1. 微软总裁美国需要更多电力和更多电工 ↑ 2 HN Points 00:01 Microsoft''s President: US needs more electricity, and more electricians (www.foxbusiness.com)
2. Framer 组件的设计灵感来自 Dieter Rams 的设计原则 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Framer components inspired by Dieter Rams'' design principles (drams.framer.website)
3. JR 西日本计划建造首个 3D 打印火车站建筑 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 First 3D-printed train station building planned by JR West (japantoday.com)
4. 不要重复自己和强大的小数法则 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Don''t repeat yourself and the strong law of small numbers (jerf.org)
5. 酮在中年关键窗口期逆转大脑衰老 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Ketones Reverse Brain Aging During Midlife Critical Window (www.pnas.org)
6. 重温低分辨率下的栅格悲剧(2018) ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The Raster Tragedy at Low-Resolution Revisited (2018) (rastertragedy.com)
8. 人工智能代理企业革命:构建缺失的情境层 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The AI Agent Enterprise Revolution: Building the Missing Context Layer (samelogic.com)
9. Anvil:通用计时安全硬件描述语言 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Anvil: A General-Purpose Timing-Safe Hardware Description Language (arxiv.org)
12. 我们绘制了性别平等事务办公室与硅谷和企业的联系图 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 We Mapped DOGE''s Silicon Valley and Corporate Connections (www.wired.com)
16. 尽管台积电交易额达 1000 亿美元,特朗普仍考虑对台湾芯片征收关税 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Trump Still Considering Tariffs on Taiwanese Chips, Despite 100B TSMC Deal (www.wired.com)
17. 大卫-贝西斯 "数学 "中的直觉与形式主义 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Intuition and Formalism in David Bessis''s "Mathematica" (3quarksdaily.com)
18. 来自克劳德等人的人工智能搜索器不断攻击我可怜的家庭服务器 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-28 AI scrapers from Claude, etc. are incessantly hitting my poor little home server (www.neowin.net)
19. 欧盟将从轻处罚苹果和 Facebook 以避免特朗普的愤怒 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 EU will go easy with Apple, Facebook punishment to avoid Trump''s wrath (arstechnica.com)
20. 双子座黑客在双子座的帮助下可以发动更猛烈的攻击 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 Gemini hackers can deliver more potent attacks with a helping hand from Gemini (arstechnica.com)
21. 类似于凤凰 Liveview 的 ReactDevTools 工具 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 ReactDevTools like tool for Phoenix Liveview (blog.swmansion.com)
23. 比亚迪的电池突破将如何葬送埃隆-马斯克的特斯拉? ↑ 11 HN Points 03-28 How BYD''s battery breakthrough is about to bury Elon Musk''s Tesla (www.independent.co.uk)
24. 敏感 "军队文件被发现散落街头 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 ''Sensitive'' army papers found scattered in street (www.bbc.com)
25. 永不消停的派莱克斯玻璃之争(2019年) ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 The Pyrex Glass Controversy That Just Won''t Die (2019) (gizmodo.com)
26. 进行 "人工智能已经到来 "的对话 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Having the "AI has arrived" conversation (seanblanchfield.com)
28. 将因子分解为大因子 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Decomposing a Factorial into Large Factors (terrytao.wordpress.com)
29. Alpine.js 简介:面向极简主义者的 JavaScript 框架 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Intro to Alpine.js: A JavaScript framework for minimalists (www.infoworld.com)
30. 麦迪逊广场花园的监控系统因球迷的 T 恤设计而将其封杀 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Madison Square Garden''s surveillance system banned fan over his T-shirt design (www.theverge.com)
31. 针对糖分子的新型疫苗可预防 Covid、MERS 和普通感冒 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 New vaccine targets sugar molecules to protect from Covid, MERS, and Common Cold (scitechdaily.com)
34. 宫崎骏讨厌你的吉卜力照片,它们可能也侵犯了版权 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-28 Miyazaki Hates Your Ghibli-Fied Photos; They''re Probably a Copyright Breach Too (www.zmescience.com)
35. 尼古拉创始人特雷弗-米尔顿声称自己已被赦免 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Nikola founder Trevor Milton claims he''s been pardoned (electrek.co)
36. 法官确认西甲有权阻止 Cloudflare 追捕 IPTV 盗版商 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Judge Confirms LaLiga''s Right to Block Cloudflare in Pursuit of IPTV Pirates (torrentfreak.com)
37. 特朗普在证券欺诈案中赦免尼古拉创始人特雷弗-米尔顿 ↑ 9 HN Points 03-28 Trump pardons Nikola founder Trevor Milton in securities fraud case (www.cnbc.com)
38. 移民与海关执法局因文书工作错误将某人驱逐至萨尔瓦多大型监狱 ↑ 8 HN Points 03-28 ICE Deported Someone to El Salvador Megaprison over Paperwork Error (newrepublic.com)
42. 尽管发生了乌克兰战争,欧洲去年进口的俄罗斯天然气却更多了 ↑ 19 HN Points 03-28 Despite Ukraine War, Europe Imported Even More Russian Gas Last Year (e360.yale.edu)
43. 超越相似性:个性化推荐 [视频] ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Beyond Similarity: Personalizing Recommendations [video] (www.youtube.com)
44. 以色列拉斐尔公司将制造 "美国化 "的 "尖峰 "导弹以取代 "标枪 "导弹 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 UIsrael''s Rafael to make ''Americanized'' Spike missile to replace Javelin (interestingengineering.com)
45. NVD 承认无法跟上 2025 年 CVE 披露激增的步伐 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 NVD Concedes Inability to Keep Pace with Surging CVE Disclosures in 2025 (socket.dev)
46. 使用 Jido 构建气象代理--Elixir 代理 SDK ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Building a Weather Agent with Jido – Elixir Agent SDK (agentjido.xyz)
48. 特朗普下令对史密森尼博物馆进行 "意识形态 "清理 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Trump orders ''ideological'' cleanup of Smithsonian museums (english.elpais.com)
49. 前唐宁街数据科学负责人称英国政府数据人员并非 "技术人员 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 UK govt data people not ''technical,'' says ex-Downing St data science head (www.theregister.com)
50. 犹他州成为第一个禁止在公共用水中使用氟化物的州 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Utah Becomes First State to Ban Fluoride in Public Water (www.nytimes.com)
51. Chainguard 谈解决开放源码软件安全问题的挑战 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Chainguard on the challenges of solving OSS security issues (www.youtube.com)
52. 埃隆-马斯克让 Reddit CEO 审查批评性评论 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-28 Elon Musk Gets Reddit CEO to Censor Critical Comments (www.thedailypoliticususa.com)
54. 从 4/1 开始,未开启的 Docker Hub 拉动将限制为每小时 10 次 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Starting 4/1 Unauthed Docker Hub Pulls will be limited to 10 per hour (www.docker.com)
56. Doge 计划在数月内重建 SSA 代码库 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Doge Plans to Rebuild SSA Codebase in Months (www.wired.com)
58. 纽约大学网站遭黑客攻击,百万学生信息泄露 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 NYU website defaced as hacker leaks info on a million students (www.techradar.com)
59. 日本科学家创造出可在一夜之间溶解于海水的新型塑料 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Japanese scientists create new plastic that dissolves in saltwater overnight (newatlas.com)
60. OpenAI 对吉卜力的狂热急转直下 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 OpenAI''s Ghibli frenzy took a dark turn real fast (www.businessinsider.com)
62. MicroPython - 面向微控制器的 Python ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 MicroPython – Python for Microcontrollers (micropython.org)
65. Skittle Factory 痴呆猴奶头货币化 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Skittle Factory Dementia Monkey Titty Monetization (parakeet.substack.com)
66. 塑造我思维的框架 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Frameworks that Shaped my Thinking (utopianengineeringsociety.substack.com)
67. Windows 用户使用 Linux?没有这种事 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Linux for Windows Users? There''s No Such Thing (linuxiac.com)
68. 被闪电击中对一些热带树木有好处 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 Getting hit by lightning is good for some tropical trees (www.caryinstitute.org)
69. 任天堂将数字游戏重塑为可交换、可借出的虚拟游戏卡 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Nintendo reinvents digital games as swappable, lendable Virtual Game Cards (www.polygon.com)
72. B 级片怪兽生物学》(2003 年) ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 The Biology of B-Movie Monsters (2003) (fathom.lib.uchicago.edu)
73. IBM 在美国的裁员可能比人们担心的更严重--工作机会将流向印度 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 IBM US cuts may run deeper than feared ‒ and the jobs are heading to India (www.theregister.com)
74. 日经新闻》称软银可能为美国的人工智能事业认捐 100 万美元 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 SoftBank May Pledge 1T for AI Effort in US, Nikkei Says (www.bloomberg.com)
75. 面包模块化:我们发布了获得麻省理工学院许可的经济型模块化合成器平台 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Bread Modular: We released an affordable MIT licensed modular synth platform (www.breadmodular.com)
77. Atlas.co - 更简单、更快速地处理空间数据 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Atlas.co – Work with spatial data – simpler and faster (atlas.co)
78. 关于 "聊天机器人大辩论 "的简要说明:法学硕士了解吗? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Brief Note on "The Great Chatbot Debate: Do LLMs Understand?" (medium.com)
79. 性行为不端与科学行为不端指控后的引证处罚 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Citation penalties following sexual versus scientific misconduct allegations (journals.plos.org)
80. 美国需要新的网络安全战略:美国需要新的网络安全战略:更多进攻性网络行动 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The US Needs a New Cybersecurity Strategy: More Offensive Cyber Operations Isn'' (malwaretech.com)
81. BroSQL:用 Go 编写的史上最无情的数据库 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 BroSQL: The Most Unhinged Database Ever, Written in Go (github.com)
82. 跨平台 P2P Wi-Fi:欧盟如何扼杀 AWDL ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Cross-Platform P2P Wi-Fi: How the EU Killed AWDL (www.ditto.com)
83. 如果我们不阻止他们,他们就会夺走一切 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 They Are Going to Take Everything If We Don''t Stop Them (www.hamiltonnolan.com)
84. "遗忘的权力,记忆的权利"--数字隐私是一种反抗 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 "The Power to Forget, the Right to Remember"-Digital Privacy as Resistance (theradicalfederalist.substack.com)
87. 对生命本身的侮辱宫崎骏对人工智能的批评再次浮出水面 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 ''An Insult to Life Itself'': Hayao Miyazaki''s AI Criticism Resurfaces (animehunch.com)
89. 我是土耳其总统的主要挑战者。我曾被捕 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 I Am the Turkish President''s Main Challenger. I Was Arrested (www.nytimes.com)
90. 分析我见过的增长最快的软件类别 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Analyzing the Fastest-Growing Software Category I''ve Ever Seen (every.to)
91. CFPB 寻求撤销针对 Townstone 的滥用、不公正案件 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 CFPB Seeks to Vacate Abusive, Unjust Case Against Townstone (www.consumerfinance.gov)
92. 特朗普的联邦通信委员会开始用虚假调查骚扰公共广播公司 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Trump''s FCC Starts Harassing Public Broadcasters with Bogus Investigations (www.techdirt.com)
93. 科学家不会沉默":数千人抗议削减科研经费 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 ''Scientists will not be silenced'': thousands protest research cuts (www.nature.com)
94. 耶鲁大学教授逃离美国到多伦多大学任教 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Yale professors flee U.S. to teach at University of Toronto (www.thestar.com)
95. 恢复美国历史的真实与理智 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Restoring Truth and Sanity to American History (www.whitehouse.gov)
96. SVG v2 在 6 年中前进了 1%:目前完成了 44 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 SVG v2 advanced 1% in 6 years: now is at 44% completion (github.com)
97. 鹅肝生理学:为什么鹅肝并非不道德(2019年) ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 The Physiology of Foie: Why Foie Gras Is Not Unethical (2019) (www.seriouseats.com)
99. 巨大的 Nvidia Rubin NVL576 Kyber 中板 - ServeTheHome ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The Nvidia Rubin NVL576 Kyber Midplane Is Huge – ServeTheHome (www.servethehome.com)
100. 亚马逊的 Levi''s 和 Levi''s 的 Levi''s 有什么不同? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Are Levi''s from Amazon Different from Levi''s from Levi''s? (nymag.com)
101. 将判断力外包给人工智能的风险 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The risk of outsourcing judgment to AI (www.nightviewcapital.com)
102. 我开了 300 英里,然后要求警方把我的汽车监控录像发给我。 ↑ 62 HN Points 03-28 I drove 300 miles, then asked police to send me surveillance footage of my car. (cardinalnews.org)
103. 在 Ariel OS 上构建 CoAP 应用程序 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Building a CoAP Application on Ariel OS (christian.amsuess.com)
105. 特拉华州 "亿万富翁法案 "对所有非亿万富翁来说都是坏消息 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Delaware ''Billionaire''s Bill'' Is Bad News for Everyone Who Isn''t a Billionaire (gizmodo.com)
107. 火箭实验室和斯托克太空公司加入国家安全太空发射竞赛 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Rocket Lab, Stoke Space Join National Security Space Launch Competition (spacenews.com)
109. .NET Aspire - 微软在 "基础架构即代码 "方面的尝试 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 .NET Aspire – Microsoft''s Attempt at Infrastructure as Code (www.darrenhorrocks.co.uk)
110. 您可能违反了 "拉玛社区许可证 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 You''re Probably Breaking the Llama Community License (notes.victor.earth)
111. 任何人都不应成为 "内容创造者" ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Nobody should be a "content creator" (christianheilmann.com)
112. 盖尔辛格表示,台积电在美国建厂不会使美国再次成为芯片大国 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 TSMC''s US builds won''t make America great at chips again, says Gelsinger (www.theregister.com)
113. 蓬皮杜艺术中心--震惊巴黎的先锋建筑 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Pompidou Center – The pioneering building that scandalised Paris (www.bbc.com)
114. 危险的拳击流行病:保罗-班巴的悲惨警世故事 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 A dangerous epidemic in boxing: the tragic, cautionary tale of Paul Bamba (www.theguardian.com)
118. 用于远程桌面服务部署的 ARM 模板 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 ARM Templates for Remote Desktop Services Deployments (github.com)
119. 在亚利桑那州有目的、快乐地过着无车生活 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Living Car-Free in Arizona, on Purpose and Happily (www.nytimes.com)
120. 使用 POSIX 线程安全地使用非反向程序库 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Safeishly use non-reentrant libraries with POSIX threads (git.sr.ht)
121. 我们请 5 位人工智能帮手撰写棘手的电子邮件。其中一个明显胜出。 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 We asked 5 AI helpers to write tough emails. One was a clear winner. (www.washingtonpost.com)
122. 让我们来看看 JEP 483:提前加载类和链接 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Let''s Take a Look at JEP 483: Ahead-of-Time Class Loading and Linking (www.morling.dev)
124. OpenPA - 有关 HP 9000 和 PA-RISC 系统的独立技术资源 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 OpenPA – an independent technical resource on HP 9000 and PA-RISC systems (www.openpa.net)
126. 用 Go 从头开始编写 DNS 解析器 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Writing a DNS resolver in Go from scratch with TDD (domenicoluciani.com)
127. Decomp.me:在浏览器中协作反编译代码 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Decomp.me: collaboratively decompile code in the browser (decomp.me)
128. 汽车如何工作 - 汽车机械和汽车工程指南 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 How a Car Works - Guides to car mechanics and automotive engineering (www.howacarworks.com)
130. 错误现象学》(1981 年)[pdf] ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The Phenomenology of Error (1981) [pdf] (www.cs.tufts.edu)
131. 通过实时编码面试的隐形人工智能 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 An invisible AI for passing live-coding interviews (www.interviewcoder.co)
132. 劳斯莱斯高歌猛进,英国却无动于衷 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Rolls-Royce is soaring, Britain is indifferent (unherd.com)
135. iPhone 用户现在可以将 WhatsApp 设置为默认通话和短信应用程序 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 iPhone users can now set WhatsApp as their default calling and texting app (www.theverge.com)
136. 从 4 月 1 日起,印度政府可查看您的 WhatsApp 消息和电子邮件 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 From April 1, Indian govt can see your WhatsApp messages, emails (www.wionews.com)
137. 法拉利表示将对部分车型提价 10%,以抵消汽车关税 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Ferrari says it will raise prices by 10% on some models to offset auto tariffs (www.cnbc.com)
139. MCP - 它炙手可热,但它能获胜吗? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 MCP – It''s Hot, but Will It Win? (hardcoresoftware.learningbyshipping.com)
141. 研究人员从一对晶体管中获得尖峰神经行为 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Researchers get spiking neural behavior out of a pair of transistors (arstechnica.com)
142. 用于高效边缘部署的小型语言模型 (SLM) ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Small Language Models (SLMs) for Efficient Edge Deployment (blog.premai.io)
144. 特朗普高级官员被命令保存信号群组聊天记录 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Senior Trump officials ordered to preserve Signal group chat (www.bbc.com)
145. 4o 个脚本,并产生了关于其自身存在的萦绕心头的连环画 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 4o scripts and generates a haunting comic strip about its own existence (twitter.com)
147. 确保 GNU/Linux VPS 安全的技巧 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Tips to secure your GNU/Linux VPS (www.ferronweb.org)
148. 特朗普称美国将 "不惜一切代价 "控制格陵兰岛 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 Trump says US will ''go as far as we have to'' to get control of Greenland (abcnews.go.com)
149. 特朗普称 Signal 聊天事件是 "猎巫",并称 "应用程序可能有缺陷"。 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Trump calls Signal chat fallout a ''witch hunt'',says ''app could be defective'' (apnews.com)
150. 特朗普推动对乌克兰矿产和能源的近乎完全控制 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Trump pushes for near-total control of Ukraine''s minerals and energy (www.lbc.co.uk)
151. 太空时代消费电子产品相册 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 A photo album of space age consumer electronics (www.flickr.com)
153. 学习编码,忽略人工智能,然后利用人工智能更好地编码 ↑ 18 HN Points 03-28 Learn to code, ignore AI, then use AI to code even better (kyrylo.org)
155. 尼古拉的特雷弗-米尔顿说他已被唐纳德-特朗普赦免 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Nikola''s Trevor Milton says he has been pardoned by Donald Trump (www.ft.com)
157. 在工作中几乎不做任何事情的 AITA? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 AITA for barely doing anything at work? (old.reddit.com)
158. 孩子们有假想朋友的原因竟然如此简单 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The surprisingly simple reason kids have imaginary friends (www.vox.com)
160. 东南亚发生 7.7 级地震,缅甸和泰国受到影响 ↑ 14 HN Points 03-28 7.7 magnitude earthquake hits Southeast Asia, affecting Myanmar and Thailand (twitter.com)
161. 为转售计算的人工智能公司开具自助发票 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Self-invoicing for AI companies reselling compute (getlago.substack.com)
162. V2X 快速发展背后的惊人动力:电动校车 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The surprising powerhouse behind rapid V2X growth: electric school buses (electrek.co)
164. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)面临削减经费,中国则提出了雄心勃勃的行星探索计划 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 As NASA faces cuts, China reveals ambitious plans for planetary exploration (arstechnica.com)
166. 财富是如何赢得的?作为市场基本要素的要素股票 [pdf] ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 How the Wealth Was Won: Factor Shares as Market Fundamentals [pdf] (www.nber.org)
167. 澳大利亚偏远小镇招聘医生,提供 40 万美元薪水和免费房租 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Remote Australian town seeks a doctor, offering a 400k salary and free rent (apnews.com)
169. 我为何迷恋孤独的年轻人(2024 年) ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Why I''m Obsessed with Lonely Young People (2024) (www.cartoonshateher.com)
170. 我以为自由市场会永远伴随着我们 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 I thought the free market was with us forever (www.bbc.co.uk)
173. 将朋友的魔力带回 Facebook ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Bringing the Magic of Friends Back to Facebook (about.fb.com)
175. 孕中期接触污染与产后抑郁有关 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Mid-pregnancy pollution exposure linked to postpartum depression (www.bps.org.uk)
176. 完整指南:构建你的第一个人工智能代理(无代码和代码演示) ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Complete Guide: Build Your First AI Agent (No-Code and Code Demo) (www.youtube.com)
178. 中国政府就巴拿马港口交易对李嘉诚的和记黄埔发出第四次警告 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Fourth Beijing warning for Li Ka-shing''s Hutchison over Panama ports deal (www.scmp.com)
179. Ettus Research 推荐阅读:数字无线通信、DSP、SDR、射频 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Ettus Research Suggested Reading: Digital Wireless Communications, DSP, SDR, RF (kb.ettus.com)
181. 为什么是黄鼠狼的睾丸?剑桥节目解读中世纪医学 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Why the weasel testicles? Cambridge show explains medieval medicine (www.theguardian.com)
182. 火狐浏览器 136 发布,支持垂直标签 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Firefox 136 Released with Vertical Tabs (www.omgubuntu.co.uk)
183. Swift 中的方法调度机制:静态和动态调度 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Method dispatch mechanisms in Swift: static and dynamic dispatch (nilcoalescing.com)
184. WasmVision - 使用 WebAssembly 进行计算机视觉,现在支持 MCP 和 GPU ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 WasmVision – computer vision using WebAssembly now with MCP and GPU support (github.com)
186. 中国劫持印度现役无人机:为本土发展敲响警钟 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 China Hijacks Indian In-Service Drone: A Wake-Up Call for Indigenous Development (alphadefense.in)
187. 9/11 清理期间的暴露与救灾人员早发痴呆症有关 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Exposure during 9/11 cleanup linked to early-onset dementia in responders (www.psypost.org)
188. 耐心是一种应对策略,而不是美德 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Patience is a coping strategy, not a virtue (www.bps.org.uk)
189. 父母在经济上供养成年子女的比例达到 3 年来的新高 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Percentage of parents financially supporting adult children reaches 3-year high (www.savings.com)
190. 担心特朗普削减经费,加州民主党人提议创建本州自己的 NIH ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Fearing Trump cuts, California Democrat proposes creating state''s own NIH (www.politico.com)
191. 终结者比你想象的更狡猾。第二部分 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Finalizers are tricker than you might think. Part 2 (sergeyteplyakov.github.io)
192. Xee:Rust 中的现代 XPath 和 XSLT 引擎 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Xee: A Modern XPath and XSLT Engine in Rust (blog.startifact.com)
194. Pete Hegseth 承诺美国支持马尼拉反对中国 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Pete Hegseth, pledges US support for Manila against China (www.theguardian.com)
195. 黑格塞斯:关岛美军是 "矛的尖端 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Hegseth: U.S. troops on Guam are the ''tip of the spear'' (www.washingtontimes.com)
196. 1700年的孤岛海啸--美国母地震的日本线索(2015年) ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Orphan tsunami of 1700–Japanese clues to a parent earthquake in America (2015) (pubs.usgs.gov)
197. 以色列士兵奉命在加沙使用巴勒斯坦人作为人盾 ↑ 8 HN Points 03-28 Israeli soldier was ordered to use Palestinians as human shields in Gaza (www.cbsnews.com)
198. 一位才华横溢的年轻编码员的陨落 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-28 The Devastating Decline of a Brilliant Young Coder (www.wired.com)
199. 从单张运动模糊图像估算摄像机运动轨迹 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Estimating Camera Motion from a Single Motion-Blurred Image (jerredchen.github.io)
202. Anthropic 或将很快推出带有 500K 代币上下文窗口的 Claude 3.7 Sonnet ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Anthropic may soon launch Claude 3.7 Sonnet with 500K token context window (www.testingcatalog.com)
203. 流媒体病毒式传播,IShowSpeed 受到中国政府表扬 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 IShowSpeed praised by Chinese government as streams go viral (www.dexerto.com)
206. Fermyon WASM 在 Akamai 上的功能 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Fermyon WASM Functions on Akamai (www.fermyon.com)
207. Monero:中本聪加密货币愿景的真正实现 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 Monero: The True Fulfillment of Satoshi''s Vision for Cryptocurrency (monero.forex)
208. 在日本,无冰的湖和不存在的神发出古老的警告 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 In Japan, an Iceless Lake and an Absent God Sound an Ancient Warning (www.nytimes.com)
209. 欧盟希望打击美国服务出口中的大型科技公司 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 EU looks to hit Big Tech in crackdown on US services exports (www.ft.com)
210. 人民公社 "与中国资本主义的发展》(1959 年) ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The «People''s Communes» and the Development of Capitalism in China (1959) (www.theinternationalism.org)
212. 信号聊天泄漏激怒美军飞行员 ↑ 22 HN Points 03-28 Signal Chat Leak Angers U.S. Military Pilots (www.nytimes.com)
213. 独立游戏大受欢迎,但接下来发生了什么? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Games were indie smash hits – but what happened next? (www.theguardian.com)
214. Cloudflare 在收到针对付费客户的虚假滥用报告后对网站进行了篡改 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Cloudflare defacing website after a false abuse report on a paying customer (community.cloudflare.com)
215. 它是世界上最热门的汽车公司。在美国买不到 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 It''s the world''s hottest car company. You can''t buy one in America (www.cnn.com)
216. 美国不再是可靠的伙伴,旧关系已经结束:加拿大总理卡尼 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 US no longer a reliable partner, old relationship is over: Canadian PM Carney (www.tribuneindia.com)
217. 驾驶丰田售价 1 万美元的皮卡,你就会想拥有一辆 (2023) ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 One Drive in Toyota''s 10k Pickup Will Make You Want One (2023) (www.motor1.com)
219. DeepSeek 之后,一种古老的人工智能方法获得了新的关注 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 An old approach to AI gains new attention after DeepSeek (www.bloomberg.com)
220. 埃隆-马斯克和 DOGE 团队幕后任务介绍 [视频] ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 Elon Musk and DOGE team give behind the scenes look at their mission [video] (www.youtube.com)
221. 美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)最鲁莽的一次裁员 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 The NIH''s Most Reckless Cuts Yet (www.theatlantic.com)
222. Apache NuttX 和小型系统 - Modbus 从站示例 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Apache NuttX and small systems – Modbus slave example (www.railab.me)
223. 将部分圣经翻译成牙买加土语 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Translation of Part of Bible into Jamaican Patois (en.wikipedia.org)
225. RachelByTheBay:顶部问题只是一个错误 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 RachelByTheBay: Atop issue is just a bug (www.theregister.com)
226. 咖啡灌肠可能不会排毒--更可能造成损害 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Coffee enemas probably won''t detox your system – more likely to cause damage (theconversation.com)
227. 亚当-萨维奇测试苹果 AirPods Pro 助听器 [视频] ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Adam Savage Tests the Apple AirPods Pro Hearing Aid [video] (www.youtube.com)
229. 医生为何如此热衷于将人工智能应用于患者 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Why doctors are so excited to use AI with their patients (www.washingtonpost.com)
232. SPL:处理多层 JSON 数据的专业之选 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 SPL: The Professional Choice for Processing Multi-Layered JSON Data (c.esproc.com)
233. 肮脏、恶心、污秽、长满虱子的boids。§ 斯科特-斯米特利 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Dirty, disgusting, filthy, lice-ridden boids. § Scott Smitelli (www.scottsmitelli.com)
235. 混淆 101:揭开恶意代码背后的伎俩 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Obfuscation 101: Unmasking the Tricks Behind Malicious Code (socket.dev)
236. 地球自转通过自身磁场发电 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Electric power generation from Earth''s rotation through its own magnetic field (journals.aps.org)
237. 俄亥俄州立法者从丑闻缠身的 FirstEnergy 法案中废除煤炭补贴 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Ohio lawmakers repeal coal subsidies from scandal ridden FirstEnergy bill (ohiocapitaljournal.com)
238. 人行道棚架的尽头纽约市将通过 "重大 "脚手架改革法案 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Where the sidewalk shed ends: NYC to pass ''major'' scaffolding reforms (gothamist.com)
239. 如何找到工作并掌握企业废话 [视频] ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 How to land a job and master corporate bullsh*t [video] (www.youtube.com)
240. 英伟达接近收购人工智能云提供商 Lepton AI,交易金额达九位数 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Nvidia close to acquiring AI cloud provider Lepton AI in nine-figure deal (siliconangle.com)
241. 在小型硬件上搜索 400M 图像矢量 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Searching 400M image vectors on modest hardware (qdrant.tech)
242. 隐私无损:Proton VPN 现已内置在 Vivaldi 中 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Privacy Without Compromise: Proton VPN Is Now Built into Vivaldi (vivaldi.com)
243. 加州尔湾:一位亿万富翁如何控制最火热的房地产市场 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Irvine, California: How One Billionaire Controls the Hottest Housing Market (www.bloomberg.com)
245. 人类的关系比我们通常想象的更加密切 (2020) ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Humans Are All More Closely Related Than We Commonly Think (2020) (www.scientificamerican.com)
246. 美国如何将农业作为全球权力的工具 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 How the U.S. Used Agriculture as a Tool of Global Power (foodishealth.substack.com)
248. 联邦特工伏击学生并消失的新视频引发深切关注 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 New video of feds ambushing student and vanishing sparks deep concern (slate.com)
249. 尼古拉创始人特雷弗-米尔顿被判欺诈罪,获特朗普全面赦免 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 Nikola founder Trevor Milton, convicted of fraud, granted full pardon by Trump (www.reuters.com)
250. 反编译和移植用 C 语言编写的 GameBoy Advance 游戏 Sonic Advance 2 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 A decompilation and port of Sonic Advance 2-a GameBoy Advance game written in C (github.com)
251. 国家医疗服务系统儿童吞咽物体手术减少的原因是现金减少 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Decline of cash credited for drop in NHS surgery for children swallowing objects (www.theguardian.com)
252. 美国汽车关税助力中国电动汽车一路领先 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 US auto tariffs help Chinese EVs to race ahead (www.ft.com)
254. FFN 融合:重新思考大型语言模型中的顺序计算 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 FFN Fusion: Rethinking Sequential Computation in Large Language Models (arxiv.org)
255. 尼古拉汽车公司创始人特雷弗-米尔顿获特朗普总统赦免 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Founder of Nikola Motor Company, Trevor Milton, Pardoned by President Trump (twitter.com)
256. 美国太空部队选择火箭实验室中子火箭作为 56 亿美元合同的一部分 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 US Space Force Selects Rocket Lab Neutron Rocket as Part of 5.6B Contract (tlpnetwork.com)
257. 卡尼:"我们与美国的旧关系......已经结束" ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Carney:"The old relationship we had with the U.S. ... is over" (bsky.app)
258. 炙手可热的新型热力学芯片可能打败经典计算机 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Hot New Thermodynamic Chips Could Trump Classical Computers (www.wired.com)
259. 保存在距今 9900 万年琥珀中的奇异生物 "超乎想象 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Bizarre creature preserved in 99 million-year-old amber was ‘beyond imagination'' (www.cnn.com)
260. 使用 uv 和 PEP 723 编写自包含的 Python 脚本 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Using uv and PEP 723 for Self-Contained Python Scripts (thisdavej.com)
261. 专访 Oxide 公司的布莱恩-坎特里尔 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 An Interview with Oxide''s Bryan Cantrill (chipsandcheese.com)
262. 如果吉卜力工作室执导《指环王》会怎样? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 What If Studio Ghibli Directed Lord of the Rings? (old.reddit.com)
266. 旋转门:前联邦通信委员会主席阿吉特-派升任无线行业顶级说客 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Revolving Door: Ex FCC Boss Ajit Pai Promoted to Top Wireless Industry Lobbyist (www.techdirt.com)
269. 在建造自动路由器之前,我会告诉自己的事情 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Things I would have told myself before building an autorouter (blog.autorouting.com)
271. 关于黑洞和基础物理学的哥本哈根调查 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Copenhagen Survey on Black Holes and Fundamental Physics (arxiv.org)
273. 北极海冰在 2025 年创下最高纪录新低 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Arctic sea ice sets a record low maximum in 2025 (nsidc.org)
275. CBM-64 "修复":这盘磁带能修复某些准将 64 吗?[视频] ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 CBM-64 "FIX": Does this tape fix some Commodore 64s? [video] (www.youtube.com)
276. 由于用户希望避免订阅费用,LibreOffice 的下载量呈上升趋势 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 LibreOffice downloads on the rise as users look to avoid subscription costs (www.computerworld.com)
278. 关于微软鼠标设备附带的 USB 转 PS/2 鼠标适配器的说明 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 A note on the USB-to-PS/2 mouse adapter that came with Microsoft mouse devices (devblogs.microsoft.com)
279. 随着投资者对人工智能的热情降温,CoreWeave 在缩减规模的 IPO 中融资 15 亿美元 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 CoreWeave raises 1.5B in scaled back IPO as investors'' AI enthusiasm cools (www.ft.com)
280. 美国太空部队选择 Gravitics 公司演示轨道运载工具 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Gravitics Selected by U.S. Space Force to Demonstrate Orbital Carriers (www.gravitics.com)
283. 避免在矢量数据库或任何数据库中手动分片 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Avoid manual sharding in vector db or any db (milvus.io)
285. 关于史密森尼学会的行政命令针对资助具有 "不当意识形态 "的项目 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 Executive order on Smithsonian targets funding programs with ''improper ideology'' (apnews.com)
286. 在 ATProto 中编写词典指南 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Guidance on Authoring Lexicons in ATProto (www.pfrazee.com)
287. 非营利组织陷入特朗普攻击大法的泥潭 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 The Nonprofit Caught in the Fray of Trump''s Attacks on Big Law (www.nytimes.com)
290. 首次猪对人肝脏异种移植手术 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 First pig-to-human liver xenotransplantation (cosmosmagazine.com)
291. OpenAI 告密者 Suchir Balaji 之死的最新法医鉴定结果 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 New forensic findings on the death of Suchir Balaji, OpenAI whistleblower (twitter.com)
293. 蕈状生物可能是一种未知的生命分支 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Gungus-like organism may be an unknown branch of life (www.livescience.com)
294. 美国政府撤销 110 亿美元用于戒毒和心理保健的拨款 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 US administration revokes 11B in funding for addiction, mental health care (www.npr.org)
295. 白宫发布吉卜力动画,嘲弄被捕的遇难妇女 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 White House posts a Ghibli animation to troll an arrested woman in distress (twitter.com)
297. 清除大脑垃圾显著改善衰老小鼠的记忆力 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Clearing Brain Waste Dramatically Improves Memory in Aging Mice (www.sciencealert.com)
298. Zoë Kooyman 谈自由软件基金会的后斯托尔曼变革 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Zoë Kooyman on Post-Stallman Changes at the Free Software Foundation (fossforce.com)
299. 乔治-奥威尔和我理查德-布莱尔讲述与非凡父亲的生活 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 George Orwell and me: Richard Blair on life with his extraordinary father (www.theguardian.com)
300. 超越大科技:国家数据共享的革命性潜力 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Beyond Big Tech: The Revolutionary Potential of State Data Commons (www.lawfaremedia.org)