1. 微軟總裁美國需要更多電力和更多電工 Microsoft''s President: US needs more electricity, and more electricians (www.foxbusiness.com)
2. Framer 組件的設計靈感來自 Dieter Rams 的設計原則 Framer components inspired by Dieter Rams'' design principles (drams.framer.website)
3. JR 西日本計劃建造首個 3D 打印火車站建築 First 3D-printed train station building planned by JR West (japantoday.com)
8. 人工智能代理企業革命:構建缺失的情境層 The AI Agent Enterprise Revolution: Building the Missing Context Layer (samelogic.com)
12. 我們繪製了性別平等事務辦公室與硅谷和企業的聯繫圖 We Mapped DOGE''s Silicon Valley and Corporate Connections (www.wired.com)
16. 儘管臺積電交易額達 1000 億美元,特朗普仍考慮對臺灣芯片徵收關稅 Trump Still Considering Tariffs on Taiwanese Chips, Despite 100B TSMC Deal (www.wired.com)
17. 大衛-貝西斯 "數學 "中的直覺與形式主義 Intuition and Formalism in David Bessis''s "Mathematica" (3quarksdaily.com)
18. 來自克勞德等人的人工智能搜索器不斷攻擊我可憐的家庭服務器 AI scrapers from Claude, etc. are incessantly hitting my poor little home server (www.neowin.net)
19. 歐盟將從輕處罰蘋果和 Facebook 以避免特朗普的憤怒 EU will go easy with Apple, Facebook punishment to avoid Trump''s wrath (arstechnica.com)
20. 雙子座黑客在雙子座的幫助下可以發動更猛烈的攻擊 Gemini hackers can deliver more potent attacks with a helping hand from Gemini (arstechnica.com)
21. 類似於鳳凰 Liveview 的 ReactDevTools 工具 ReactDevTools like tool for Phoenix Liveview (blog.swmansion.com)
23. 比亞迪的電池突破將如何葬送埃隆-馬斯克的特斯拉? How BYD''s battery breakthrough is about to bury Elon Musk''s Tesla (www.independent.co.uk)
29. Alpine.js 簡介:面向極簡主義者的 JavaScript 框架 Intro to Alpine.js: A JavaScript framework for minimalists (www.infoworld.com)
30. 麥迪遜廣場花園的監控系統因球迷的 T 恤設計而將其封殺 Madison Square Garden''s surveillance system banned fan over his T-shirt design (www.theverge.com)
31. 針對糖分子的新型疫苗可預防 Covid、MERS 和普通感冒 New vaccine targets sugar molecules to protect from Covid, MERS, and Common Cold (scitechdaily.com)
34. 宮崎駿討厭你的吉卜力照片,它們可能也侵犯了版權 Miyazaki Hates Your Ghibli-Fied Photos; They''re Probably a Copyright Breach Too (www.zmescience.com)
36. 法官確認西甲有權阻止 Cloudflare 追捕 IPTV 盜版商 Judge Confirms LaLiga''s Right to Block Cloudflare in Pursuit of IPTV Pirates (torrentfreak.com)
37. 特朗普在證券欺詐案中赦免尼古拉創始人特雷弗-米爾頓 Trump pardons Nikola founder Trevor Milton in securities fraud case (www.cnbc.com)
38. 移民與海關執法局因文書工作錯誤將某人驅逐至薩爾瓦多大型監獄 ICE Deported Someone to El Salvador Megaprison over Paperwork Error (newrepublic.com)
42. 儘管發生了烏克蘭戰爭,歐洲去年進口的俄羅斯天然氣卻更多了 Despite Ukraine War, Europe Imported Even More Russian Gas Last Year (e360.yale.edu)
44. 以色列拉斐爾公司將製造 "美國化 "的 "尖峰 "導彈以取代 "標槍 "導彈 UIsrael''s Rafael to make ''Americanized'' Spike missile to replace Javelin (interestingengineering.com)
45. NVD 承認無法跟上 2025 年 CVE 披露激增的步伐 NVD Concedes Inability to Keep Pace with Surging CVE Disclosures in 2025 (socket.dev)
46. 使用 Jido 構建氣象代理--Elixir 代理 SDK Building a Weather Agent with Jido – Elixir Agent SDK (agentjido.xyz)
48. 特朗普下令對史密森尼博物館進行 "意識形態 "清理 Trump orders ''ideological'' cleanup of Smithsonian museums (english.elpais.com)
49. 前唐寧街數據科學負責人稱英國政府數據人員並非 "技術人員 UK govt data people not ''technical,'' says ex-Downing St data science head (www.theregister.com)
50. 猶他州成為第一個禁止在公共用水中使用氟化物的州 Utah Becomes First State to Ban Fluoride in Public Water (www.nytimes.com)
51. Chainguard 談解決開放源碼軟件安全問題的挑戰 Chainguard on the challenges of solving OSS security issues (www.youtube.com)
52. 埃隆-馬斯克讓 Reddit CEO 審查批評性評論 Elon Musk Gets Reddit CEO to Censor Critical Comments (www.thedailypoliticususa.com)
54. 從 4/1 開始,未開啟的 Docker Hub 拉動將限制為每小時 10 次 Starting 4/1 Unauthed Docker Hub Pulls will be limited to 10 per hour (www.docker.com)
58. 紐約大學網站遭黑客攻擊,百萬學生信息洩露 NYU website defaced as hacker leaks info on a million students (www.techradar.com)
59. 日本科學家創造出可在一夜之間溶解於海水的新型塑料 Japanese scientists create new plastic that dissolves in saltwater overnight (newatlas.com)
65. Skittle Factory 痴呆猴奶頭貨幣化 Skittle Factory Dementia Monkey Titty Monetization (parakeet.substack.com)
69. 任天堂將數字遊戲重塑為可交換、可借出的虛擬遊戲卡 Nintendo reinvents digital games as swappable, lendable Virtual Game Cards (www.polygon.com)
73. IBM 在美國的裁員可能比人們擔心的更嚴重--工作機會將流向印度 IBM US cuts may run deeper than feared ‒ and the jobs are heading to India (www.theregister.com)
74. 日經新聞》稱軟銀可能為美國的人工智能事業認捐 100 萬美元 SoftBank May Pledge 1T for AI Effort in US, Nikkei Says (www.bloomberg.com)
75. 麵包模塊化:我們發佈了獲得麻省理工學院許可的經濟型模塊化合成器平臺 Bread Modular: We released an affordable MIT licensed modular synth platform (www.breadmodular.com)
78. 關於 "聊天機器人大辯論 "的簡要說明:法學碩士瞭解嗎? Brief Note on "The Great Chatbot Debate: Do LLMs Understand?" (medium.com)
79. 性行為不端與科學行為不端指控後的引證處罰 Citation penalties following sexual versus scientific misconduct allegations (journals.plos.org)
80. 美國需要新的網絡安全戰略:美國需要新的網絡安全戰略:更多進攻性網絡行動 The US Needs a New Cybersecurity Strategy: More Offensive Cyber Operations Isn'' (malwaretech.com)
83. 如果我們不阻止他們,他們就會奪走一切 They Are Going to Take Everything If We Don''t Stop Them (www.hamiltonnolan.com)
84. "遺忘的權力,記憶的權利"--數字隱私是一種反抗 "The Power to Forget, the Right to Remember"-Digital Privacy as Resistance (theradicalfederalist.substack.com)
87. 對生命本身的侮辱宮崎駿對人工智能的批評再次浮出水面 ''An Insult to Life Itself'': Hayao Miyazaki''s AI Criticism Resurfaces (animehunch.com)
89. 我是土耳其總統的主要挑戰者。我曾被捕 I Am the Turkish President''s Main Challenger. I Was Arrested (www.nytimes.com)
91. CFPB 尋求撤銷針對 Townstone 的濫用、不公正案件 CFPB Seeks to Vacate Abusive, Unjust Case Against Townstone (www.consumerfinance.gov)
92. 特朗普的聯邦通信委員會開始用虛假調查騷擾公共廣播公司 Trump''s FCC Starts Harassing Public Broadcasters with Bogus Investigations (www.techdirt.com)
93. 科學家不會沉默":數千人抗議削減科研經費 ''Scientists will not be silenced'': thousands protest research cuts (www.nature.com)
96. SVG v2 在 6 年中前進了 1%:目前完成了 44 SVG v2 advanced 1% in 6 years: now is at 44% completion (github.com)
97. 鵝肝生理學:為什麼鵝肝並非不道德(2019年) The Physiology of Foie: Why Foie Gras Is Not Unethical (2019) (www.seriouseats.com)
99. 巨大的 Nvidia Rubin NVL576 Kyber 中板 - ServeTheHome The Nvidia Rubin NVL576 Kyber Midplane Is Huge – ServeTheHome (www.servethehome.com)
100. 亞馬遜的 Levi''s 和 Levi''s 的 Levi''s 有什麼不同? Are Levi''s from Amazon Different from Levi''s from Levi''s? (nymag.com)
102. 我開了 300 英里,然後要求警方把我的汽車監控錄像發給我。 I drove 300 miles, then asked police to send me surveillance footage of my car. (cardinalnews.org)
105. 特拉華州 "億萬富翁法案 "對所有非億萬富翁來說都是壞消息 Delaware ''Billionaire''s Bill'' Is Bad News for Everyone Who Isn''t a Billionaire (gizmodo.com)
107. 火箭實驗室和斯托克太空公司加入國家安全太空發射競賽 Rocket Lab, Stoke Space Join National Security Space Launch Competition (spacenews.com)
109. .NET Aspire - 微軟在 "基礎架構即代碼 "方面的嘗試 .NET Aspire – Microsoft''s Attempt at Infrastructure as Code (www.darrenhorrocks.co.uk)
112. 蓋爾辛格表示,臺積電在美國建廠不會使美國再次成為芯片大國 TSMC''s US builds won''t make America great at chips again, says Gelsinger (www.theregister.com)
113. 蓬皮杜藝術中心--震驚巴黎的先鋒建築 Pompidou Center – The pioneering building that scandalised Paris (www.bbc.com)
114. 危險的拳擊流行病:保羅-班巴的悲慘警世故事 A dangerous epidemic in boxing: the tragic, cautionary tale of Paul Bamba (www.theguardian.com)
121. 我們請 5 位人工智能幫手撰寫棘手的電子郵件。其中一個明顯勝出。 We asked 5 AI helpers to write tough emails. One was a clear winner. (www.washingtonpost.com)
122. 讓我們來看看 JEP 483:提前加載類和鏈接 Let''s Take a Look at JEP 483: Ahead-of-Time Class Loading and Linking (www.morling.dev)
124. OpenPA - 有關 HP 9000 和 PA-RISC 系統的獨立技術資源 OpenPA – an independent technical resource on HP 9000 and PA-RISC systems (www.openpa.net)
128. 汽車如何工作 - 汽車機械和汽車工程指南 How a Car Works - Guides to car mechanics and automotive engineering (www.howacarworks.com)
135. iPhone 用戶現在可以將 WhatsApp 設置為默認通話和短信應用程序 iPhone users can now set WhatsApp as their default calling and texting app (www.theverge.com)
136. 從 4 月 1 日起,印度政府可查看您的 WhatsApp 消息和電子郵件 From April 1, Indian govt can see your WhatsApp messages, emails (www.wionews.com)
137. 法拉利表示將對部分車型提價 10%,以抵消汽車關稅 Ferrari says it will raise prices by 10% on some models to offset auto tariffs (www.cnbc.com)
141. 研究人員從一對晶體管中獲得尖峰神經行為 Researchers get spiking neural behavior out of a pair of transistors (arstechnica.com)
142. 用於高效邊緣部署的小型語言模型 (SLM) Small Language Models (SLMs) for Efficient Edge Deployment (blog.premai.io)
145. 4o 個腳本,併產生了關於其自身存在的縈繞心頭的連環畫 4o scripts and generates a haunting comic strip about its own existence (twitter.com)
148. 特朗普稱美國將 "不惜一切代價 "控制格陵蘭島 Trump says US will ''go as far as we have to'' to get control of Greenland (abcnews.go.com)
149. 特朗普稱 Signal 聊天事件是 "獵巫",並稱 "應用程序可能有缺陷"。 Trump calls Signal chat fallout a ''witch hunt'',says ''app could be defective'' (apnews.com)
150. 特朗普推動對烏克蘭礦產和能源的近乎完全控制 Trump pushes for near-total control of Ukraine''s minerals and energy (www.lbc.co.uk)
153. 學習編碼,忽略人工智能,然後利用人工智能更好地編碼 Learn to code, ignore AI, then use AI to code even better (kyrylo.org)
155. 尼古拉的特雷弗-米爾頓說他已被唐納德-特朗普赦免 Nikola''s Trevor Milton says he has been pardoned by Donald Trump (www.ft.com)
160. 東南亞發生 7.7 級地震,緬甸和泰國受到影響 7.7 magnitude earthquake hits Southeast Asia, affecting Myanmar and Thailand (twitter.com)
162. V2X 快速發展背後的驚人動力:電動校車 The surprising powerhouse behind rapid V2X growth: electric school buses (electrek.co)
164. 美國國家航空航天局(NASA)面臨削減經費,中國則提出了雄心勃勃的行星探索計劃 As NASA faces cuts, China reveals ambitious plans for planetary exploration (arstechnica.com)
166. 財富是如何贏得的?作為市場基本要素的要素股票 [pdf] How the Wealth Was Won: Factor Shares as Market Fundamentals [pdf] (www.nber.org)
167. 澳大利亞偏遠小鎮招聘醫生,提供 40 萬美元薪水和免費房租 Remote Australian town seeks a doctor, offering a 400k salary and free rent (apnews.com)
175. 孕中期接觸汙染與產後抑鬱有關 Mid-pregnancy pollution exposure linked to postpartum depression (www.bps.org.uk)
176. 完整指南:構建你的第一個人工智能代理(無代碼和代碼演示) Complete Guide: Build Your First AI Agent (No-Code and Code Demo) (www.youtube.com)
178. 中國政府就巴拿馬港口交易對李嘉誠的和記黃埔發出第四次警告 Fourth Beijing warning for Li Ka-shing''s Hutchison over Panama ports deal (www.scmp.com)
179. Ettus Research 推薦閱讀:數字無線通信、DSP、SDR、射頻 Ettus Research Suggested Reading: Digital Wireless Communications, DSP, SDR, RF (kb.ettus.com)
181. 為什麼是黃鼠狼的睪丸?劍橋節目解讀中世紀醫學 Why the weasel testicles? Cambridge show explains medieval medicine (www.theguardian.com)
183. Swift 中的方法調度機制:靜態和動態調度 Method dispatch mechanisms in Swift: static and dynamic dispatch (nilcoalescing.com)
184. WasmVision - 使用 WebAssembly 進行計算機視覺,現在支持 MCP 和 GPU WasmVision – computer vision using WebAssembly now with MCP and GPU support (github.com)
186. 中國劫持印度現役無人機:為本土發展敲響警鐘 China Hijacks Indian In-Service Drone: A Wake-Up Call for Indigenous Development (alphadefense.in)
187. 9/11 清理期間的暴露與救災人員早發痴呆症有關 Exposure during 9/11 cleanup linked to early-onset dementia in responders (www.psypost.org)
189. 父母在經濟上供養成年子女的比例達到 3 年來的新高 Percentage of parents financially supporting adult children reaches 3-year high (www.savings.com)
190. 擔心特朗普削減經費,加州民主黨人提議創建本州自己的 NIH Fearing Trump cuts, California Democrat proposes creating state''s own NIH (www.politico.com)
191. 終結者比你想象的更狡猾。第二部分 Finalizers are tricker than you might think. Part 2 (sergeyteplyakov.github.io)
194. Pete Hegseth 承諾美國支持馬尼拉反對中國 Pete Hegseth, pledges US support for Manila against China (www.theguardian.com)
195. 黑格塞斯:關島美軍是 "矛的尖端 Hegseth: U.S. troops on Guam are the ''tip of the spear'' (www.washingtontimes.com)
196. 1700年的孤島海嘯--美國母地震的日本線索(2015年) Orphan tsunami of 1700–Japanese clues to a parent earthquake in America (2015) (pubs.usgs.gov)
197. 以色列士兵奉命在加沙使用巴勒斯坦人作為人盾 Israeli soldier was ordered to use Palestinians as human shields in Gaza (www.cbsnews.com)
199. 從單張運動模糊圖像估算攝像機運動軌跡 Estimating Camera Motion from a Single Motion-Blurred Image (jerredchen.github.io)
202. Anthropic 或將很快推出帶有 500K 代幣上下文窗口的 Claude 3.7 Sonnet Anthropic may soon launch Claude 3.7 Sonnet with 500K token context window (www.testingcatalog.com)
203. 流媒體病毒式傳播,IShowSpeed 受到中國政府表揚 IShowSpeed praised by Chinese government as streams go viral (www.dexerto.com)
207. Monero:中本聰加密貨幣願景的真正實現 Monero: The True Fulfillment of Satoshi''s Vision for Cryptocurrency (monero.forex)
208. 在日本,無冰的湖和不存在的神發出古老的警告 In Japan, an Iceless Lake and an Absent God Sound an Ancient Warning (www.nytimes.com)
210. 人民公社 "與中國資本主義的發展》(1959 年) The «People''s Communes» and the Development of Capitalism in China (1959) (www.theinternationalism.org)
214. Cloudflare 在收到針對付費客戶的虛假濫用報告後對網站進行了篡改 Cloudflare defacing website after a false abuse report on a paying customer (community.cloudflare.com)
215. 它是世界上最熱門的汽車公司。在美國買不到 It''s the world''s hottest car company. You can''t buy one in America (www.cnn.com)
216. 美國不再是可靠的夥伴,舊關係已經結束:加拿大總理卡尼 US no longer a reliable partner, old relationship is over: Canadian PM Carney (www.tribuneindia.com)
217. 駕駛豐田售價 1 萬美元的皮卡,你就會想擁有一輛 (2023) One Drive in Toyota''s 10k Pickup Will Make You Want One (2023) (www.motor1.com)
219. DeepSeek 之後,一種古老的人工智能方法獲得了新的關注 An old approach to AI gains new attention after DeepSeek (www.bloomberg.com)
220. 埃隆-馬斯克和 DOGE 團隊幕後任務介紹 [視頻] Elon Musk and DOGE team give behind the scenes look at their mission [video] (www.youtube.com)
222. Apache NuttX 和小型系統 - Modbus 從站示例 Apache NuttX and small systems – Modbus slave example (www.railab.me)
226. 咖啡灌腸可能不會排毒--更可能造成損害 Coffee enemas probably won''t detox your system – more likely to cause damage (theconversation.com)
227. 亞當-薩維奇測試蘋果 AirPods Pro 助聽器 [視頻] Adam Savage Tests the Apple AirPods Pro Hearing Aid [video] (www.youtube.com)
229. 醫生為何如此熱衷於將人工智能應用於患者 Why doctors are so excited to use AI with their patients (www.washingtonpost.com)
232. SPL:處理多層 JSON 數據的專業之選 SPL: The Professional Choice for Processing Multi-Layered JSON Data (c.esproc.com)
233. 骯髒、噁心、汙穢、長滿蝨子的boids。§ 斯科特-斯米特利 Dirty, disgusting, filthy, lice-ridden boids. § Scott Smitelli (www.scottsmitelli.com)
236. 地球自轉通過自身磁場發電 Electric power generation from Earth''s rotation through its own magnetic field (journals.aps.org)
237. 俄亥俄州立法者從醜聞纏身的 FirstEnergy 法案中廢除煤炭補貼 Ohio lawmakers repeal coal subsidies from scandal ridden FirstEnergy bill (ohiocapitaljournal.com)
238. 人行道棚架的盡頭紐約市將通過 "重大 "腳手架改革法案 Where the sidewalk shed ends: NYC to pass ''major'' scaffolding reforms (gothamist.com)
240. 英偉達接近收購人工智能雲提供商 Lepton AI,交易金額達九位數 Nvidia close to acquiring AI cloud provider Lepton AI in nine-figure deal (siliconangle.com)
242. 隱私無損:Proton VPN 現已內置在 Vivaldi 中 Privacy Without Compromise: Proton VPN Is Now Built into Vivaldi (vivaldi.com)
243. 加州爾灣:一位億萬富翁如何控制最火熱的房地產市場 Irvine, California: How One Billionaire Controls the Hottest Housing Market (www.bloomberg.com)
245. 人類的關係比我們通常想象的更加密切 (2020) Humans Are All More Closely Related Than We Commonly Think (2020) (www.scientificamerican.com)
246. 美國如何將農業作為全球權力的工具 How the U.S. Used Agriculture as a Tool of Global Power (foodishealth.substack.com)
248. 聯邦特工伏擊學生並消失的新視頻引發深切關注 New video of feds ambushing student and vanishing sparks deep concern (slate.com)
249. 尼古拉創始人特雷弗-米爾頓被判欺詐罪,獲特朗普全面赦免 Nikola founder Trevor Milton, convicted of fraud, granted full pardon by Trump (www.reuters.com)
250. 反編譯和移植用 C 語言編寫的 GameBoy Advance 遊戲 Sonic Advance 2 A decompilation and port of Sonic Advance 2-a GameBoy Advance game written in C (github.com)
251. 國家醫療服務系統兒童吞嚥物體手術減少的原因是現金減少 Decline of cash credited for drop in NHS surgery for children swallowing objects (www.theguardian.com)
254. FFN 融合:重新思考大型語言模型中的順序計算 FFN Fusion: Rethinking Sequential Computation in Large Language Models (arxiv.org)
255. 尼古拉汽車公司創始人特雷弗-米爾頓獲特朗普總統赦免 Founder of Nikola Motor Company, Trevor Milton, Pardoned by President Trump (twitter.com)
256. 美國太空部隊選擇火箭實驗室中子火箭作為 56 億美元合同的一部分 US Space Force Selects Rocket Lab Neutron Rocket as Part of 5.6B Contract (tlpnetwork.com)
257. 卡尼:"我們與美國的舊關係......已經結束" Carney:"The old relationship we had with the U.S. ... is over" (bsky.app)
258. 炙手可熱的新型熱力學芯片可能打敗經典計算機 Hot New Thermodynamic Chips Could Trump Classical Computers (www.wired.com)
259. 保存在距今 9900 萬年琥珀中的奇異生物 "超乎想象 Bizarre creature preserved in 99 million-year-old amber was ‘beyond imagination'' (www.cnn.com)
260. 使用 uv 和 PEP 723 編寫自包含的 Python 腳本 Using uv and PEP 723 for Self-Contained Python Scripts (thisdavej.com)
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269. 在建造自動路由器之前,我會告訴自己的事情 Things I would have told myself before building an autorouter (blog.autorouting.com)
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299. 喬治-奧威爾和我理查德-布萊爾講述與非凡父親的生活 George Orwell and me: Richard Blair on life with his extraordinary father (www.theguardian.com)
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