1. 埃隆-馬斯克說他把 X 賣給了他的人工智能公司 ↑ 2 HN Points 06:45 Elon Musk says he sold X to his AI company (www.cnn.com)
3. ChatGPT 4o 添加了圖像生成功能,非常有趣 ↑ 2 HN Points 06:40 ChatGPT 4o adds image generation and its fun as hell (daringfireball.net)
6. 馬可-盧比奧稱 300 份學生簽證被撤銷 ↑ 2 HN Points 06:26 Marco Rubio says 300 student visas have been revoked (www.cbsnews.com)
7. Beebdoom:將 Doom 移植到 BBC 微型計算機上 ↑ 2 HN Points 06:26 Beebdoom: Port of Doom to the BBC Microcomputer (github.com)
9. 埃隆-馬斯克必須就披露 Twitter 股份一事面對欺詐訴訟 ↑ 5 HN Points 06:16 Elon Musk must face fraud lawsuit over disclosure of Twitter stake (www.reuters.com)
10. 新的 URLPattern API 改進了模式匹配 ↑ 2 HN Points 06:06 New URLPattern API brings improved pattern matching (blog.cloudflare.com)
11. 能源管理局批准在懷俄明州西南部 60 萬英畝土地下儲存二氧化碳的計劃 ↑ 2 HN Points 06:03 BLM OKs Plan to Store CO2 Under 600k Acres of Southwest Wyoming (cowboystatedaily.com)
13. 從加拿大飛往美國的航班預訂量驟降 70% 以上 ↑ 4 HN Points 06:13 Flight bookings from Canada to the US plummet over 70% (www.newsweek.com)
14. 埃隆-馬斯克的人工智能公司以 450 億美元收購 X 公司 ↑ 4 HN Points 06:08 Elon Musk''s AI Company Acquires X in 45B Deal (www.hollywoodreporter.com)
15. 美國政府工作人員和軍事規劃人員現在都喜歡 Signal ↑ 2 HN Points 06:08 US Government workers and military planners love Signal now (www.washingtonpost.com)
16. XAI 收購 X,社交媒體網站估值 330 億美元 ↑ 9 HN Points 06:02 XAI has acquired X in deal that values social media site at 33B (www.cnbc.com)
17. 最新民意調查顯示,67% 的美國人不會考慮購買特斯拉汽車 ↑ 5 HN Points 06:02 67% of Americans would not consider buying a Tesla, new poll says (electrek.co)
19. 美國企業家的 "關稅人 "來了 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:58 The Tariff Man Is Coming for America''s Entrepreneurs (www.theatlantic.com)
20. 中國可以不費一槍一彈征服臺灣 [視頻] ↑ 2 HN Points 05:58 China could conquer Taiwan without firing a shot [video] (www.youtube.com)
21. 美國海軍陸戰隊將獲得可躲避雷達的高速電動滑翔翼用於救援行動 ↑ 3 HN Points 05:56 US Marines to get high-speed, radar-evading electric seagliders for rescue ops (interestingengineering.com)
22. 巨大的遠古生命形式不屬於任何已知的生命分支 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:54 Giant, Ancient Life Form Doesn''t Fit into Any Known Branch of Life (gizmodo.com)
23. 得克薩斯州麻疹病例增至 400 例,是疫情爆發後 3 天內的最大飆升 ↑ 4 HN Points 05:52 Texas measles cases rise to 400, the outbreak''s biggest 3-day spike (www.texastribune.org)
24. 山姆-奧特曼被 OpenAI 辭退的真相 ↑ 3 HN Points 05:52 The Real Story of Sam Altman’s Firing From OpenAI (www.wsj.com)
25. 埃隆-馬斯克的 xAI 公司以 330 億美元的價格收購埃隆-馬斯克的 X 公司 ↑ 12 HN Points 05:50 Elon Musk''s xAI buys Elon Musk''s X for 33B on paper (www.theverge.com)
26. 馬斯克威脅政府將對 "推動 "特斯拉 "宣傳 "的人進行起訴 ↑ 6 HN Points 05:42 Musk threatens to sic the government on people ''pushing'' Tesla ''propaganda'' (www.theverge.com)
28. 用樹莓派 DIY PTP 大師時鐘 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:37 DIY PTP Grandmaster Clock with a Raspberry Pi (www.jeffgeerling.com)
29. 聯邦貿易委員會要求員工停止在投訴中稱該機構為 "獨立機構 ↑ 3 HN Points 05:37 FTC Tells Staff to Stop Calling the Agency ''Independent'' in Complaints (www.theverge.com)
30. 美國證券交易委員會開始聘用兩性平等辦公室工作人員 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:42 US Securities and Exchange Commission beginning to bring on DOGE staff (www.reuters.com)
31. 馬斯克的 xAI 以 450 億美元收購社交媒體平臺 X ↑ 2 HN Points 05:35 Musk''s xAI buys social media platform X for 45B (www.reuters.com)
32. AGI 本應取代我。 ↑ 3 HN Points 05:29 AGI was supposed to replace me. instead, I have more work to do than (twitter.com)
33. Oracle Health(前身為 Cerner)漏洞導致美國醫院患者數據洩露 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:26 Oracle Health (formerly Cerner) breach compromises patient data at US hospitals (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
34. xAI 收購 X,xAI 現估值 800 億美元 ↑ 64 HN Points 05:23 xAI has acquired X, xAI now valued at 80 billion (twitter.com)
35. 英特爾傳聞中的高端 Battlemage GPU 已被取消 ↑ 3 HN Points 05:22 Intel''s rumored high-end Battlemage GPUs have been cancelled (www.techradar.com)
36. Ubuntu 為不"-O3 "所有軟件包的決定提供更多啟示 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:21 Ubuntu Provides More Insight into Their Decision Not to "-O3" All Packages (www.phoronix.com)
37. 經濟一旦從規則轉向交易,就很難回頭 ↑ 3 HN Points 05:17 Once an Economy Switches from Rules to Deals, It''s Hard to Go Back (www.bloomberg.com)
40. 我不會把我的洗碗機連接到你那愚蠢的雲上 [視頻] ↑ 3 HN Points 05:04 I won''t connect my dishwasher to your stupid cloud [video] (www.youtube.com)
41. 我用 C# 獨自創建的強化學習比團隊用 Python 創建的更快 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:05 I Built Faster Reinforcement Learning in C# Solo Than Teams Did with Python (rlmatrix.com)
42. 我們對所有事情進行模糊測試--利用模糊測試提高我們的代理能力 ↑ 2 HN Points 05:05 We Fuzz All the Things – Using Fuzzing to Improve Our Agent''s Capabilities (blog.bismuth.sh)
44. 治療下背痛的新藥可能 "改變遊戲規則 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:57 New drug for lower back pain could be ''a gamechanger'' (www.theguardian.com)
45. 查理-賈維斯被判在 1.75 億美元的初創公司出售案中欺詐摩根大通 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:55 Charlie Javice convicted of defrauding JPMorgan in 175M startup sale (apnews.com)
46. 谷歌停產 Nest Protect 煙霧報警器和 Nest x Yale 鎖 ↑ 3 HN Points 04:52 Google discontinues Nest Protect smoke alarm and Nest x Yale lock (arstechnica.com)
47. 美國聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC)表示,銀行可以在未經事先批准的情況下從事加密貨幣活動 ↑ 5 HN Points 04:48 FDIC says banks can engage in crypto activities without prior approval (www.reuters.com)
52. 新學院根據有爭議的佛羅里達州法律解僱中國教授 ↑ 6 HN Points 04:44 New College fires Chinese professor under controversial Florida law (www.tampabay.com)
53. 電視在監視著您--公司發明新方法利用您的數據賺錢 ↑ 5 HN Points 04:37 TV is watching you – Companies inventing new ways to make money off your data (www.vox.com)
55. 將塑料廢棄物轉化為家庭能源的發明--無需太陽能電池板 ↑ 3 HN Points 04:28 Invention Turns Plastic Waste into Home Energy – No Solar Panels Needed (www.soscip.org)
56. 人工智能可能幫助我們治癒疾病--開創醫學的新黃金時代 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:27 AI may help us cure diseases – and usher in a new golden age of medicine (www.theguardian.com)
57. 聯合國數據庫 "WIPO警報 "為全球化封禁盜版網站提供便利 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:34 UN Database WIPO Alert Helps to Facilitate Globalized Pirate Site Blocking (torrentfreak.com)
58. 你是他的財產一位警長如何在自家農場使用囚犯勞動力 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:33 ''You''re His Property'': How One Sheriff Used Inmate Labor on His Family Farm (www.nytimes.com)
59. 數字生活帶來的心理負擔甚至比分心更重 ↑ 3 HN Points 04:29 There''s a psychological burden of digital life even heavier than distraction (www.chrbutler.com)
62. 據報道,甲骨文公司遭遇了兩起洩露客戶個人信息安全的事件 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:23 Oracle has reportedly suffered 2 separate breaches exposing customers'' PII (arstechnica.com)
63. 創始人查理-賈維斯被判詐騙摩根大通罪名成立 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:21 Founder Charlie Javice found guilty of defrauding JPMorgan Chase (www.cnbc.com)
65. 使用 Fonts.com 網絡字體的正確方法 (2020) ↑ 2 HN Points 04:19 The Right Way to Use Fonts.com Web Fonts (2020) (matthiasott.com)
67. 最新版 LangGraph Python 對檢查點性能進行了重大改進 ↑ 3 HN Points 04:15 Big improvements to checkpoint performance in latest LangGraph Python (twitter.com)
68. Siri "不存在 "的人工智能功能引發蘋果法律訴訟 ↑ 3 HN Points 04:13 Siri''s ''Non-Existent'' AI Features Spark Apple Legal Battle (www.techrepublic.com)
69. 美國國會再次對山姆大叔的軟件許可亂象出手 ↑ 2 HN Points 04:13 Congress takes another swing at Uncle Sam''s software licensing mess (www.theregister.com)
70. 微軟強制 Windows 11 使用微軟賬戶 - 刪除 bypassnro ↑ 4 HN Points 04:09 Microsoft forces Windows 11 to use a Microsoft Account – removes bypassnro (www.windowscentral.com)
71. 美國經濟數據面臨埃隆-馬斯克 "鬥魚 "裁員的風險 ↑ 5 HN Points 04:09 US economic data at risk from Elon Musk''s Doge cuts (www.ft.com)
74. 為什麼飛機會定期在《GTA 聖安地列斯》中墜毀(3:08 開始分解)[視頻] ↑ 2 HN Points 04:03 Why planes periodically crash in GTA San Andreas (breakdown starts at 3:08) [video] (www.youtube.com)
75. 防止濫用法律制度和聯邦法院 ↑ 5 HN Points 04:02 Preventing Abuses of the Legal System and the Federal Court (www.whitehouse.gov)
76. 谷歌將停止生產 Nest Protect 煙霧報警器 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:59 Google will stop making the Nest Protect smoke alarm (www.engadget.com)
77. 布萊恩-約翰遜希望長生不老,並通過保密協議進行控制 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:52 Bryan Johnson Wants to Live Forever and Control via Confidentiality Agreements (www.nytimes.com)
78. 歐洲的技術主權之爭:為什麼 OpenStack 至關重要 [視頻] ↑ 3 HN Points 03:51 Europe''s Battle for Tech Sovereignty: Why OpenStack Matters [video] (vpetersson.com)
79. 克勞德、MCP 和 Vanta 可為審計人員提供幫助 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:48 Claude and MCP and Vanta could help auditors (www.vanta.com)
80. Uber 新增肯尼迪機場與曼哈頓之間的 10 美元班車服務 ↑ 3 HN Points 03:44 Uber adds new 10 shuttle rides between JFK Airport and Manhattan (www.engadget.com)
81. OpenAI 的產品發佈引發了蘋果公司久違的關注 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:44 OpenAI''s product launches are stirring something which Apple hasn''t in a while (spyglass.org)
82. 金正恩視察 "人工智能自殺式攻擊無人機 "試驗 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:43 N Korea''s Kim inspects test of ''AI suicide attack drones'' (www.bbc.com)
83. 麥克馬斯特大學研究人員發現新型抗生素 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:29 McMaster researchers discover new class of antibiotics (brighterworld.mcmaster.ca)
84. 初創企業創始人在摩根大通案件中被判欺詐罪名成立 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:28 Startup Founder Found Guilty of Fraud in JPMorgan Case (www.wsj.com)
85. WeAreCurrentlyClearOnOPSEC.com--建立一個從備忘錄到商品的管道 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:15 WeAreCurrentlyClearOnOPSEC.com – building a meme to merch pipeline (adamsmithkipnis.medium.com)
86. 特朗普赦免 BitMEX 加密交易所的三名聯合創始人 ↑ 5 HN Points 03:35 Trump pardons three co-founders of BitMEX crypto exchange (www.cnbc.com)
87. 特朗普政府監視外國留學生的社交媒體 ↑ 4 HN Points 03:33 Trump Admin Spies on Social Media of Foreign Students (www.kenklippenstein.com)
88. 特朗普赦免尼古拉創始人特雷弗-米爾頓:"他沒有做錯任何事 ↑ 6 HN Points 03:32 Trump Pardons Nikola Founder Trevor Milton: ''He Did Nothing Wrong'' (www.wsj.com)
90. 反坦克國家風險評估地圖:三月版 ↑ 5 HN Points 03:15 Anti-Trans National Risk Assessment Map: March Edition (www.erininthemorning.com)
91. 哈佛大學俄羅斯研究員,抗議烏克蘭戰爭,被移民及海關執法局拘留 ↑ 10 HN Points 03:14 Russian researcher at Harvard, protested the Ukraine war, detained by ICE (www.nbcnews.com)
94. Ext-PHP-rs:為 Zend API 提供綁定,以便在 Rust 中本地構建 PHP 擴展程序 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:55 Ext-PHP-rs: Bindings for the Zend API to build PHP extensions natively in Rust (github.com)
95. Clough42:使用 Bambu Lab H2D 3D 打印機 300 小時的心得體會 [視頻] ↑ 2 HN Points 02:52 Clough42: What I Learned from 300 Hours with the Bambu Lab H2D 3D Printer [video] (www.youtube.com)
96. 消除異步 Rust 中的 "未來未發送 "錯誤 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:42 Pinning down "Future is not Send" errors in async Rust (emschwartz.me)
98. 白堊紀的捕蠅器?化石黃蜂腹部的顯著變化 ↑ 4 HN Points 02:55 A cretaceous fly trap? remarkable abdominal modification in a fossil wasp (bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com)
99. 馬斯克在 Reddit 版主因納粹式敬禮起義期間向 CEO 施壓:報道 ↑ 4 HN Points 02:52 Musk Pressured Reddit CEO During Moderator Revolt over Nazi-Style Salute: Report (gizmodo.com)
100. CBO 稱,如果沒有移民,美國人口到 2033 年將會減少 ↑ 4 HN Points 02:46 US Population Will Shrink by 2033 Without Immigration, CBO Says (www.bloomberg.com)
101. 聯邦調查局在醫療定價算法的法律戰中向 Multiplan 投下炸彈 ↑ 3 HN Points 02:42 Feds drop bomb on Multiplan in legal war over healthcare price-fixing algorithms (www.theregister.com)
102. 臺灣指控中國最大芯片製造商中芯國際非法挖走技術人才 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:39 Taiwan accuses China''s biggest chipmaker SMIC of illegally poaching tech talent (www.cnbc.com)
103. 複製危機也可能是理論危機(2019年) ↑ 4 HN Points 02:36 The replication crisis may also be a theory crisis (2019) (arstechnica.com)
105. Vercel 對重大安全漏洞的事後分析:中間件旁路 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:33 Vercel Postmortem on major security vuln: Middleware bypass (vercel.com)
106. Cforth for RP2350 (2024) [視頻] ↑ 2 HN Points 02:23 Cforth for RP2350 (2024) [video] (www.youtube.com)
108. 基於 FPGA 的信號處理系統實現(第 2 版) ↑ 2 HN Points 02:16 FPGA-Based Implementation of Signal Processing Systems (2nd Edition) (www.wiley.com)
110. 馬里蘭州 "柯密特青蛙 "畢業典禮的選擇在學生中反響不一 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:06 Maryland''s Kermit the Frog Commencement Choice Gets Mixed Reaction from Students (www.nytimes.com)
112. ChatGPT 在政治上向右傾斜 ↑ 3 HN Points 02:31 ChatGPT is shifting rightwards politically (www.psypost.org)
114. 每個人都知道你手機上的所有應用程序 ↑ 2 HN Points 02:24 Everyone knows all the apps on your phone (peabee.substack.com)
115. 特朗普在訴訟後恢復對自由歐洲電臺和開放技術基金的資助 ↑ 4 HN Points 02:13 Trump restores funding for Radio Free Europe,Open Technology Fund after lawsuits (thehill.com)
116. 我們黑進了谷歌人工智能 "雙子星",並洩露了它的源代碼(至少是部分源代碼) ↑ 62 HN Points 02:12 We hacked Google''s A.I Gemini and leaked its source code (at least some part) (www.landh.tech)
119. 哈佛大學的長期研究表明,健康飲食與整體健康老齡化有關 ↑ 7 HN Points 01:43 Healthy Diets Linked to Holistic Healthy Aging in Long-Term Harvard Study (www.thecrimson.com)
121. 詹森,我們與你同在。但我們還沒到那一步 ↑ 3 HN Points 01:38 Jensen, We''re with You. But We''re Not There Yet (www.chipstrat.com)
122. 谷歌表示,Gmail 鎖定黑客攻擊後,您有 7 天時間採取行動 ↑ 3 HN Points 01:30 You Have 7 Days to Act Following Gmail Lockout Hack Attacks, Google Says (www.forbes.com)
123. 國土安全部和聯邦調查局的文件質疑用紋身來識別特倫-德-阿拉瓜(Tren de Aragua)幫派成員的身份 ↑ 3 HN Points 01:28 DHS, FBI docs question using tattoos to ID Tren de Aragua gang members (www.usatoday.com)
124. Macintosh 雜誌媒體:100 萬個文件 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:28 Macintosh Magazine Media: 1 million files (blog.gingerbeardman.com)
125. 用小說預測下一場戰爭的現實計劃(2021年) ↑ 2 HN Points 01:23 The real-life plan to use novels to predict the next war (2021) (www.theguardian.com)
126. 使用 WoolyAI 擴展 K8s PyTorch CPU Pods 以運行 CUDA ↑ 2 HN Points 00:54 Scaling Your K8s PyTorch CPU-Only Pods to Run CUDA with WoolyAI (woolyai.com)
128. 洞的故事啄木鳥如何為森林的其他部分建造家園 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:32 The Hole Story: How Woodpeckers Make Homes for the Rest of the Forest (www.allaboutbirds.org)
129. jank 能打敗 Clojure 的錯誤報告嗎? ↑ 2 HN Points 01:23 Can jank beat Clojure''s error reporting? (jank-lang.org)
130. 我的團隊喜歡快速出貨和稍後下沉 ↑ 3 HN Points 01:21 My team loved to ship fast and sink later (rosesecurity.dev)
131. 哥倫比亞私營保安公司的全球影響力 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:20 The Global Reach of Colombia''s Private Security Firms (jacobin.com)
132. 這到底是什麼東西?法國人牙線帶來的文化衝擊 ↑ 3 HN Points 01:15 ''What the hell is this stuff?'': French people on the culture shock of flossing (www.theguardian.com)
133. 如果人類學取得成功,一個仁慈的人工智能天才國家可能誕生 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:14 If Anthropic Succeeds, a Nation of Benevolent AI Geniuses Could Be Born (www.wired.com)
134. Zig-PyPI:為 PyPI 打包的 Zig 編程語言 ↑ 2 HN Points 01:08 Zig-PyPI: The Zig programming language, packaged for PyPI (github.com)
135. "特斯拉拆遷 "運動計劃在美國打壓下舉行大規模抗議活動 ↑ 4 HN Points 01:07 "Tesla Takedown" movement plans mass protests amid U.S. crackdown (www.axios.com)
136. 單向視頻訪談的可怕真相(2018) ↑ 2 HN Points 01:07 The Horrible Truth About One-Way Video Interviews (2018) (www.forbes.com)
137. SignalBotOne - 用於 Signal 的通知 Webhooks ↑ 2 HN Points 01:06 SignalBotOne – Notification Webhooks for Signal (signalbot.one)
138. 企業首席財務官稱 2025 年底前將出現經濟衰退 ↑ 5 HN Points 01:03 Recession is coming before end of 2025, corporate CFOs say (www.cnbc.com)
139. 法院:第一修正案不適用於對節制做法的描述 ↑ 3 HN Points 01:01 Court: First Amendment Doesn''t Apply to Descriptions of Moderation Practices (blog.ericgoldman.org)
141. Windows Server 2025 在 2 月份打完補丁後鎖定,何時修復尚無消息 ↑ 2 HN Points 00:58 Windows Server 2025 locking up after Feb patch, no word of when a fix will land (www.theregister.com)
142. 希拉里-克林頓:這會變得有多蠢? ↑ 3 HN Points 00:58 Hillary Clinton: How Much Dumber Will This Get? (archive.ph)
145. 美國政府為加密貨幣提供有利條件,特朗普為自己謀利 ↑ 4 HN Points 00:39 US Government lays favorable for crypto, Trump positions himself for profits (www.citationneeded.news)
148. 行政命令抨擊史密森尼學會承認種族並非生物學現實 ↑ 3 HN Points 00:32 Executive order slams Smithsonian for recognizing race is not biological reality (arstechnica.com)
149. 離職間隔時間:軟件指揮家的崛起 ↑ 2 HN Points 00:30 Time between disengagements: the rise of the software conductor (www.gitpod.io)
150. RunReveal 為您的安全日誌提供 MCP 服務器 ↑ 2 HN Points 00:29 RunReveal provides an MCP Server for your security logs (blog.runreveal.com)
154. 特朗普承諾實現科學突破。研究人員稱他正在破壞科學 ↑ 4 HN Points 00:22 Trump promised scientific breakthroughs. Researchers say he''s breaking science (www.washingtonpost.com)
155. 死海附近發現有 2200 年曆史的金字塔,裡面裝滿了錢幣和武器 ↑ 12 HN Points 00:15 2,200-year-old pyramid filled with coins and weapons found near Dead Sea (www.livescience.com)
157. 我使用 WordPress 多年,用 Notion 創建了一個更簡單的替代方案 ↑ 2 HN Points 00:12 I used WordPress for years built a simpler alternative using Notion (wondersites.co)
159. 特朗普的真相:唐納德-特朗普關於真相的通信的公共檔案 社交媒體 ↑ 5 HN Points 00:09 Trump''s Truth: A Public Archive of Donald Trump''s Communications on Truth Social (trumpstruth.org)
160. 俄羅斯宣傳網絡《真理報》在 49 個國家欺騙了 33% 的人工智能響應 ↑ 4 HN Points 00:04 Russian propaganda network Pravda tricks 33% of AI responses in 49 countries (euromaidanpress.com)
161. 人工智能使用的增加與批判性思維能力的削弱有關 ↑ 4 HN Points 00:03 Increased AI use linked to eroding critical thinking skills (phys.org)
162. 四家特斯拉經銷商稱他們在加拿大三天內售出了 8653 輛汽車。真的嗎?-紐約時報 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Four Tesla Dealers Said They Sold 8,653 Cars in 3 Days in Canada. Did They? -NYT (archive.is)
165. 為什麼人類的臉看起來與尼安德特人如此不同 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Why Human Faces Look So Different from Neanderthals (www.zmescience.com)
166. 微軟總裁美國需要更多電力和更多電工 ↑ 2 HN Points 00:01 Microsoft''s President: US needs more electricity, and more electricians (www.foxbusiness.com)
167. Framer 組件的設計靈感來自 Dieter Rams 的設計原則 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Framer components inspired by Dieter Rams'' design principles (drams.framer.website)
168. JR 西日本計劃建造首個 3D 打印火車站建築 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 First 3D-printed train station building planned by JR West (japantoday.com)
169. 不要重複自己和強大的小數法則 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Don''t repeat yourself and the strong law of small numbers (jerf.org)
170. 酮在中年關鍵窗口期逆轉大腦衰老 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Ketones Reverse Brain Aging During Midlife Critical Window (www.pnas.org)
171. 重溫低分辨率下的柵格悲劇(2018) ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The Raster Tragedy at Low-Resolution Revisited (2018) (rastertragedy.com)
173. 人工智能代理企業革命:構建缺失的情境層 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The AI Agent Enterprise Revolution: Building the Missing Context Layer (samelogic.com)
174. Anvil:通用計時安全硬件描述語言 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Anvil: A General-Purpose Timing-Safe Hardware Description Language (arxiv.org)
177. 我們繪製了性別平等事務辦公室與硅谷和企業的聯繫圖 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 We Mapped DOGE''s Silicon Valley and Corporate Connections (www.wired.com)
181. 儘管臺積電交易額達 1000 億美元,特朗普仍考慮對臺灣芯片徵收關稅 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Trump Still Considering Tariffs on Taiwanese Chips, Despite 100B TSMC Deal (www.wired.com)
182. 大衛-貝西斯 "數學 "中的直覺與形式主義 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Intuition and Formalism in David Bessis''s "Mathematica" (3quarksdaily.com)
183. 來自克勞德等人的人工智能搜索器不斷攻擊我可憐的家庭服務器 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-28 AI scrapers from Claude, etc. are incessantly hitting my poor little home server (www.neowin.net)
184. 歐盟將從輕處罰蘋果和 Facebook 以避免特朗普的憤怒 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 EU will go easy with Apple, Facebook punishment to avoid Trump''s wrath (arstechnica.com)
185. 雙子座黑客在雙子座的幫助下可以發動更猛烈的攻擊 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 Gemini hackers can deliver more potent attacks with a helping hand from Gemini (arstechnica.com)
186. 類似於鳳凰 Liveview 的 ReactDevTools 工具 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 ReactDevTools like tool for Phoenix Liveview (blog.swmansion.com)
187. DidMySettingsChange UI 模式來了 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 DidMySettingsChange UI Mode Is Here (github.com)
188. 比亞迪的電池突破將如何葬送埃隆-馬斯克的特斯拉? ↑ 11 HN Points 03-28 How BYD''s battery breakthrough is about to bury Elon Musk''s Tesla (www.independent.co.uk)
189. 敏感 "軍隊文件被發現散落街頭 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 ''Sensitive'' army papers found scattered in street (www.bbc.com)
190. 永不消停的派萊克斯玻璃之爭(2019年) ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 The Pyrex Glass Controversy That Just Won''t Die (2019) (gizmodo.com)
191. 進行 "人工智能已經到來 "的對話 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Having the "AI has arrived" conversation (seanblanchfield.com)
193. 將因子分解為大因子 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Decomposing a Factorial into Large Factors (terrytao.wordpress.com)
194. Alpine.js 簡介:面向極簡主義者的 JavaScript 框架 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Intro to Alpine.js: A JavaScript framework for minimalists (www.infoworld.com)
195. 麥迪遜廣場花園的監控系統因球迷的 T 恤設計而將其封殺 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Madison Square Garden''s surveillance system banned fan over his T-shirt design (www.theverge.com)
196. 針對糖分子的新型疫苗可預防 Covid、MERS 和普通感冒 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 New vaccine targets sugar molecules to protect from Covid, MERS, and Common Cold (scitechdaily.com)
199. 宮崎駿討厭你的吉卜力照片,它們可能也侵犯了版權 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-28 Miyazaki Hates Your Ghibli-Fied Photos; They''re Probably a Copyright Breach Too (www.zmescience.com)
200. 尼古拉創始人特雷弗-米爾頓聲稱自己已被赦免 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Nikola founder Trevor Milton claims he''s been pardoned (electrek.co)
201. 法官確認西甲有權阻止 Cloudflare 追捕 IPTV 盜版商 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Judge Confirms LaLiga''s Right to Block Cloudflare in Pursuit of IPTV Pirates (torrentfreak.com)
202. 特朗普在證券欺詐案中赦免尼古拉創始人特雷弗-米爾頓 ↑ 9 HN Points 03-28 Trump pardons Nikola founder Trevor Milton in securities fraud case (www.cnbc.com)
203. 移民與海關執法局因文書工作錯誤將某人驅逐至薩爾瓦多大型監獄 ↑ 8 HN Points 03-28 ICE Deported Someone to El Salvador Megaprison over Paperwork Error (newrepublic.com)
207. 儘管發生了烏克蘭戰爭,歐洲去年進口的俄羅斯天然氣卻更多了 ↑ 19 HN Points 03-28 Despite Ukraine War, Europe Imported Even More Russian Gas Last Year (e360.yale.edu)
208. 超越相似性:個性化推薦 [視頻] ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Beyond Similarity: Personalizing Recommendations [video] (www.youtube.com)
209. 以色列拉斐爾公司將製造 "美國化 "的 "尖峰 "導彈以取代 "標槍 "導彈 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 UIsrael''s Rafael to make ''Americanized'' Spike missile to replace Javelin (interestingengineering.com)
210. NVD 承認無法跟上 2025 年 CVE 披露激增的步伐 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 NVD Concedes Inability to Keep Pace with Surging CVE Disclosures in 2025 (socket.dev)
211. 使用 Jido 構建氣象代理--Elixir 代理 SDK ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Building a Weather Agent with Jido – Elixir Agent SDK (agentjido.xyz)
213. 特朗普下令對史密森尼博物館進行 "意識形態 "清理 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Trump orders ''ideological'' cleanup of Smithsonian museums (english.elpais.com)
214. 前唐寧街數據科學負責人稱英國政府數據人員並非 "技術人員 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 UK govt data people not ''technical,'' says ex-Downing St data science head (www.theregister.com)
215. 猶他州成為第一個禁止在公共用水中使用氟化物的州 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Utah Becomes First State to Ban Fluoride in Public Water (www.nytimes.com)
216. Chainguard 談解決開放源碼軟件安全問題的挑戰 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Chainguard on the challenges of solving OSS security issues (www.youtube.com)
217. 埃隆-馬斯克讓 Reddit CEO 審查批評性評論 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-28 Elon Musk Gets Reddit CEO to Censor Critical Comments (www.thedailypoliticususa.com)
219. 從 4/1 開始,未開啟的 Docker Hub 拉動將限制為每小時 10 次 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Starting 4/1 Unauthed Docker Hub Pulls will be limited to 10 per hour (www.docker.com)
221. Doge 計劃在數月內重建 SSA 代碼庫 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Doge Plans to Rebuild SSA Codebase in Months (www.wired.com)
223. 紐約大學網站遭黑客攻擊,百萬學生信息洩露 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 NYU website defaced as hacker leaks info on a million students (www.techradar.com)
224. 日本科學家創造出可在一夜之間溶解於海水的新型塑料 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Japanese scientists create new plastic that dissolves in saltwater overnight (newatlas.com)
225. OpenAI 對吉卜力的狂熱急轉直下 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 OpenAI''s Ghibli frenzy took a dark turn real fast (www.businessinsider.com)
227. MicroPython - 面向微控制器的 Python ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 MicroPython – Python for Microcontrollers (micropython.org)
230. Skittle Factory 痴呆猴奶頭貨幣化 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Skittle Factory Dementia Monkey Titty Monetization (parakeet.substack.com)
231. 塑造我思維的框架 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Frameworks that Shaped my Thinking (utopianengineeringsociety.substack.com)
232. Windows 用戶使用 Linux?沒有這種事 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Linux for Windows Users? There''s No Such Thing (linuxiac.com)
233. 被閃電擊中對一些熱帶樹木有好處 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 Getting hit by lightning is good for some tropical trees (www.caryinstitute.org)
234. 任天堂將數字遊戲重塑為可交換、可借出的虛擬遊戲卡 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Nintendo reinvents digital games as swappable, lendable Virtual Game Cards (www.polygon.com)
236. 專訪《豪華跳臺》創作者 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Interview with the Creator of Deluxe Ski Jump (spillhistorie.no)
237. B 級片怪獸生物學》(2003 年) ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 The Biology of B-Movie Monsters (2003) (fathom.lib.uchicago.edu)
238. IBM 在美國的裁員可能比人們擔心的更嚴重--工作機會將流向印度 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 IBM US cuts may run deeper than feared ‒ and the jobs are heading to India (www.theregister.com)
239. 日經新聞》稱軟銀可能為美國的人工智能事業認捐 100 萬美元 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 SoftBank May Pledge 1T for AI Effort in US, Nikkei Says (www.bloomberg.com)
240. 麵包模塊化:我們發佈了獲得麻省理工學院許可的經濟型模塊化合成器平臺 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Bread Modular: We released an affordable MIT licensed modular synth platform (www.breadmodular.com)
242. Atlas.co - 更簡單、更快速地處理空間數據 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Atlas.co – Work with spatial data – simpler and faster (atlas.co)
243. 關於 "聊天機器人大辯論 "的簡要說明:法學碩士瞭解嗎? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Brief Note on "The Great Chatbot Debate: Do LLMs Understand?" (medium.com)
244. 性行為不端與科學行為不端指控後的引證處罰 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Citation penalties following sexual versus scientific misconduct allegations (journals.plos.org)
245. 美國需要新的網絡安全戰略:美國需要新的網絡安全戰略:更多進攻性網絡行動 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The US Needs a New Cybersecurity Strategy: More Offensive Cyber Operations Isn'' (malwaretech.com)
246. BroSQL:用 Go 編寫的史上最無情的數據庫 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 BroSQL: The Most Unhinged Database Ever, Written in Go (github.com)
247. 跨平臺 P2P Wi-Fi:歐盟如何扼殺 AWDL ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Cross-Platform P2P Wi-Fi: How the EU Killed AWDL (www.ditto.com)
248. 如果我們不阻止他們,他們就會奪走一切 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 They Are Going to Take Everything If We Don''t Stop Them (www.hamiltonnolan.com)
249. "遺忘的權力,記憶的權利"--數字隱私是一種反抗 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 "The Power to Forget, the Right to Remember"-Digital Privacy as Resistance (theradicalfederalist.substack.com)
252. 對生命本身的侮辱宮崎駿對人工智能的批評再次浮出水面 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 ''An Insult to Life Itself'': Hayao Miyazaki''s AI Criticism Resurfaces (animehunch.com)
254. 我是土耳其總統的主要挑戰者。我曾被捕 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 I Am the Turkish President''s Main Challenger. I Was Arrested (www.nytimes.com)
255. 分析我見過的增長最快的軟件類別 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Analyzing the Fastest-Growing Software Category I''ve Ever Seen (every.to)
256. CFPB 尋求撤銷針對 Townstone 的濫用、不公正案件 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 CFPB Seeks to Vacate Abusive, Unjust Case Against Townstone (www.consumerfinance.gov)
257. 特朗普的聯邦通信委員會開始用虛假調查騷擾公共廣播公司 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Trump''s FCC Starts Harassing Public Broadcasters with Bogus Investigations (www.techdirt.com)
258. 科學家不會沉默":數千人抗議削減科研經費 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 ''Scientists will not be silenced'': thousands protest research cuts (www.nature.com)
259. 耶魯大學教授逃離美國到多倫多大學任教 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Yale professors flee U.S. to teach at University of Toronto (www.thestar.com)
260. 恢復美國曆史的真實與理智 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Restoring Truth and Sanity to American History (www.whitehouse.gov)
261. SVG v2 在 6 年中前進了 1%:目前完成了 44 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 SVG v2 advanced 1% in 6 years: now is at 44% completion (github.com)
262. 鵝肝生理學:為什麼鵝肝並非不道德(2019年) ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 The Physiology of Foie: Why Foie Gras Is Not Unethical (2019) (www.seriouseats.com)
264. 巨大的 Nvidia Rubin NVL576 Kyber 中板 - ServeTheHome ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The Nvidia Rubin NVL576 Kyber Midplane Is Huge – ServeTheHome (www.servethehome.com)
265. 亞馬遜的 Levi''s 和 Levi''s 的 Levi''s 有什麼不同? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Are Levi''s from Amazon Different from Levi''s from Levi''s? (nymag.com)
266. 將判斷力外包給人工智能的風險 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The risk of outsourcing judgment to AI (www.nightviewcapital.com)
267. 我開了 300 英里,然後要求警方把我的汽車監控錄像發給我。 ↑ 62 HN Points 03-28 I drove 300 miles, then asked police to send me surveillance footage of my car. (cardinalnews.org)
268. 在 Ariel OS 上構建 CoAP 應用程序 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Building a CoAP Application on Ariel OS (christian.amsuess.com)
270. 特拉華州 "億萬富翁法案 "對所有非億萬富翁來說都是壞消息 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Delaware ''Billionaire''s Bill'' Is Bad News for Everyone Who Isn''t a Billionaire (gizmodo.com)
272. 火箭實驗室和斯托克太空公司加入國家安全太空發射競賽 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Rocket Lab, Stoke Space Join National Security Space Launch Competition (spacenews.com)
274. .NET Aspire - 微軟在 "基礎架構即代碼 "方面的嘗試 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 .NET Aspire – Microsoft''s Attempt at Infrastructure as Code (www.darrenhorrocks.co.uk)
275. 您可能違反了 "拉瑪社區許可證 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 You''re Probably Breaking the Llama Community License (notes.victor.earth)
276. 任何人都不應成為 "內容創造者" ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Nobody should be a "content creator" (christianheilmann.com)
277. 蓋爾辛格表示,臺積電在美國建廠不會使美國再次成為芯片大國 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 TSMC''s US builds won''t make America great at chips again, says Gelsinger (www.theregister.com)
278. 蓬皮杜藝術中心--震驚巴黎的先鋒建築 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Pompidou Center – The pioneering building that scandalised Paris (www.bbc.com)
279. 危險的拳擊流行病:保羅-班巴的悲慘警世故事 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 A dangerous epidemic in boxing: the tragic, cautionary tale of Paul Bamba (www.theguardian.com)
283. 用於遠程桌面服務部署的 ARM 模板 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 ARM Templates for Remote Desktop Services Deployments (github.com)
284. 在亞利桑那州有目的、快樂地過著無車生活 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Living Car-Free in Arizona, on Purpose and Happily (www.nytimes.com)
285. 使用 POSIX 線程安全地使用非反向程序庫 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Safeishly use non-reentrant libraries with POSIX threads (git.sr.ht)
286. 我們請 5 位人工智能幫手撰寫棘手的電子郵件。其中一個明顯勝出。 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 We asked 5 AI helpers to write tough emails. One was a clear winner. (www.washingtonpost.com)
287. 讓我們來看看 JEP 483:提前加載類和鏈接 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Let''s Take a Look at JEP 483: Ahead-of-Time Class Loading and Linking (www.morling.dev)
289. OpenPA - 有關 HP 9000 和 PA-RISC 系統的獨立技術資源 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 OpenPA – an independent technical resource on HP 9000 and PA-RISC systems (www.openpa.net)
291. 用 Go 從頭開始編寫 DNS 解析器 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Writing a DNS resolver in Go from scratch with TDD (domenicoluciani.com)
292. Decomp.me:在瀏覽器中協作反編譯代碼 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Decomp.me: collaboratively decompile code in the browser (decomp.me)
293. 汽車如何工作 - 汽車機械和汽車工程指南 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 How a Car Works - Guides to car mechanics and automotive engineering (www.howacarworks.com)
295. 錯誤現象學》(1981 年)[pdf] ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The Phenomenology of Error (1981) [pdf] (www.cs.tufts.edu)
296. 通過實時編碼面試的隱形人工智能 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 An invisible AI for passing live-coding interviews (www.interviewcoder.co)
297. 勞斯萊斯高歌猛進,英國卻無動於衷 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Rolls-Royce is soaring, Britain is indifferent (unherd.com)
300. iPhone 用戶現在可以將 WhatsApp 設置為默認通話和短信應用程序 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 iPhone users can now set WhatsApp as their default calling and texting app (www.theverge.com)