLM Benchmarks Are In (www.hardware-corner.net)
72. 探索美国总统大选(2016 年、2020 年、2024 年) - Qlik 图库 Exploring U.S. Presidential Elections (2016, 2020, 2024) – Qlik Gallery (community.qlik.com)
76. ChatGPT 4o 添加了图像生成功能,非常有趣 ChatGPT 4o adds image generation and its fun as hell (daringfireball.net)
82. 埃隆-马斯克必须就披露 Twitter 股份一事面对欺诈诉讼 Elon Musk must face fraud lawsuit over disclosure of Twitter stake (www.reuters.com)
83. 新的 URLPattern API 改进了模式匹配 New URLPattern API brings improved pattern matching (blog.cloudflare.com)
84. 能源管理局批准在怀俄明州西南部 60 万英亩土地下储存二氧化碳的计划 BLM OKs Plan to Store CO2 Under 600k Acres of Southwest Wyoming (cowboystatedaily.com)
86. 从加拿大飞往美国的航班预订量骤降 70% 以上 Flight bookings from Canada to the US plummet over 70% (www.newsweek.com)
87. 埃隆-马斯克的人工智能公司以 450 亿美元收购 X 公司 Elon Musk''s AI Company Acquires X in 45B Deal (www.hollywoodreporter.com)
88. 美国政府工作人员和军事规划人员现在都喜欢 Signal US Government workers and military planners love Signal now (www.washingtonpost.com)
89. XAI 收购 X,社交媒体网站估值 330 亿美元 XAI has acquired X in deal that values social media site at 33B (www.cnbc.com)
90. 最新民意调查显示,67% 的美国人不会考虑购买特斯拉汽车 67% of Americans would not consider buying a Tesla, new poll says (electrek.co)
94. 美国海军陆战队将获得可躲避雷达的高速电动滑翔翼用于救援行动 US Marines to get high-speed, radar-evading electric seagliders for rescue ops (interestingengineering.com)
95. 巨大的远古生命形式不属于任何已知的生命分支 Giant, Ancient Life Form Doesn''t Fit into Any Known Branch of Life (gizmodo.com)
96. 得克萨斯州麻疹病例增至 400 例,是疫情爆发后 3 天内的最大飙升 Texas measles cases rise to 400, the outbreak''s biggest 3-day spike (www.texastribune.org)
98. 埃隆-马斯克的 xAI 公司以 330 亿美元的价格收购埃隆-马斯克的 X 公司 Elon Musk''s xAI buys Elon Musk''s X for 33B on paper (www.theverge.com)
99. 马斯克威胁政府将对 "推动 "特斯拉 "宣传 "的人进行起诉 Musk threatens to sic the government on people ''pushing'' Tesla ''propaganda'' (www.theverge.com)
102. 联邦贸易委员会要求员工停止在投诉中称该机构为 "独立机构 FTC Tells Staff to Stop Calling the Agency ''Independent'' in Complaints (www.theverge.com)
103. 美国证券交易委员会开始聘用两性平等办公室工作人员 US Securities and Exchange Commission beginning to bring on DOGE staff (www.reuters.com)
106. Oracle Health(前身为 Cerner)漏洞导致美国医院患者数据泄露 Oracle Health (formerly Cerner) breach compromises patient data at US hospitals (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
108. 英特尔传闻中的高端 Battlemage GPU 已被取消 Intel''s rumored high-end Battlemage GPUs have been cancelled (www.techradar.com)
109. Ubuntu 为不"-O3 "所有软件包的决定提供更多启示 Ubuntu Provides More Insight into Their Decision Not to "-O3" All Packages (www.phoronix.com)
110. 经济一旦从规则转向交易,就很难回头 Once an Economy Switches from Rules to Deals, It''s Hard to Go Back (www.bloomberg.com)
113. 我不会把我的洗碗机连接到你那愚蠢的云上 [视频] I won''t connect my dishwasher to your stupid cloud [video] (www.youtube.com)
114. 我用 C# 独自创建的强化学习比团队用 Python 创建的更快 I Built Faster Reinforcement Learning in C# Solo Than Teams Did with Python (rlmatrix.com)
115. 我们对所有事情进行模糊测试--利用模糊测试提高我们的代理能力 We Fuzz All the Things – Using Fuzzing to Improve Our Agent''s Capabilities (blog.bismuth.sh)
117. 治疗下背痛的新药可能 "改变游戏规则 New drug for lower back pain could be ''a gamechanger'' (www.theguardian.com)
118. 查理-贾维斯被判在 1.75 亿美元的初创公司出售案中欺诈摩根大通 Charlie Javice convicted of defrauding JPMorgan in 175M startup sale (apnews.com)
119. 谷歌停产 Nest Protect 烟雾报警器和 Nest x Yale 锁 Google discontinues Nest Protect smoke alarm and Nest x Yale lock (arstechnica.com)
120. 美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)表示,银行可以在未经事先批准的情况下从事加密货币活动 FDIC says banks can engage in crypto activities without prior approval (www.reuters.com)
125. 新学院根据有争议的佛罗里达州法律解雇中国教授 New College fires Chinese professor under controversial Florida law (www.tampabay.com)
126. 电视在监视着您--公司发明新方法利用您的数据赚钱 TV is watching you – Companies inventing new ways to make money off your data (www.vox.com)
128. 将塑料废弃物转化为家庭能源的发明--无需太阳能电池板 Invention Turns Plastic Waste into Home Energy – No Solar Panels Needed (www.soscip.org)
129. 人工智能可能帮助我们治愈疾病--开创医学的新黄金时代 AI may help us cure diseases – and usher in a new golden age of medicine (www.theguardian.com)
130. 联合国数据库 "WIPO警报 "为全球化封禁盗版网站提供便利 UN Database WIPO Alert Helps to Facilitate Globalized Pirate Site Blocking (torrentfreak.com)
131. 你是他的财产一位警长如何在自家农场使用囚犯劳动力 ''You''re His Property'': How One Sheriff Used Inmate Labor on His Family Farm (www.nytimes.com)
132. 数字生活带来的心理负担甚至比分心更重 There''s a psychological burden of digital life even heavier than distraction (www.chrbutler.com)
135. 据报道,甲骨文公司遭遇了两起泄露客户个人信息安全的事件 Oracle has reportedly suffered 2 separate breaches exposing customers'' PII (arstechnica.com)
136. 创始人查理-贾维斯被判诈骗摩根大通罪名成立 Founder Charlie Javice found guilty of defrauding JPMorgan Chase (www.cnbc.com)
140. 最新版 LangGraph Python 对检查点性能进行了重大改进 Big improvements to checkpoint performance in latest LangGraph Python (twitter.com)
141. Siri "不存在 "的人工智能功能引发苹果法律诉讼 Siri''s ''Non-Existent'' AI Features Spark Apple Legal Battle (www.techrepublic.com)
142. 美国国会再次对山姆大叔的软件许可乱象出手 Congress takes another swing at Uncle Sam''s software licensing mess (www.theregister.com)
143. 微软强制 Windows 11 使用微软账户 - 删除 bypassnro Microsoft forces Windows 11 to use a Microsoft Account – removes bypassnro (www.windowscentral.com)
147. 为什么飞机会定期在《GTA 圣安地列斯》中坠毁(3:08 开始分解)[视频] Why planes periodically crash in GTA San Andreas (breakdown starts at 3:08) [video] (www.youtube.com)
149. 谷歌将停止生产 Nest Protect 烟雾报警器 Google will stop making the Nest Protect smoke alarm (www.engadget.com)
150. 布莱恩-约翰逊希望长生不老,并通过保密协议进行控制 Bryan Johnson Wants to Live Forever and Control via Confidentiality Agreements (www.nytimes.com)
151. 欧洲的技术主权之争:为什么 OpenStack 至关重要 [视频] Europe''s Battle for Tech Sovereignty: Why OpenStack Matters [video] (vpetersson.com)
153. Uber 新增肯尼迪机场与曼哈顿之间的 10 美元班车服务 Uber adds new 10 shuttle rides between JFK Airport and Manhattan (www.engadget.com)
154. OpenAI 的产品发布引发了苹果公司久违的关注 OpenAI''s product launches are stirring something which Apple hasn''t in a while (spyglass.org)
155. 金正恩视察 "人工智能自杀式攻击无人机 "试验 N Korea''s Kim inspects test of ''AI suicide attack drones'' (www.bbc.com)
156. 麦克马斯特大学研究人员发现新型抗生素 McMaster researchers discover new class of antibiotics (brighterworld.mcmaster.ca)
158. WeAreCurrentlyClearOnOPSEC.com--建立一个从备忘录到商品的管道 WeAreCurrentlyClearOnOPSEC.com – building a meme to merch pipeline (adamsmithkipnis.medium.com)
159. 特朗普赦免 BitMEX 加密交易所的三名联合创始人 Trump pardons three co-founders of BitMEX crypto exchange (www.cnbc.com)
160. 特朗普政府监视外国留学生的社交媒体 Trump Admin Spies on Social Media of Foreign Students (www.kenklippenstein.com)
161. 特朗普赦免尼古拉创始人特雷弗-米尔顿:"他没有做错任何事 Trump Pardons Nikola Founder Trevor Milton: ''He Did Nothing Wrong'' (www.wsj.com)
163. 反坦克国家风险评估地图:三月版 Anti-Trans National Risk Assessment Map: March Edition (www.erininthemorning.com)
164. 哈佛大学俄罗斯研究员,抗议乌克兰战争,被移民及海关执法局拘留 Russian researcher at Harvard, protested the Ukraine war, detained by ICE (www.nbcnews.com)
167. Ext-PHP-rs:为 Zend API 提供绑定,以便在 Rust 中本地构建 PHP 扩展程序 Ext-PHP-rs: Bindings for the Zend API to build PHP extensions natively in Rust (github.com)
168. Clough42:使用 Bambu Lab H2D 3D 打印机 300 小时的心得体会 [视频] Clough42: What I Learned from 300 Hours with the Bambu Lab H2D 3D Printer [video] (www.youtube.com)
171. 白垩纪的捕蝇器?化石黄蜂腹部的显著变化 A cretaceous fly trap? remarkable abdominal modification in a fossil wasp (bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com)
172. 马斯克在 Reddit 版主因纳粹式敬礼起义期间向 CEO 施压:报道 Musk Pressured Reddit CEO During Moderator Revolt over Nazi-Style Salute: Report (gizmodo.com)
173. CBO 称,如果没有移民,美国人口到 2033 年将会减少 US Population Will Shrink by 2033 Without Immigration, CBO Says (www.bloomberg.com)
174. 联邦调查局在医疗定价算法的法律战中向 Multiplan 投下炸弹 Feds drop bomb on Multiplan in legal war over healthcare price-fixing algorithms (www.theregister.com)
175. 台湾指控中国最大芯片制造商中芯国际非法挖走技术人才 Taiwan accuses China''s biggest chipmaker SMIC of illegally poaching tech talent (www.cnbc.com)
178. Vercel 对重大安全漏洞的事后分析:中间件旁路 Vercel Postmortem on major security vuln: Middleware bypass (vercel.com)
181. 基于 FPGA 的信号处理系统实现(第 2 版) FPGA-Based Implementation of Signal Processing Systems (2nd Edition) (www.wiley.com)
183. 马里兰州 "柯密特青蛙 "毕业典礼的选择在学生中反响不一 Maryland''s Kermit the Frog Commencement Choice Gets Mixed Reaction from Students (www.nytimes.com)
188. 特朗普在诉讼后恢复对自由欧洲电台和开放技术基金的资助 Trump restores funding for Radio Free Europe,Open Technology Fund after lawsuits (thehill.com)
189. 我们黑进了谷歌人工智能 "双子星",并泄露了它的源代码(至少是部分源代码) We hacked Google''s A.I Gemini and leaked its source code (at least some part) (www.landh.tech)
192. 哈佛大学的长期研究表明,健康饮食与整体健康老龄化有关 Healthy Diets Linked to Holistic Healthy Aging in Long-Term Harvard Study (www.thecrimson.com)
195. 谷歌表示,Gmail 锁定黑客攻击后,您有 7 天时间采取行动 You Have 7 Days to Act Following Gmail Lockout Hack Attacks, Google Says (www.forbes.com)
196. 国土安全部和联邦调查局的文件质疑用纹身来识别特伦-德-阿拉瓜(Tren de Aragua)帮派成员的身份 DHS, FBI docs question using tattoos to ID Tren de Aragua gang members (www.usatoday.com)
198. 用小说预测下一场战争的现实计划(2021年) The real-life plan to use novels to predict the next war (2021) (www.theguardian.com)
199. 使用 WoolyAI 扩展 K8s PyTorch CPU Pods 以运行 CUDA Scaling Your K8s PyTorch CPU-Only Pods to Run CUDA with WoolyAI (woolyai.com)
201. 洞的故事啄木鸟如何为森林的其他部分建造家园 The Hole Story: How Woodpeckers Make Homes for the Rest of the Forest (www.allaboutbirds.org)
205. 这到底是什么东西?法国人牙线带来的文化冲击 ''What the hell is this stuff?'': French people on the culture shock of flossing (www.theguardian.com)
206. 如果人类学取得成功,一个仁慈的人工智能天才国家可能诞生 If Anthropic Succeeds, a Nation of Benevolent AI Geniuses Could Be Born (www.wired.com)
207. Zig-PyPI:为 PyPI 打包的 Zig 编程语言 Zig-PyPI: The Zig programming language, packaged for PyPI (github.com)
208. "特斯拉拆迁 "运动计划在美国打压下举行大规模抗议活动 "Tesla Takedown" movement plans mass protests amid U.S. crackdown (www.axios.com)
210. SignalBotOne - 用于 Signal 的通知 Webhooks SignalBotOne – Notification Webhooks for Signal (signalbot.one)
211. 企业首席财务官称 2025 年底前将出现经济衰退 Recession is coming before end of 2025, corporate CFOs say (www.cnbc.com)
212. 法院:第一修正案不适用于对节制做法的描述 Court: First Amendment Doesn''t Apply to Descriptions of Moderation Practices (blog.ericgoldman.org)
214. Windows Server 2025 在 2 月份打完补丁后锁定,何时修复尚无消息 Windows Server 2025 locking up after Feb patch, no word of when a fix will land (www.theregister.com)
218. 美国政府为加密货币提供有利条件,特朗普为自己谋利 US Government lays favorable for crypto, Trump positions himself for profits (www.citationneeded.news)
221. 行政命令抨击史密森尼学会承认种族并非生物学现实 Executive order slams Smithsonian for recognizing race is not biological reality (arstechnica.com)
223. RunReveal 为您的安全日志提供 MCP 服务器 RunReveal provides an MCP Server for your security logs (blog.runreveal.com)
227. 特朗普承诺实现科学突破。研究人员称他正在破坏科学 Trump promised scientific breakthroughs. Researchers say he''s breaking science (www.washingtonpost.com)
228. 死海附近发现有 2200 年历史的金字塔,里面装满了钱币和武器 2,200-year-old pyramid filled with coins and weapons found near Dead Sea (www.livescience.com)
230. 我使用 WordPress 多年,用 Notion 创建了一个更简单的替代方案 I used WordPress for years built a simpler alternative using Notion (wondersites.co)
232. 特朗普的真相:唐纳德-特朗普关于真相的通信的公共档案 社交媒体 Trump''s Truth: A Public Archive of Donald Trump''s Communications on Truth Social (trumpstruth.org)
233. 俄罗斯宣传网络《真理报》在 49 个国家欺骗了 33% 的人工智能响应 Russian propaganda network Pravda tricks 33% of AI responses in 49 countries (euromaidanpress.com)
235. 四家特斯拉经销商称他们在加拿大三天内售出了 8653 辆汽车。真的吗?-纽约时报 Four Tesla Dealers Said They Sold 8,653 Cars in 3 Days in Canada. Did They? -NYT (archive.is)
239. 微软总裁美国需要更多电力和更多电工 Microsoft''s President: US needs more electricity, and more electricians (www.foxbusiness.com)
240. Framer 组件的设计灵感来自 Dieter Rams 的设计原则 Framer components inspired by Dieter Rams'' design principles (drams.framer.website)
241. JR 西日本计划建造首个 3D 打印火车站建筑 First 3D-printed train station building planned by JR West (japantoday.com)
246. 人工智能代理企业革命:构建缺失的情境层 The AI Agent Enterprise Revolution: Building the Missing Context Layer (samelogic.com)
247. Anvil:通用计时安全硬件描述语言 Anvil: A General-Purpose Timing-Safe Hardware Description Language (arxiv.org)
250. 我们绘制了性别平等事务办公室与硅谷和企业的联系图 We Mapped DOGE''s Silicon Valley and Corporate Connections (www.wired.com)
254. 尽管台积电交易额达 1000 亿美元,特朗普仍考虑对台湾芯片征收关税 Trump Still Considering Tariffs on Taiwanese Chips, Despite 100B TSMC Deal (www.wired.com)
255. 大卫-贝西斯 "数学 "中的直觉与形式主义 Intuition and Formalism in David Bessis''s "Mathematica" (3quarksdaily.com)
256. 来自克劳德等人的人工智能搜索器不断攻击我可怜的家庭服务器 AI scrapers from Claude, etc. are incessantly hitting my poor little home server (www.neowin.net)
257. 欧盟将从轻处罚苹果和 Facebook 以避免特朗普的愤怒 EU will go easy with Apple, Facebook punishment to avoid Trump''s wrath (arstechnica.com)
258. 双子座黑客在双子座的帮助下可以发动更猛烈的攻击 Gemini hackers can deliver more potent attacks with a helping hand from Gemini (arstechnica.com)
259. 类似于凤凰 Liveview 的 ReactDevTools 工具 ReactDevTools like tool for Phoenix Liveview (blog.swmansion.com)
261. 比亚迪的电池突破将如何葬送埃隆-马斯克的特斯拉? How BYD''s battery breakthrough is about to bury Elon Musk''s Tesla (www.independent.co.uk)
267. Alpine.js 简介:面向极简主义者的 JavaScript 框架 Intro to Alpine.js: A JavaScript framework for minimalists (www.infoworld.com)
268. 麦迪逊广场花园的监控系统因球迷的 T 恤设计而将其封杀 Madison Square Garden''s surveillance system banned fan over his T-shirt design (www.theverge.com)
269. 针对糖分子的新型疫苗可预防 Covid、MERS 和普通感冒 New vaccine targets sugar molecules to protect from Covid, MERS, and Common Cold (scitechdaily.com)
272. 宫崎骏讨厌你的吉卜力照片,它们可能也侵犯了版权 Miyazaki Hates Your Ghibli-Fied Photos; They''re Probably a Copyright Breach Too (www.zmescience.com)
274. 法官确认西甲有权阻止 Cloudflare 追捕 IPTV 盗版商 Judge Confirms LaLiga''s Right to Block Cloudflare in Pursuit of IPTV Pirates (torrentfreak.com)
275. 特朗普在证券欺诈案中赦免尼古拉创始人特雷弗-米尔顿 Trump pardons Nikola founder Trevor Milton in securities fraud case (www.cnbc.com)
276. 移民与海关执法局因文书工作错误将某人驱逐至萨尔瓦多大型监狱 ICE Deported Someone to El Salvador Megaprison over Paperwork Error (newrepublic.com)
280. 尽管发生了乌克兰战争,欧洲去年进口的俄罗斯天然气却更多了 Despite Ukraine War, Europe Imported Even More Russian Gas Last Year (e360.yale.edu)
282. 以色列拉斐尔公司将制造 "美国化 "的 "尖峰 "导弹以取代 "标枪 "导弹 UIsrael''s Rafael to make ''Americanized'' Spike missile to replace Javelin (interestingengineering.com)
283. NVD 承认无法跟上 2025 年 CVE 披露激增的步伐 NVD Concedes Inability to Keep Pace with Surging CVE Disclosures in 2025 (socket.dev)
284. 使用 Jido 构建气象代理--Elixir 代理 SDK Building a Weather Agent with Jido – Elixir Agent SDK (agentjido.xyz)
286. 特朗普下令对史密森尼博物馆进行 "意识形态 "清理 Trump orders ''ideological'' cleanup of Smithsonian museums (english.elpais.com)
287. 前唐宁街数据科学负责人称英国政府数据人员并非 "技术人员 UK govt data people not ''technical,'' says ex-Downing St data science head (www.theregister.com)
288. 犹他州成为第一个禁止在公共用水中使用氟化物的州 Utah Becomes First State to Ban Fluoride in Public Water (www.nytimes.com)
289. Chainguard 谈解决开放源码软件安全问题的挑战 Chainguard on the challenges of solving OSS security issues (www.youtube.com)
290. 埃隆-马斯克让 Reddit CEO 审查批评性评论 Elon Musk Gets Reddit CEO to Censor Critical Comments (www.thedailypoliticususa.com)
292. 从 4/1 开始,未开启的 Docker Hub 拉动将限制为每小时 10 次 Starting 4/1 Unauthed Docker Hub Pulls will be limited to 10 per hour (www.docker.com)
296. 纽约大学网站遭黑客攻击,百万学生信息泄露 NYU website defaced as hacker leaks info on a million students (www.techradar.com)
297. 日本科学家创造出可在一夜之间溶解于海水的新型塑料 Japanese scientists create new plastic that dissolves in saltwater overnight (newatlas.com)